Strike Force Heroes 2

Strike Force Heroes 2: A Guide to the Ultimate Shooting Game

Do you love action-packed shooting games that test your skills and reflexes? If so, you should try Strike Force Heroes 2, a flash game that lets you enter the battlefield and partake in loads of gunfights. You can pick your class, customize your weapons, and help your team complete all missions. Whether you want to join the Strike Force, go solo, or make your own rules, this game has something for everyone. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Strike Force Heroes 2, from how to play it to some tips and tricks that will make you a better shooter. Let's get started!

How to Play Strike Force Heroes 2

The first thing you need to do before playing Strike Force Heroes 2 is to learn the controls. Here is a list of everything you should know:

  • A / D or Right / Left arrow key: Move around.
  • Spacebar or W / Up arrow key: Jump.
  • S or Down arrow Key: Crouch.
  • Left Click: Shoot.

It might take a bit to get used to all the action, but after a couple of tries, it will be a piece of cake to get rid of your enemies!

Now that you're all set for your adventure, you should choose your class. There are five to choose from, and each has different attributes:

  • The Engineer: This is a perfect choice if something needs to get fixed. He can repair turrets and vehicles, and he has a grenade launcher that can deal splash damage.
  • The Mercenary: He has a machine gun with loads of bullets that can take down enemies quickly. He also has a rocket launcher that can destroy vehicles and structures.
  • The General: He is equipped with two trusty pistols that do more damage than you might imagine. He also has a knife that can kill enemies in one hit if he gets close enough.
  • The Juggernaut: He is a tank with a shotgun and loads of health that doesn't go down so easily. He also has a shield that can block incoming bullets and explosives.
  • The Sniper: He is the right person for shooting at long distances. He can take down someone with one shot if your aim is good. He also has a claymore that can explode when enemies step on it.

You can switch your class while playing, so don't worry too much, and try to give all of them a try!

There are also three game modes you can try out:

  • Campaign: Join the Strike Force and clear out loads of missions. You will face different enemies, objectives, and scenarios in each one. You will also unlock new weapons and items as you progress.
  • Challenges: Go solo and try to hit marks by shooting your way out of every situation. You will have limited ammo, health, and time, so be careful and aim well.
  • Custom game: Make a game by your rules and have loads of fun. You can choose the map, the number of players, the teams, the classes, the weapons, and the difficulty level. You can also play with your friends online or offline.

Tips and Tricks for Strike Force Heroes 2

Now that you know how to play Strike Force Heroes 2, you might want to learn some tips and tricks that will help you improve your performance and have more fun. Here are some of them:

Ammo, Health, and Armor

These are three essential things you need to survive on the battlefield. You can find them scattered around the map, so keep an eye out for them and grab them whenever you can. Ammo will replenish your bullets, health will restore your life, and armor will reduce the damage you take. You can also buy them from the shop with the money you earn from completing missions and challenges.


Awards are special achievements that you can earn by doing certain things in the game. For example, you can get an award for killing a certain number of enemies, using a specific weapon, or completing a mission without dying. Awards will give you bonus money and experience points, which will help you level up and unlock new items. You can check your awards from the main menu and see how many you have collected.


One of the coolest features of Strike Force Heroes 2 is that you can customize your appearance and weapons. You can change your skin color, hair style, facial features, clothing, and accessories. You can also modify your weapons by adding attachments, such as scopes, silencers, lasers, and magazines. Customization will not only make you look awesome but also give you some advantages in combat. For example, a scope will improve your accuracy, a silencer will reduce your noise, and a laser will help you aim better.


Strike Force Heroes 2 is an amazing shooting game that will keep you entertained for hours. You can choose your class, customize your weapons, and play different game modes. You can also earn awards, level up, and buy new items. Whether you want to join the Strike Force, go solo, or make your own rules, this game has something for everyone. If you love action-packed shooting games that test your skills and reflexes, you should try Strike Force Heroes 2 now!

What are you waiting for? Click here to play Strike Force Heroes 2 for free!


  • Q: How do I save my progress in Strike Force Heroes 2?
  • A: The game automatically saves your progress every time you finish a mission or a challenge. You can also manually save your progress from the main menu by clicking on the save button.
  • Q: How do I switch weapons in Strike Force Heroes 2?
  • A: You can switch weapons by pressing the Q key or using the mouse wheel. You can also switch weapons from the pause menu by clicking on the weapon icon.
  • Q: How do I unlock new weapons in Strike Force Heroes 2?
  • A: You can unlock new weapons by completing missions and challenges. You can also buy new weapons from the shop with the money you earn from playing the game.
  • Q: How do I play with my friends in Strike Force Heroes 2?
  • A: You can play with your friends online or offline in the custom game mode. To play online, you need to create a room and invite your friends to join it. To play offline, you need to connect your devices with a LAN cable or a Wi-Fi network.
  • Q: How do I change the difficulty level in Strike Force Heroes 2?
  • A: You can change the difficulty level from the main menu by clicking on the difficulty button. There are four levels to choose from: easy, normal, hard, and insane.
