SierraSoft Land Crack Torrent (Activation Code) Download [Mac/Win] [2022-Latest] 📣

Complying with the latest UNI standards, SierraSoft Land provides a professional-grade BIM software utility specifically designed for land survey processing and restitution. It can process data acquired from GPS devices, drones, scanners, land stations, regardless of the size, providing tools for the restitution of digital maps, satellite imagery or photos. Processes large point data sets  The working environment of SierraSoft Land might seem familiar to those who are accustomed to BIM and CAD software. The application can import SGD, REB and text documents, instrumentation, DWG and DXF files, as well as AutoCAD’s clipboard directly into the same project, along with your own set of survey points. The design is created automatically by the application for traditional point-based data sets. On the other side, data in point clouds can be processed using SierraSoft Land’s digital survey functions. The application is capable of drawing in real time and provides high loading and display speed. 3D surface modeling and designing capabilities  The BIM platform can create accurate 3D terrain surfaces, while offering you the freedom to extract and manage individual sections of the 3D terrain models. Thanks to the advanced 3D modeling and design features, SierraSoft Land can manage leveling, connections surfaces and polylines offsets. It enables you to create side slopes and intersections with high accuracy, creating precise digital representations of the terrains and surfaces. Determining volumes is easy with SierraSoft Land. The application uses different calculation methods, which use either triangular surfaces or extracted sections. Choosing to work with triangular surfaces is a simple way to go and ensures rather precise results. Land surveying and infrastructure design tool  Relying on the M3 framework, SierraSoft Land delivers an advanced BIM software tool for 3D surface modeling and land surveying. It facilitates survey restitution and surface modeling in a working environment that is familiar to CAD users.







SierraSoft Land With Product Key Free PC/Windows

✔ Features: - Import Land Instruments  - Import Sitemap  - Create Point Cloud  - Create SURF Layer  - Quick Survey  - Survey And Restitution  - Export Point Cloud  - Export SURF Layer  - Export SURF Layer as Work Plane  - Export SURF Layer as Raster Map  - Extracted SURF Layer  - Extracted SURF Layer as Raster Map  - DigitalSurface  - Digital Surface Design  - DigitalSurface  - Design Features  - Various Extraction Methods  - Points, Layers, Filters  - Points, Layers, Surface and Filters  - Automatically Detect New Points  - Report  ✔ Architecture: The SierraSoft Land Product Key Suite is composed of a main application and several wizards. - The main application is the software’s main user interface. It is composed of 3 main panels for data management, point cloud processing and design. - It also has 3 areas: editing, loading and output. - The application is a multipurpose tool, it is divided into three major areas: - Points: A preloaded data set where users can import their own set of points, as well as perform basic operations on these data points such as removal and duplicate points. - Layers: A layer is a base on which points are merged. In this panel, users can manage the underlying layers that make up a surface or a point cloud. - Features: In this panel, users can manage their features, such as filters and extraction methods. - Design: Design features provide the opportunity to design 3D surfaces and surfaces from the inside. SierraSoft Land Features: ✔ Import Land Instruments: SierraSoft Land has the ability to import various types of data, such as map documents, instrumentation and data acquired from scanning devices and other instruments. ✔ Import Sitemap: By clicking on the Import button, users can directly import data directly from a site map. ✔ Create Point Cloud: Using the drag-and-drop function, you can directly insert points into a cloud. ✔ Create SURF Layer: Creating a surface layer is easy, as users can directly export their surface as a PDF file. ✔ Quick Survey: Through the Quick Survey tab, users can directly survey a territory or a site. ✔ Survey And Restitution:

SierraSoft Land Crack+ With Product Key X64

This powerful utility allows you to automatically create sets of work steps from the most common macro operations for land surveying and engineering. It supports several types of land surveying macros and is even capable of providing you with the description of each macro that has been defined. Macro commands included: Layer, information, text, text graphic, shortcut, vector Format, text graphic, picture, picture/pattern 3D modeling and design tool for land surveying. The robust BIM software, SierraSoft Land, which is available in both Windows and Mac, allows you to create a 3D model of the terrain surface on which you can precisely create an ortho-measured surface with confidence. The application is also a powerful tool for surface designing and offers a 3D virtual cad system. Create, edit, repair and manage your points with the SierraSoft Land drawing tool. The application supports the following point types: line, polyline, arc, ellipse, circle, spline, polyline intersection, linear, spline intersection and ellipse intersection. It has various edit modes, including insert and copy. You can also create groups of points, align them and link them, as well as set the point properties. With the latest state-of-the-art satellite imagery technology, you can now get your data in 3D. SierraSoft Land uses the latest satellite mapping technology to provide you with high-resolution satellite imagery in large scale. The application is easy to use and provides you with many different features for processing and working with this type of data. Benefits In order to maximize the precision of surveying, it is necessary to use a highly accurate professional level software. SierraSoft Land is designed specifically for professional users who want to get the best data possible. The software provides you with all the tools necessary to use the most precise equipment and advance 3D modeling. By using SierraSoft Land as a tool for land surveying and engineering, it will be easy to easily complete different tasks, while at the same time getting the best results from your equipment. The advanced 3D modeling and designing tool of SierraSoft Land is easy to learn and work with, and is used by professionals around the world. It is a professional-level application that is meant to provide the best results and provide you with a detailed, professional level 3D environment. References External links Category: 2edc1e01e8

SierraSoft Land

SierraSoft Land is an application for land surveying and design that is suitable for the processing of various point data sets. It is designed for maximum compatibility with topographic surveying and photogrammetry equipment and meets the requirements of various international standards such as DIN 58986, BS 5051, IGP 100 and DIN VDI 3120. 1. Features and Processes 1.1 Data Storage SierraSoft Land is a highly modular application that supports the import and export of various data formats. Data can be stored on local drives or transferred to or from cloud storage. Various databases and document management formats can be used. SierraSoft Land can work with various types of data, ranging from the creation of various point data sets to complex designs, including surface modeling, modeling and land surveying. 1.2 Data Handling SierraSoft Land is a software platform for the processing of various data sets in their original form or in the form of a portable document file. The application can perform a wide range of functions, from data extraction to surveys and surveys restitution, including various engineering processes, including the extraction of elevations, the creation of contours, the creation of triangulated surface models and the creation of various points of interest and points of interest networks. Data conversion is performed in the form of imported and exported data sets. SierraSoft Land can also be used to import data from and export data to various CAD applications. 1.3 Point Cloud SierraSoft Land can import point cloud data, which is a kind of data that is acquired through the use of laser scanners, drone or UAV images. Point cloud data can also be directly created in SierraSoft Land using various functions. 1.4 Tools SierraSoft Land can work with various geo-spatial data sets, including GPS, DRSCON, REB, SGD, XRL, JNAIS and text. SierraSoft Land comes with various functions for defining the ranges of variables, such as distance, accuracy, observation level, number of points and horizontal and vertical scales. 1.5 License SierraSoft Land is a standalone application. Licenses are free for unlimited use. The license can be purchased as a single product for the following prices: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 (MSDN), Mac OSX and Linux. For more details:

What's New in the?

Do you want to make an instant and professional 3D surface model for your land planning, infrastructure design and land surveying needs? SierraSoft Land is the right choice for you. 1) Create 3D surfaces from multiple data types  SierraSoft Land enables you to create 3D terrain surfaces from:  •Polyline sections  •Polygon surfaces •Point clouds •Reefs •Cellulas •RMS points  •Imported polylines •Imported points  •Imported polygons •Imported multipoints  •Imported text files •Imported instruments  •Imported SketchUp files •Imported side slope files •Imported GSV files  •Imported AutoCAD files •Imported DGN files  •Imported Google Earth KML files •Imported Generic CAD files  2) Set up the project  SierraSoft Land is the right choice for instant restoration. This utility enables you to set up the project’s memory, imported files, imported data sources, imported data types and imported text fields. Once you have installed the required data, you can import it to the project’s memory. 3) Real-time 3D surface modeling  The application can create accurate 3D terrain surfaces. It’s capable of creating side slopes and intersections with high accuracy, creating precise digital representations of the terrains and surfaces. 4) Analysis features  The application is designed to process large datasets, offering you tools for the restitution of GPS, terrestrial images and satellites imagery.  5) Multi-platform BIM software  SierraSoft Land can import data from AutoCAD, SketchUp, Google Earth and others. The application is optimized to use with Microsoft Windows Vista and newer, as well as Mac OS X 10.6 and newer. Key features  1) Simple data importing  The application can import data from the following sources:  •Polyline sections •Polygon surfaces •Point clouds •Reefs •Cellulas •RMS points •Imported polylines •Imported points •Imported multipoints •Imported text files •Imported instruments •

System Requirements:

MINIMUM: OS: Win XP/Vista/7 Processor: 2.0 GHz Memory: 512 MB RAM Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics card (supported cards include NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT or ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT) DirectX: Version 9.0c Other: Tools required to use the game RECOMMENDED: OS: Win 7 Processor: 3.0 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics card (supported cards