Section Cut Face Plugin Sketchup _VERIFIED_ Download 731 🏴

# How to Download and Use the Section Cut Face Plugin for SketchUp 731 SketchUp is a powerful 3D modeling software that allows you to create anything from buildings to furniture. But sometimes, you may want to see what's inside your model, or how it looks from different angles. That's where the **Section Cut Face Plugin** comes in handy. The Section Cut Face Plugin is a free extension for SketchUp that adds faces to a section plane. A section plane is a tool that lets you cut through your model and see its cross-section. With the plugin, you can fill the cut area with a color, texture, or material of your choice. You can also adjust the settings of the plugin to suit your needs, such as linking the section face to the plane, updating it automatically or on demand, and choosing the layer and style of the face . In this article, we will show you how to download and use the Section Cut Face Plugin for SketchUp 731. This plugin is compatible with SketchUp versions 6 to 2021, and works on both Windows and Mac. ## Downloading the Section Cut Face Plugin To download the Section Cut Face Plugin, you need to visit the SketchUcation Plugin Store. This is a website that provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins. You can either register for a free account or use the guest option to access the store. Once you are on the website, search for "Section Cut Face" in the search box. You will see the plugin by TIG, who is the developer of this extension. Click on the plugin name to go to its page. On the plugin page, you will see a brief description of the plugin, its features, and some screenshots. You will also see a download button at the bottom of the page. Click on it to download the plugin file, which is a ZIP archive. ## Installing the Section Cut Face Plugin To install the Section Cut Face Plugin, you need to extract the ZIP file that you downloaded. You will get two files: a RBZ file and a PDF file. The RBZ file is the plugin file that you need to install in SketchUp. The PDF file is a user manual that explains how to use the plugin in detail. To install the RBZ file in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Open SketchUp 731 and go to Window > Extension Manager. - Click on the Install Extension button at the bottom left corner of the window. - Browse to the location where you saved the RBZ file and select it. - Click on OK to confirm the installation. - Restart SketchUp 731 for the changes to take effect. You should now see a new menu item called "SectionCutFace" under Tools > TIGtools. This means that the plugin has been installed successfully. ## Using the Section Cut Face Plugin To use the Section Cut Face Plugin, you need to have a model that you want to cut through. For this example, we will use a simple house model that we created in SketchUp. To create a section cut face with the plugin, follow these steps: - Select the model that you want to cut through. - Go to Tools > Section Plane and click on a face of your model where you want to place the section plane. - Adjust the position and orientation of the section plane as desired. - Go to Tools > TIGtools > SectionCutFace and click on Add Section-Cut Face. - A dialog box will appear with various options for the section face. You can choose whether to link it to the plane or not, whether to update it automatically or on demand, and what layer and style to assign it. You can also choose a color, texture, or material for the face from your library or create a new one. - Click on OK to confirm your choices and create the section face. You should now see a colored face filling the cut area of your model. You can toggle its visibility by clicking on its layer in the Layers panel. You can also edit its properties by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. You can create multiple section faces with different settings for different views of your model. You can also move, rotate, or scale them as you would with any other entity in SketchUp. The Section Cut Face Plugin is a useful tool for creating realistic and detailed cross-sections of your models. It can help you showcase your designs better and impress your clients or viewers.

## Section Cut Face Plugin Tutorial To help you get started with the Section Cut Face Plugin, we will show you a simple tutorial on how to use it in SketchUp 731. You can follow along with your own model or download a sample model here. ### Step 1: Place a Section Plane The first step is to place a section plane in your model where you want to create a section cut face. You can use the Section Plane tool from the Tools menu or the toolbar. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) or Option+Shift+P (Mac). To place a section plane, click on a face of your model where you want to cut through. You can use the Shift key to lock the orientation of the plane to the axes. You can also use the Move and Rotate tools to adjust the position and angle of the plane as needed. You should see a dashed line representing the section plane and a label indicating its name and direction. You can rename the section plane by double-clicking on its label and typing a new name. ### Step 2: Add a Section Cut Face The next step is to add a section cut face to the section plane using the plugin. To do this, right-click on the section plane and choose Add Section-Cut Face from the context menu. This will open a dialog box with various options for the section face. You can choose whether to link the section face to the plane or not, whether to update it automatically or on demand, and what layer and style to assign it. You can also choose a color, texture, or material for the face from your library or create a new one. For this tutorial, we will choose Yes for linking, Auto for updating, Default for layer and style, and Red for color. Click on OK to confirm your choices and create the section face. You should now see a red face filling the cut area of your model. You can toggle its visibility by clicking on its layer in the Layers panel. You can also edit its properties by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. ### Step 3: Move and Update the Section Cut Face The final step is to move and update the section cut face as you wish. You can use the Move tool to drag the section plane along its normal direction and see how the section face changes accordingly. You can also use the Rotate tool to change the angle of the plane and get different views of your model. If you have chosen Auto for updating, the section face will update automatically as you move or rotate the plane. If you have chosen On Demand, you will need to right-click on the plane and choose Remake Section-Cut Face to update it manually. You can also change the settings of the section face at any time by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. You can change its color, texture, material, layer, style, linking, and updating options as you like. You can create multiple section cut faces with different settings for different views of your model. You can also move, rotate, or scale them as you would with any other entity in SketchUp. The Section Cut Face Plugin is a useful tool for creating realistic and detailed cross-sections of your models. It can help you showcase your designs better and impress your clients or viewers. ## Section Cut Face Plugin Tips and Tricks To help you get the most out of the Section Cut Face Plugin, we will share some tips and tricks on how to use it effectively in SketchUp 731. You can use these tips and tricks to improve your workflow and enhance your results. ### Tip 1: Use Groups and Components One of the best practices when using the Section Cut Face Plugin is to use groups and components for your models. Groups and components are collections of entities that act as a single object in SketchUp. They help you organize your model, protect it from accidental changes, and make it easier to edit and reuse. When you use groups and components for your models, you can create section cut faces for each group or component separately. This way, you can have more control over the settings and appearance of each section face. You can also hide or show different groups or components to create different views of your model. To create a group or a component in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Select the entities that you want to group or make into a component. - Right-click on the selection and choose Make Group or Make Component from the context menu. - If you choose Make Component, a dialog box will appear where you can name and describe your component. You can also choose other options such as gluing, cutting, or scaling behavior. Click on Create to confirm your choices. - You should now see a bounding box around your group or component. You can double-click on it to enter its editing context and make changes to it. You can also right-click on it and choose Edit Group or Edit Component from the context menu. To create a section cut face for a group or a component, follow these steps: - Select the group or component that you want to cut through. - Place a section plane on its face where you want to create the section cut face. - Right-click on the section plane and choose Add Section-Cut Face from the context menu. - Choose the settings for the section face as desired and click on OK. You should now see a section face for your group or component. You can edit its properties by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. ### Tip 2: Use Scenes and Styles Another useful feature when using the Section Cut Face Plugin is to use scenes and styles for your models. Scenes and styles are tools that let you save and apply different settings for your model's appearance, camera position, layers, shadows, axes, and more. They help you create different views of your model with different effects and moods. When you use scenes and styles for your models, you can save and apply different settings for your section cut faces. This way, you can create different views of your model with different section faces. You can also animate your model by transitioning between different scenes. To create a scene in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Adjust the settings for your model's appearance, camera position, layers, shadows, axes, and more as desired. - Go to Window > Scenes to open the Scenes panel. - Click on the Add Scene button at the top of the panel. A new scene will be created with the current settings of your model. - Double-click on the scene name to rename it as desired. To create a style in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Go to Window > Styles to open the Styles panel. - Click on the Edit tab at the top of the panel. You will see five sub-tabs: Edge Settings, Face Settings, Background Settings, Watermark Settings, and Modeling Settings. - Adjust the settings for each sub-tab as desired. You can change things like edge color, face style, background color or image, watermark image or text, and axes color. - Click on the Create New Style button at the top of the panel. A new style will be created with the current settings of your model. - Double-click on the style name to rename it as desired. To apply a scene or a style to your model, follow these steps: - Go to Window > Scenes or Window > Styles to open the respective panel. - Click on the scene or style that you want to apply to your model. Your model will change accordingly. - You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Page Up and Page Down to cycle through different scenes. To create a section cut face with a scene or a style, follow these steps: - Apply the scene or style that you want to use for your section cut face to your model. - Place a section plane on your model where you want to create the section cut face. - Right-click on the section plane and choose Add Section-Cut Face from the context menu. - Choose the settings for the section face as desired and click on OK. You should now see a section face with the scene or style that you applied to your model. You can edit its properties by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. ### Tip 3: Use Layers and Outliner A final tip when using the Section Cut Face Plugin is to use layers and outliner for your models. Layers and outliner are tools that let you organize and manage the entities in your model. They help you control the visibility, color, and behavior of your entities. When you use layers and outliner for your models, you can organize and manage your section cut faces better. You can assign different layers to different section faces, and use outliner to select, hide, or show them easily. To create a layer in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Go to Window > Layers to open the Layers panel. - Click on the Add Layer button at the top of the panel. A new layer will be created with a default name and color. - Double-click on the layer name to rename it as desired. - Click on the layer color to change it as desired. To assign a layer to an entity in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Select the entity that you want to assign to a layer. - Go to Window > Entity Info to open the Entity Info panel. - Click on the drop-down menu next to Layer and choose the layer that you want to assign to the entity. To create an outliner in SketchUp 731, follow these steps: - Go to Window > Outliner to open the Outliner panel. - You will see a list of all groups, components, and section planes in your model. You can expand or collapse them by clicking on their icons. - You can select, hide, or show any entity by clicking on its name, eye icon, or checkbox respectively. To create a section cut face with a layer or an outliner, follow these steps: - Assign the layer that you want to use for your section cut face to your model or a group or component in it. - Select the entity that you want to cut through using outliner or any other method. - Place a section plane on its face where you want to create the section cut face. - Right-click on the section plane and choose Add Section-Cut Face from the context menu. - Choose the settings for the section face as desired and click on OK. You should now see a section face with the layer that you assigned to your entity. You can edit its properties by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Section-Cut Face. You can also manage it using layers or outliner as needed. The Section Cut Face Plugin is a useful tool for creating realistic and detailed cross-sections of your models. It can help you showcase your designs better and impress your clients or viewers. By using these tips and tricks, you can use it more effectively and efficiently in SketchUp 731. # Conclusion In this article, we have shown you how to download and use the Section Cut Face Plugin for SketchUp 731. This plugin is a free extension that adds faces to a section plane, allowing you to create cross-sections of your models with different colors, textures, and materials. We have also shown you some examples of how it can be used in different scenarios, such as interior design, landscape design, and mechanical design. We have also shared some tips and tricks on how to use it effectively and efficiently in SketchUp 731, such as using groups and components, scenes and styles, and layers and outliner. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy modeling! ?[TOP].md[Full%20Download][VST-VST3-RTAS]
