Stick War Legacy 999 Apk

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Stick War Legacy 999 APK: A Fun and Challenging Strategy Game

Do you love playing strategy games where you can control an army of stickmen and conquer your enemies? If so, you might want to try Stick War Legacy, one of the most popular and highly rated web games of all time that now comes to mobile. But what if you want to have more fun and challenge in the game? Well, you can use Stick War Legacy 999 APK, a modded version of the game that lets you have an army of 999 units. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Stick War Legacy 999 APK, including its features, game modes, tips and tricks, and benefits.

What are the features of stick war legacy game?

Stick War Legacy is a game where you play as the leader of the Order nation, a peaceful and knowledgeable society that is surrounded by hostile nations that worship their weapons as gods. Your only chance to defend yourself is to attack first and obtain the technologies from each nation along the way. The game features a campaign mode with over 50 levels to play through, as well as a multiplayer mode where you can take on other players from around the world. The gameplay in Stick War Legacy is simple but addictive. You summon miners to mine gold and then summon troops to defend and attack. You can control individual units or make them attack automatically. You can also upgrade your units and base stats to improve them.

What are the different game modes in stick war legacy?

Stick War Legacy offers a wide range of game modes, including the “classic story mode,” “survival mode,” “tournament mode,” and “weekly missions.” Each one offers a special challenge that is unlike anything you’ll encounter in other game modes.

  • Classic story mode: This is the standard story mode in the game, where you have to complete a series of missions to progress through the story. You have to destroy the enemy statue in order to win each level, or survive enemy attacks in some levels.
  • Survival mode: This is a zombie survival mode where you have to survive as many nights as possible against endless waves of undead stickmen. You can use spells and special units to help you fend off the zombies.
  • Tournament mode: This is a mode where you have to battle your way through dozens of AI challengers to win the "Crown of Inamorta." You can choose your difficulty level and your army composition before each match.
  • Weekly missions: This is a mode where new levels are released every Friday with different conditions and rewards. You have to complete each mission before it expires.

What are some tips and tricks to play stick war legacy better?

If you want to master Stick War Legacy and beat all the levels and modes, you might want to follow some tips and tricks that can help you improve your strategy and skills. Here are some of them:

  • Gold is your first priority: When starting a mission in Stick Wars Legacy, you want to focus on having enough gold to train more units. That means creating more miners in order to bring back more gold to your coffers. In the early levels, we recommend having about two to three miners at first, then increasing that to three to four once the battle starts heating up.
  • Have a balanced formation: Whether you’re preparing to attack the enemy or defending against a counter-attack, you should always have a balanced mix of units. That means having a balance of melee, ranged, and support units. For example, you can have swordwrath, archidons, and merics in your army. Swordwrath are good for close combat, archidons are good for long-range attacks, and merics are good for healing your units.
  • Use spells wisely: Spells are powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. However, they also cost a lot of mana and have a cooldown time. Therefore, you should use them wisely and only when necessary. For example, you can use the rage spell to boost your units' attack and speed when you're about to launch a final assault on the enemy statue.
  • Upgrade your units and stats: As you progress through the game, you will earn gems that you can use to upgrade your units and stats. Upgrading your units will make them stronger, faster, and more durable. Upgrading your stats will increase your gold production, mana regeneration, and population limit. You should always try to upgrade your units and stats as much as possible to gain an edge over your enemies.

What are the benefits of using stick war legacy 999 apk mod?

If you want to have more fun and challenge in Stick War Legacy, you might want to try Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod. This is a modified version of the game that lets you have an army of 999 units instead of the usual limit of 50. This means that you can create massive battles with hundreds of stickmen on each side. You can also enjoy unlimited gold and gems in this mod, which means that you can summon any unit you want and upgrade them to the max.

Some of the benefits of using Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod are:

  • More fun and excitement: Having an army of 999 units makes the game more fun and exciting, as you can witness epic battles with huge numbers of stickmen fighting each other. You can also experiment with different combinations of units and see how they perform in different situations.
  • More challenge and difficulty: Having an army of 999 units also makes the game more challenging and difficult, as you have to manage a larger army and face stronger enemies. You have to be more strategic and tactical in your decisions, as well as more careful with your resources and spells.
  • More customization and variety: Having unlimited gold and gems in this mod allows you to customize your army and base according to your preferences. You can choose any unit you want and upgrade them to the max. You can also change the appearance of your units and base with different skins and colors.


Stick War Legacy is a fun and challenging strategy game that lets you control an army of stickmen and conquer your enemies. You can play different game modes, such as classic story mode, survival mode, tournament mode, and weekly missions. You can also use some tips and tricks to play better, such as having a balanced formation, using spells wisely, and upgrading your units and stats. If you want to have more fun and challenge in the game, you can use Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod, which lets you have an army of 999 units and unlimited gold and gems. This mod gives you more benefits, such as more fun and excitement, more challenge and difficulty, and more customization and variety.

If you are interested in trying Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod, you can download it from here. However, please note that this mod is not an official version of the game and may not work properly on some devices or cause some issues with the game. Therefore, use it at your own risk and discretion.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod:

  1. Is Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod safe to use?
  2. Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod is not an official version of the game and may not be safe to use on some devices or cause some issues with the game. Therefore, use it at your own risk and discretion.

  3. How do I install Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod?
  4. To install Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod, you need to download the APK file from here and then install it on your device. You may need to enable unknown sources in your device settings before installing it.

  5. Can I play online with Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod?
  6. No, you cannot play online with Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod. This mod is only for offline play.</p

    Here are some more frequently asked questions about Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod:

    1. Will Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod affect my progress in the original game?
    2. No, Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod will not affect your progress in the original game. The mod is a separate version of the game that runs independently from the original game. You can play both versions without any interference.

    3. What are the disadvantages of using Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod?
    4. Some of the disadvantages of using Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod are:

      • It may not work properly on some devices or cause some issues with the game. Since this mod is not an official version of the game, it may not be compatible with some devices or cause some glitches or errors with the game. You may experience crashes, freezes, lags, or bugs while playing the mod.
      • It may make the game too easy or boring. Since this mod gives you an army of 999 units and unlimited gold and gems, it may make the game too easy or boring for some players. You may not feel the challenge or excitement of playing the game as intended by the developers.
      • It may violate the terms and conditions of the game. Since this mod is not an official version of the game, it may violate the terms and conditions of the game and its developers. You may risk getting banned or penalized for using this mod.

    I hope this article has helped you learn more about Stick War Legacy 999 APK mod and how to use it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and have fun playing Stick War Legacy!
