Reinventarse Mario Alonso Puig Epub 11 ##BEST## 📂

Reinventarse by Mario Alonso Puig: An Epub 11 that Teaches You How to Overcome Challenges and Achieve Your Goals

Life is full of challenges and difficulties, but also of opportunities and possibilities. How can we face them and make the most of them? How can we change our mindset and attitude to create a better reality for ourselves and others? How can we reinvent ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives? These are some of the questions that Mario Alonso Puig, a doctor, surgeon, and author, answers in his Epub 11 Reinventarse: Tu Segunda Oportunidad , a book that will inspire you to grow and thrive.

Who is Mario Alonso Puig?

Mario Alonso Puig is a Spanish doctor, surgeon, and author who has dedicated himself to the study of the impact of mental processes on the development of talent and ability, as well as on health and well-being. He has written several books on personal growth, such as Reinventarse: Tu Segunda Oportunidad , where he reveals the secret of how people create the points of view through which they observe and perceive the world.

Mario Alonso Puig is also a renowned speaker who has given lectures and workshops around the world, sharing his insights and experiences on topics such as leadership, creativity, resilience, happiness, and mindfulness. He has received many awards and recognitions for his work, such as the Gold Medal of the Spanish Red Cross and the Excellence Award from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

What is Reinventarse?

Reinventarse is an Epub 11 that Mario Alonso Puig wrote in 2010, based on his own personal and professional journey. In this book, he shares his knowledge and wisdom on how to reinvent ourselves and our reality, using tools such as neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and art.

Reinventarse is divided into three parts: The first part explains how our brain works and how it influences our perception of reality. The second part explores how our emotions affect our behavior and decisions. The third part offers practical exercises and techniques to change our mindset and attitude, overcome fear and stress, boost our self-esteem and confidence, unleash our creativity and potential, and achieve our goals and dreams.

Why should you read Reinventarse?

Reinventarse is a book that will help you to:

  • Understand yourself better: You will learn how your brain and emotions shape your thoughts, beliefs, habits, and actions. You will discover your strengths and weaknesses, your values and passions, your purpose and vision.
  • Change your perspective: You will learn how to see reality from different angles and perspectives. You will challenge your limiting assumptions and prejudices. You will open your mind to new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Transform your life: You will learn how to reinvent yourself and your reality. You will overcome your fears and obstacles. You will develop your skills and talents. You will achieve your goals and dreams.

Reinventarse is a book that will inspire you to grow and thrive. It will show you that you have the power to create your own destiny. It will teach you that you can be whoever you want to be.

How can you get Reinventarse?

Reinventarse is available in different formats and platforms. You can get it as an Epub 11, a PDF, or an audio book. You can also read it online or download it to your device. Here are some of the options you have:

  • Epub 11: An Epub 11 is a digital format that allows you to read books on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or e-reader. It has many advantages, such as being easy to access, store, and share. It also adapts to your screen size and preferences. You can get Reinventarse as an Epub 11 from various online stores, such as Scribd , Rakuten Kobo , or Amazon Kindle.
  • PDF: A PDF is a file format that preserves the layout and appearance of a document. It can be viewed on any device that supports it, such as a computer, tablet, smartphone, or e-reader. It is also easy to print and share. You can get Reinventarse as a PDF from various online sources, such as Z-Library or Google Books .
  • Audio book: An audio book is a recording of a book that you can listen to on your device or online. It has many benefits, such as being convenient, engaging, and accessible. It also allows you to multitask and enjoy the book while doing other activities. You can get Reinventarse as an audio book from various online platforms, such as Audible or Spotify.

What are some of the reviews of Reinventarse?

Reinventarse has received many positive reviews from readers and critics alike. Here are some of the comments and ratings that people have given to the book:

  • Ananda Tienda Taller: "Con una diáfana claridad y sencillez el doctor Puig nos lleva suavecito a un viaje hacia lo importante: ¿quién realmente soy? Este libro va aportando datos esclareceredores para quienes buscan las pruebas antes que la fe; no obstante, la fe en que dentro de nosotros está el real cambio, es la mayor prueba que aporta." (5/5 stars)
  • Rodrigo Alfaro: "La atención plena en palabras sencillas. Un libro práctico que permite darle una veloz lectura sin dejar de obtener conceptos muy nutritivos." (5/5 stars)
  • Humberto Opazo Galaz: "Maravilloso libro ,un compilado de coach interior y profundo,mis agradecimientos al autor por haber tenido la apertura de creer no sólo desde la ciencia . MVL." (5/5 stars)
  • Jorge Cufre: "Ameno ,cómodo,cierto,amable,lo mejor,claro..hermoso libro..De excelencia lo recomiendo mucho no se lo pierdan" (5/5 stars)
  • Gabriel Michel Lecou: "No tiene nada de rellenó ni desperdicio, excelente libro gracias Mario." (5/5 stars)
  • juan Alberto Oviedo López: "Muy buen libro, sobre todo para personas que tienen inquietud de aprender sobre lo que no nos enseña el sistema social en que vivimos, desde hace tiempo tiempo yo estoy convencido de que todo esto es cierto y que solo falta alguien que nos guíe para poder desarrollar esos poderes mentales que todos tenemos y este me parece un buen texto para sembrar esa inquietud." (4/5 stars)
  • Joana Gomez: "El Amor es la vida grande somos y no está fuera de nosotros. Fortaleza mental es la llave." (2/5 stars)
  • Iris Caballero: "gracias DR Mario por tomarte el tiempo para escribir este libro que es una verdadera ayuda,a mi este monento de mi vida a sido como un oasis en mi camino,Dios te siga bendiciendo y usando ." (5/5 stars)
  • edwardpiano1: "Es un libro inspirador y pensado desde la practicidad del día a día, conceptos muy profundos presentados de formas realmente esclarecedoras" (5/5 stars)

How can you apply the lessons of Reinventarse to your life?

Reinventarse is not just a book that you read and forget. It is a book that you can apply to your life and benefit from its teachings. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of the present moment, without judgment or distraction. It helps you to calm your mind, reduce stress, improve your focus, and enhance your well-being. You can practice mindfulness by doing meditation, breathing exercises, or simply paying attention to your senses and surroundings.
  • Change your habits: Habits are the actions that you repeat automatically and unconsciously. They can be positive or negative, depending on how they affect your life. You can change your habits by identifying them, understanding their triggers and rewards, and replacing them with better alternatives.
  • Challenge yourself: Challenge is the stimulus that makes you grow and learn. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and tests your abilities and potential. You can challenge yourself by setting goals, taking risks, trying new things, or facing your fears.
  • Be grateful: Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for what you have and what you experience. It helps you to recognize the value and beauty of life, as well as the kindness and generosity of others. You can be grateful by expressing it verbally or in writing, by keeping a gratitude journal, or by doing acts of kindness.
  • Be optimistic: Optimism is the attitude of expecting positive outcomes and focusing on the bright side of things. It helps you to cope with difficulties, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals. You can be optimistic by changing your self-talk, looking for solutions, celebrating your successes, or seeking inspiration.


Reinventarse by Mario Alonso Puig is an Epub 11 that teaches you how to reinvent yourself and your reality. It shows you how your brain and emotions influence your perception of reality, and how you can change them to create a better one. It also offers practical exercises and techniques to change your mindset and attitude, overcome fear and stress, boost your self-esteem and confidence, unleash your creativity and potential, and achieve your goals and dreams.

Reinventarse is a book that will inspire you to grow and thrive. It will show you that you have the power to create your own destiny. It will teach you that you can be whoever you want to be.


Reinventarse by Mario Alonso Puig is an Epub 11 that teaches you how to reinvent yourself and your reality. It shows you how your brain and emotions influence your perception of reality, and how you can change them to create a better one. It also offers practical exercises and techniques to change your mindset and attitude, overcome fear and stress, boost your self-esteem and confidence, unleash your creativity and potential, and achieve your goals and dreams.

Reinventarse is a book that will inspire you to grow and thrive. It will show you that you have the power to create your own destiny. It will teach you that you can be whoever you want to be.
