Robert Orfali Dan Harkey Jerry Edwards The Essential Client Server Survival Guide Galgotia Publ

Why You Should Read The Essential Client Server Survival Guide by Orfali, Harkey and Edwards

Client server technology is one of the most important and widely used concepts in the modern computing world. It involves dividing an application into two or more components that communicate over a network, such as the Internet. The client component requests services from the server component, which provides them. This way, the application can leverage the advantages of distributed computing, such as scalability, performance, reliability and security.

However, client server technology is not a simple or straightforward topic. It encompasses many different aspects, such as operating systems, network protocols, middleware, database systems, transaction processing, groupware, distributed objects and the World Wide Web. To master this technology, you need a comprehensive and up-to-date guide that covers all these aspects and more.

That's why you should read The Essential Client Server Survival Guide by Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey and Jeri Edwards. This book is the #1 client server book in the market, according to many critics and reviewers. It has been updated and expanded in its second edition to reflect the latest developments and trends in the field. It combines detailed technical explanations with a unique brand of offbeat humor, using clever cartoons, controversial soapboxes and witty quotes to inform, educate and entertain.

What You Will Learn from This Book

This book will take you on a sweeping tour of the world of client server. From operating systems and communications, to application architectures that incorporate database, transaction processing, groupware and objects, to the Internet and the World Wide Web and their role in the new generation of client server and object management, this book covers it all.

Some of the topics you will learn from this book are:

  • The big picture of client server: what it is, why it is important, how it works and what are its benefits and challenges.
  • The client server capabilities of current operating systems: Windows NT/95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Unix/Linux/Mac OS X/Solaris/AIX/HP-UX and OS/2.
  • The network operating systems and middleware that enable client server communication: TCP/IP, NetBIOS/NetBEUI/IPX/SPX/SNA/NFS/RPC/DCE/DME/DNS/DHCP/LDAP/SMB/CIFS/NIS/NIS+/Kerberos/SSL/TLS/SNMP/RMON/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4/MIME/X.400/X.500/MQSeries/TIBCO/Rendezvous/CORBA/COM+/DCOM/.NET Remoting/J2EE/EJB/RMI/JNI/JDBC/ODBC/XML/SOAP/WSDL/UDDI/JMS/JMX/JNDI/JTA/JTS/JCA/JAXP/SAX/DOM/XSLT/XPath/XQuery/XLink/XPointer/Web Services/RESTful Services/AJAX/JSON.
  • The database server model: how to design, build and deploy relational database applications using SQL Server/Oracle/Sybase/DB2/Informix/MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB/Cassandra/Hadoop/HBase/Hive/Pig/Sqoop/ZooKeeper/Oozie/Mahout etc.
  • The transaction processing monitor model: how to design, build and deploy high-performance, reliable and secure transactional applications using CICS/Tuxedo/TMF/TMFII/TMFIII/TMFIV/TMFS/TMFLite/TMFNet/TMFWeb/TMFJava/TMFJ2EE/TMFCORBA/TMF.NET/TMFWS/TMFRS etc.
  • The groupware model: how to design, build and deploy collaborative applications using Lotus Notes/Domino/Microsoft Exchange/Outlook/SharePoint/Lync/Skype for Business/WebEx/Cisco Spark etc.
  • The distributed object model: how to design, build and deploy object-oriented applications using Java/C++/.NET/C#/VB.NET/F#/Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP etc.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web model: how to design, build and deploy web-based applications using HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery/AngularJS/ReactJS/VueJS etc.
  • The management issues of client server: how to plan, monitor, control and optimize client server systems using tools such as Tivoli/OpenView/BMC Patrol/Microsoft Operations Manager etc.
  • The best practices of client server: how to apply proven methodologies, patterns and frameworks to create successful client server solutions using tools such as Rational Rose/UML/RUP/CMMI etc.

Why You Should Trust This Book

This book is not just a collection of facts and opinions. It is based on solid research and experience from the authors and other experts in the field. The authors are well-known authorities on client server technology who have written several other books on related topics. They have also been involved in developing and teaching courses on client server at various universities and corporations. They have consulted for many leading companies such as IBM/Microsoft/Sun Microsystems etc. on their client server projects.

This book is also endorsed by many reputable sources such as Byte magazine (which awarded it the Jolt Product Excellence Award), Software Development magazine (which named it one of the best books of 1996), PC Week magazine (which praised its scope and depth), Performance Computing magazine (which called it absolutely the finest book on client server) and many others.

This book is also supported by a companion website ( where you can find additional resources such as sample code, case studies, exercises

How This Book Is Different from Other Books on Client Server

This book is not just another dry and boring textbook on client server. It is a lively and engaging guide that will keep you interested and entertained throughout. It uses a variety of techniques to make the complex and abstract concepts of client server easy to understand and remember. Some of these techniques are:

  • Cartoons: The book is full of humorous and insightful cartoons that illustrate the key points and pitfalls of client server. The cartoons are drawn by the authors themselves, who have a knack for capturing the essence of client server in a few strokes.
  • Soapboxes: The book is also full of soapboxes, which are short essays that express the authors' opinions or biases on various topics related to client server. The soapboxes are marked with a megaphone icon and are meant to provoke thought and discussion among the readers.
  • Quotes: The book is also full of quotes from famous and not-so-famous people who have something to say about client server. The quotes are marked with a quotation mark icon and are meant to add some flavor and perspective to the text.
  • Sidebars: The book is also full of sidebars, which are boxes that provide additional information or explanation on various topics related to client server. The sidebars are marked with an arrow icon and are meant to supplement the main text without interrupting the flow.
  • Warnings: The book is also full of warnings, which are boxes that alert the readers to potential problems or pitfalls that they may encounter in client server. The warnings are marked with a caution sign icon and are meant to help the readers avoid common mistakes and disasters.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is organized into ten parts, each covering a major aspect of client server. Each part consists of several chapters, each covering a specific topic within that aspect. Each chapter consists of several sections, each covering a subtopic within that topic. Each section consists of several paragraphs, each covering a point within that subtopic. Each paragraph consists of several sentences, each covering a fact within that point. Each sentence consists of several words, each covering a meaning within that fact. Each word consists of several letters, each covering a sound within that meaning. And so on.

The ten parts of this book are:

  1. The Big Picture: This part gives an overview of what client server is, why it is important, how it works and what are its benefits and challenges.
  2. Client Server Operating Systems: This part describes the client server capabilities of current operating systems such as Windows NT/95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Unix/Linux/Mac OS X/Solaris/AIX/HP-UX and OS/2.
  3. Network Operating Systems and Middleware: This part explains the network operating systems and middleware that enable client server communication such as TCP/IP, NetBIOS/NetBEUI/IPX/SPX/SNA/NFS/RPC/DCE/DME/DNS/DHCP/LDAP/SMB/CIFS/NIS/NIS+/Kerberos/SSL/TLS/SNMP/RMON/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4/MIME/X.400/X.500/MQSeries/TIBCO/Rendezvous/CORBA/COM+/DCOM/.NET Remoting/J2EE/EJB/RMI/JNI/JDBC/ODBC/XML/SOAP/WSDL/UDDI/JMS/JMX/JNDI/JTA/JTS/JCA/JAXP/SAX/DOM/XSLT/XPath/XQuery/XLink/XPointer/Web Services/RESTful Services/AJAX/JSON etc.
  4. The Database Server Model: This part describes how to design, build and deploy relational database applications using SQL Server/Oracle/Sybase/DB2/Informix/MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB/Cassandra/Hadoop/HBase/Hive/Pig/Sqoop/ZooKeeper/Oozie/Mahout etc.
  5. The Transaction Processing Monitor Model: This part describes how to design, build and deploy high-performance, reliable and secure transactional applications using CICS/Tuxedo/TMF/TMFII/TMFIII/TMFIV/TMFS/TMFLite/TMFNet/TMFWeb/TMFJava/TMFJ2EE/TMFCORBA/TMF.NET/TMFWS/TMFRS etc.
  6. The Groupware Model: This part describes how to design, build and deploy collaborative applications using Lotus Notes/Domino/Microsoft Exchange/Outlook/SharePoint/Lync/Skype for Business/WebEx/Cisco Spark etc.
  7. The Distributed Object Model: This part describes how to design, build and deploy object-oriented applications using Java/C++/.NET/C#/VB.NET/F#/Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP etc.
  8. The Internet and the World Wide Web Model: This part describes how to design, build and deploy web-based applications using HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery/AngularJS/ReactJS/VueJS etc.
  9. The Management Issues of Client Server: This part discusses how to plan, monitor, control and optimize client server systems using tools such as Tivoli/OpenView/BMC Patrol/Microsoft Operations Manager etc.
  10. The Best Practices of Client Server: This part discusses how to apply proven methodologies, patterns and frameworks to create successful client server solutions using tools such as Rational Rose/UML/RUP/CMMI etc.


Client server technology is a vast and complex field that requires a lot of knowledge and skills to master. However, with the help of The Essential Client Server Survival Guide by Orfali, Harkey and Edwards, you can learn everything you need to know about this technology in an easy and enjoyable way. This book is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to understand and make informed decisions about client server technology. It covers all the aspects of client server, from operating systems and communications, to application architectures that incorporate database, transaction processing, groupware and objects, to the Internet and the World Wide Web and their role in the new generation of client server and object management. It also covers the management issues and best practices of client server, using tools and techniques that have been proven to work in the real world. This book is not only informative, but also entertaining, using cartoons, soapboxes, quotes, sidebars and warnings to make the complex and abstract concepts of client server easy to understand and remember. This book is the #1 client server book in the market, according to many critics and reviewers. It has been updated and expanded in its second edition to reflect the latest developments and trends in the field. It is also supported by a companion website where you can find additional resources such as sample code, case studies, exercises and solutions. If you want to master client server technology, this book is a must-read for you.
