Sakura School Simulator 2023 Apk



Sakura School Simulator 2023 APK: A Fun and Unique School Life Simulation Game

Do you want to experience a school life that is full of surprises, challenges, and fun? Do you want to make friends and lovers, go on rampages, or create your own stories? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to try Sakura School Simulator, a simulation game that is made in Japan and available for Android devices.

In this article, we will tell you what Sakura School Simulator is, how to download and install its latest version (2023 APK), what are some tips and tricks for playing it, and what are some reviews of the game. Read on to find out more!

What is Sakura School Simulator?

Sakura School Simulator is a game that lets you enjoy a brilliant or chaotic school life in a fictional town called Sakura. You can choose from five playable characters, each with their own personality and backstory. You can also control and change four characters in the same stage.

The game offers you two ways to enjoy it:

  • (1) Make friends and lovers as you like. You can interact with other students and NPCs, talk to them, praise them, date them, or even marry them. You can also enjoy various activities such as shopping, eating, playing games, or going to karaoke.
  • (2) Go on the rampage as you like. You can borrow weapons from the Yakuza office, such as guns, swords, or rockets. You can then use them to attack anyone you see, including teachers, police officers, or even aliens. You can also fly around the town using a jetpack or a helicopter.

The game does not have any descriptions of blood or death. The people in the game world will only be stunned but will not die. They will wake up the next day and hate you if you hurt them. The game also does not have any end or goal. You can make the situations as you like and find your favorite way of playing.

Sakura School Simulator is a game that has many features and activities to explore. Some of them are:

  • A huge open world with various locations such as school, park, mall, hospital, shrine, beach, airport, etc.
  • A lot of items to collect and use such as clothes, accessories, food, drinks, toys, vehicles, etc.
  • A lot of missions to complete at specific times such as Chinese characters, English, PC, monkfish, marathon, etc.
  • A lot of secrets to discover such as hidden rooms, easter eggs, special events, etc.
  • A lot of customization options for your character such as hairstyle, eye color, skin color, outfit, etc.
  • A lot of choices for your stories such as dialogue options , romance options, friendship options, etc.

Sakura School Simulator is a game that is constantly updated with new content. The developers are always adding new features, items, characters, events, and improvements to the game. The latest version of the game is 2023 APK, which was released on June 21, 2023. Some of the new additions in this version are:

  • A new school building with more classrooms, facilities, and secrets.
  • A new character called Sakura-chan, who is the mascot of the game and the town.
  • A new mode called Sakura Mode, where you can play as Sakura-chan and enjoy special missions and events.
  • A new feature called Sakura Points, which you can earn by playing Sakura Mode or by watching ads. You can use them to buy special items or outfits for Sakura-chan.
  • A new feature called Sakura Camera, which lets you take photos or videos of Sakura-chan and share them with other players.
  • A new feature called Sakura Voice, which lets you hear Sakura-chan's voice and change her tone and pitch.

How to download and install Sakura School Simulator 2023 APK?

If you want to play the latest version of Sakura School Simulator on your Android device, you will need to download and install its APK file. APK stands for Android Package Kit, which is a file format that contains all the elements of an Android app. Here are the steps to download and install Sakura School Simulator 2023 APK:

  1. Download the APK file from a trusted source. You can find the official link to the game's website at the end of this article. Alternatively, you can search for the game on Google Play Store or other third-party websites that offer APK files. Make sure that the file name ends with .apk and that it matches the size and version of the game.
  2. Enable unknown sources on your device settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than Google Play Store. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on. You may also need to grant permission to your browser or file manager to access your storage.
  3. Install the APK file and launch the game. Locate the downloaded APK file on your device using your file manager or browser. Tap on it and follow the instructions to install it. Once the installation is complete, you can find the game icon on your home screen or app drawer. Tap on it and enjoy playing Sakura School Simulator!

What are some tips and tricks for playing Sakura School Simulator?

Sakura School Simulator is a game that has a lot of possibilities and options for you to explore. However, it can also be confusing or challenging at times, especially for beginners. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you play the game better:

Master the basics of the game controls and mechanics

The game has a simple interface that consists of a joystick, buttons, menus, and indicators. You can use the joystick to move your character around, the buttons to perform actions such as jumping, attacking, interacting, etc., the menus to access various options such as items, missions, settings, etc., and the indicators to see your status such as health, hunger, love, etc.

You can also switch between different camera modes such as first-person, third-person, free camera, etc., by tapping on the camera icon on the top right corner of the screen. You can also zoom in or out by pinching on the screen.

You can also switch between different characters by tapping on their icons on the top left corner of the screen. You can control up to four characters in one stage. You can also change their outfits or hairstyles by tapping on their icons again.

Complete missions at designated times to earn rewards

The game has a lot of missions that you can complete at specific times of the day. You can see them on your mission list by tapping on the book icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. You can also see them on your map by tapping on the map icon on the bottom left corner of the screen.

The missions vary from simple tasks such as delivering items or answering questions, to complex scenarios such as fighting enemies or solving mysteries. Some missions are mandatory while others are optional. Some missions are also repeatable while others are not.

Completing missions will reward you with money, items, points, or other benefits. You can use money to buy items from shops or vending machines. You can use items to enhance your character's abilities or appearance. You can use points to unlock new features or modes in the game.

Defeat enemies using weapons or simulations

The game has a lot of enemies that you can encounter in the game world. Some of them are hostile while others are neutral. Some of them are human while others are not. Some of them are easy to defeat while others are not.

You can use weapons or simulations to defeat your enemies. Weapons are items that you can use to attack your enemies, such as guns, swords, rockets, etc. You can borrow weapons from the Yakuza office or find them in other places. You can also buy ammo or repair your weapons from shops or vending machines.

Simulations are actions that you can use to trick or confuse your enemies, such as pretending to be dead, crying, laughing, etc. You can access simulations from the simulation menu by tapping on the smiley icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. You can also customize your simulations by changing their names or icons.

Using weapons or simulations will affect your reputation and relationship with other characters. If you use weapons too much, you will become a criminal and be hated by everyone. If you use simulations too much, you will become a clown and be laughed at by everyone. You can check your reputation and relationship status by tapping on the heart icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Make friends and lovers as you like

The game has a lot of characters that you can interact with and form relationships with. Some of them are students while others are NPCs. Some of them are friendly while others are not. Some of them are available while others are not.

You can make friends and lovers as you like by talking to them, praising them, giving them gifts, dating them, or marrying them. You can also break up with them or divorce them if you want to. You can also cheat on them or be cheated on by them if you are not careful.

Making friends and lovers will affect your happiness and love level. If you have more friends and lovers, you will be happier and more loved. If you have less friends and lovers, you will be sadder and more lonely. You can check your happiness and love level by tapping on the heart icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Customize your character and your stories

The game has a lot of options for you to customize your character and your stories. You can change your character's appearance, personality, backstory, voice, etc. You can also change your character's name, gender, age, etc.

You can also create your own stories by choosing different dialogue options, romance options, friendship options, etc. You can also influence the outcomes of your stories by making different decisions or actions. You can also replay your stories or start new ones if you want to.

Customizing your character and your stories will make the game more fun and unique for you. You can express yourself and your creativity through the game. You can also experience different scenarios and possibilities through the game.

What are some reviews of Sakura School Simulator?

Sakura School Simulator is a game that has received mixed reviews from its users. Some users love the game for its freedom and variety, while others hate the game for its bugs or performance issues. Some users have different preferences or expectations for the game than others.

Here are some examples of positive reviews from users who enjoy the game:

"This game is amazing! I love how you can do anything you want and make your own stories. The graphics are beautiful and the characters are cute. The game is always updated with new content and features. I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes simulation games."

"This game is so fun and addictive! I like how you can customize your character and interact with other characters. The game has a lot of activities and secrets to explore. The game is also very funny and hilarious. I always laugh when I play this game."

"This game is awesome! I like how you can choose between being good or bad in the game world. The game has a lot of weapons and simulations to use. The game is also very challenging and exciting. I always feel adrenaline when I play this game."

Here are some examples of negative reviews from users who encounter problems with the game:

"This game is terrible! I hate how it crashes all the time and freezes my device. The game is also very laggy and slow. The game needs to be optimized and fixed."

"This game is boring! I hate how it has no story or goal. The game is also very repetitive and monotonous. The game needs to have more content and variety."

"This game is hate how it has too many ads and pop-ups. The game is also very greedy and expensive. The game needs to have less ads and more free items."

Here are some examples of mixed reviews from users who have different opinions about the game:

"This game is good but not great. I like how it has a lot of options and features, but I don't like how it has a lot of bugs and glitches. The game is also very hard to control and understand. The game needs to have more instructions and tutorials."

"This game is fun but not realistic. I like how it has a lot of humor and creativity, but I don't like how it has a lot of violence and absurdity. The game is also very inappropriate and offensive. The game needs to have more moderation and censorship."

"This game is different but not unique. I like how it has a lot of freedom and variety, but I don't like how it has a lot of similarities and copies. The game is also very confusing and chaotic. The game needs to have more originality and order."


Sakura School Simulator is a simulation game that lets you enjoy a brilliant or chaotic school life in a fictional town called Sakura. You can choose from five playable characters, each with their own personality and backstory. You can also control and change four characters in the same stage.

The game offers you two ways to enjoy it: (1) Make friends and lovers as you like. You can interact with other students and NPCs, talk to them, praise them, date them, or even marry them. You can also enjoy various activities such as shopping, eating, playing games, or going to karaoke. (2) Go on the rampage as you like. You can borrow weapons from the Yakuza office, such as guns, swords, or rockets. You can then use them to attack anyone you see, including teachers, police officers, or even aliens. You can also fly around the town using a jetpack or a helicopter.

The game has many features and activities to explore, such as a huge open world with various locations, a lot of items to collect and use, a lot of missions to complete at specific times, a lot of secrets to discover, a lot of customization options for your character, and a lot of choices for your stories.

The game is constantly updated with new content and improvements. The latest version of the game is 2023 APK, which was released on June 21, 2023. Some of the new additions in this version are a new school building, a new character called Sakura-chan, a new mode called Sakura Mode, a new feature called Sakura Points, a new feature called Sakura Camera, and a new feature called Sakura Voice.

The game has received mixed reviews from its users. Some users love the game for its freedom and variety, while others hate the game for its bugs or performance issues. Some users have different preferences or expectations for the game than others.

If you want to play Sakura School Simulator on your Android device, you will need to download and install its APK file from a trusted source. You will also need to enable unknown sources on your device settings and follow the instructions to install the file.

If you want to have fun and unique school life simulation experience, you might want to give Sakura School Simulator a try. You can download the game from its official website here:


Q: Is Sakura School Simulator free?

A: Yes, Sakura School Simulator is free to download and play. However, the game contains ads that you can watch voluntarily or involuntarily. You can also buy some items or features with real money if you want to.

Q: Is Sakura School Simulator online?

A: No, Sakura School Simulator is not online. You can play the game offline without an internet connection. However, you will need an internet connection to download updates or watch ads.

Q: Is Sakura School Simulator safe?

A: Yes, Sakura School Simulator is safe if you download it from its official website or other trusted sources. However, the game may contain some content that is not suitable for children or sensitive people, such as violence, nudity, profanity, etc.

Q: Is Sakura School Simulator modded?

A: No, Sakura School Simulator is not modded by default. However, some users may create or use mods for the game that can alter its features or functions. We do not recommend using mods for the game as they may cause problems or risks for your device or account. You can also get banned from the game if you use mods that violate the game's terms of service.

Q: Is Sakura School Simulator multiplayer?

A: No, Sakura School Simulator is not multiplayer. You can only play the game solo with your own characters and stories. However, you can share your photos or videos of the game with other players using the Sakura Camera feature or other social media platforms.
