Programma Calcolo Tabelle Millesimali Gratis Da Scaricare 🕴

How to Calculate and Download Condominium Tables for Free with This Program

If you are a condominium administrator or a property owner, you know how important it is to have accurate and updated condominium tables. Condominium tables are documents that show the distribution of the ownership and the expenses among the different units of a condominium. They are essential for managing the common areas and services, such as stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc.

However, calculating and updating condominium tables can be a tedious and complex task. You need to consider various factors, such as the size, the location, the quality, and the use of each unit. You also need to apply different criteria and coefficients according to the law and the regulations of each condominium.

Fortunately, there is a free program that can help you with this task. It is called FGE millesimi, and it is available for download on the Microsoft Apps store. FGE millesimi is a software that allows you to calculate condominium tables according to the articles 1118, 1123, 1124, 1126 and 1136 of the Civil Code, the Circular n.12480 of March 26, 1966 and the Circular n.2945 of July 26, 1993. It also lets you customize the calculation criteria, the corrective coefficients and the precision of the results.

How to use FGE millesimi

Using FGE millesimi is very easy and intuitive. Here are the main steps you need to follow:

  1. Download and install FGE millesimi on your device from the Microsoft Apps store.
  2. Open the program and create a new document. You will need to enter some general data about the condominium, such as the name, the address, the number of floors and units, etc.
  3. Enter the data of each unit, such as the owner, the floor, the rooms, the surface area, etc. You can also attach images or files to each unit.
  4. Select or create the tables that you want to calculate. You can choose from an internal archive of common tables, such as general ownership, stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc. Or you can create your own tables with custom formulas and coefficients.
  5. Let FGE millesimi do the calculations for you. You will see

    How to Calculate and Download Condominium Tables for Free with This Program

    If you are a condominium administrator or a property owner, you know how important it is to have accurate and updated condominium tables. Condominium tables are documents that show the distribution of the ownership and the expenses among the different units of a condominium. They are essential for managing the common areas and services, such as stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc.

    However, calculating and updating condominium tables can be a tedious and complex task. You need to consider various factors, such as the size, the location, the quality, and the use of each unit. You also need to apply different criteria and coefficients according to the law and the regulations of each condominium.

    Fortunately, there is a free program that can help you with this task. It is called FGE millesimi, and it is available for download on the Microsoft Apps store. FGE millesimi is a software that allows you to calculate condominium tables according to the articles 1118, 1123, 1124, 1126 and 1136 of the Civil Code, the Circular n.12480 of March 26, 1966 and the Circular n.2945 of July 26, 1993. It also lets you customize the calculation criteria, the corrective coefficients and the precision of the results.

    How to use FGE millesimi

    Using FGE millesimi is very easy and intuitive. Here are the main steps you need to follow:

    1. Download and install FGE millesimi on your device from the Microsoft Apps store.
    2. Open the program and create a new document. You will need to enter some general data about the condominium, such as the name, the address, the number of floors and units, etc.
    3. Enter the data of each unit, such as the owner, the floor, the rooms, the surface area, etc. You can also attach images or files to each unit.
    4. Select or create the tables that you want to calculate. You can choose from an internal archive of common tables, such as general ownership, stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc. Or you can create your own tables with custom formulas and coefficients.
    5. Let FGE millesimi do the calculations for you. You will see the results of each table in a separate tab, with the percentage and the value of each unit.
    6. If you want to save or print your tables, you can do so in different formats. You can save them as RTF files, with a detailed calculation report and the sheets of each unit. You can also export them as XLS files, or generate a PDF file with the Report, the Condominium Regulations and the Convocation automatically.

    Why choose FGE millesimi

    FGE millesimi is not only a free program for calculating condominium tables. It is also a powerful tool that offers many advantages over other similar software. Here are some of them:

    • It is easy to use and learn. You don't need any special skills or knowledge to use it. The interface is clear and user-friendly, and guides you through every step of the process.
    • It is flexible and customizable. You can create your own tables with your own formulas and coefficients. You can also modify or delete any table or unit at any time, and recalculate the results accordingly.
    • It is accurate and reliable. It follows the legal and technical standards for calculating condominium tables. It also allows you to adjust the precision of the results according to your needs.
    • It is fast and efficient. It performs all the calculations in seconds, saving you time and effort. It also helps you avoid errors and inconsistencies that may arise from manual calculations.

    How to Calculate and Download Condominium Tables for Free with This Program

    If you are a condominium administrator or a property owner, you know how important it is to have accurate and updated condominium tables. Condominium tables are documents that show the distribution of the ownership and the expenses among the different units of a condominium. They are essential for managing the common areas and services, such as stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc.

    However, calculating and updating condominium tables can be a tedious and complex task. You need to consider various factors, such as the size, the location, the quality, and the use of each unit. You also need to apply different criteria and coefficients according to the law and the regulations of each condominium.

    Fortunately, there is a free program that can help you with this task. It is called FGE millesimi, and it is available for download on the Microsoft Apps store. FGE millesimi is a software that allows you to calculate condominium tables according to the articles 1118, 1123, 1124, 1126 and 1136 of the Civil Code, the Circular n.12480 of March 26, 1966 and the Circular n.2945 of July 26, 1993. It also lets you customize the calculation criteria, the corrective coefficients and the precision of the results.

    How to use FGE millesimi

    Using FGE millesimi is very easy and intuitive. Here are the main steps you need to follow:

    1. Download and install FGE millesimi on your device from the Microsoft Apps store.
    2. Open the program and create a new document. You will need to enter some general data about the condominium, such as the name, the address, the number of floors and units, etc.
    3. Enter the data of each unit, such as the owner, the floor, the rooms, the surface area, etc. You can also attach images or files to each unit.
    4. Select or create the tables that you want to calculate. You can choose from an internal archive of common tables, such as general ownership, stairs, elevators, heating, water, etc. Or you can create your own tables with custom formulas and coefficients.
    5. Let FGE millesimi do the calculations for you. You will see the results of each table in a separate tab, with the percentage and the value of each unit.
    6. If you want to save or print your tables, you can do so in different formats. You can save them as RTF files, with a detailed calculation report and the sheets of each unit. You can also export them as XLS files, or generate a PDF file with the Report, the Condominium Regulations and the Convocation automatically.

    Why choose FGE millesimi

    FGE millesimi is not only a free program for calculating condominium tables. It is also a powerful tool that offers many advantages over other similar software. Here are some of them:

    • It is easy to use and learn. You don't need any special skills or knowledge to use it. The interface is clear and user-friendly, and guides you through every step of the process.
    • It is flexible and customizable. You can create your own tables with your own formulas and coefficients. You can also modify or delete any table or unit at any time, and recalculate the results accordingly.
    • It is accurate and reliable. It follows the legal and technical standards for calculating condominium tables. It also allows you to adjust the precision of the results according to your needs.
    • It is fast and efficient. It performs all the calculations in seconds, saving you time and effort. It also helps you avoid errors and inconsistencies that may arise from manual calculations.

    How FGE millesimi compares with other programs

    There are other programs that claim to offer similar features as FGE millesimi for calculating condominium tables. However, they often have some drawbacks that make them less convenient or effective than FGE millesimi. Here are some examples:

    • Some programs are not free but require a subscription or a license fee to use them.
    • Some programs are not updated regularly or do not comply with the latest legal and technical regulations.
    • Some programs are not compatible with different devices or operating systems.
    • Some programs have a complex or confusing interface that makes them hard to use or learn.
    • Some programs have limited or fixed options for creating or modifying tables.

    FGE millesimi avoids all these problems by offering a free, updated, compatible, simple, and flexible solution for calculating condominium tables. It is designed to meet the needs of both professionals and individuals who want to manage their condominiums in an easy and effective way.


    Calculating and updating condominium tables is a crucial task for any condominium administrator or property owner. However, it can also be a challenging and time-consuming one. That's why you need a reliable and convenient program that can help you with this task.

    FGE millesimi is the free program that you are looking for. It allows you to calculate condominium tables according to the law and the regulations, and to customize them according to your preferences. It also lets you save, print, or export your tables in different formats, and to generate other useful documents for your condominium management.

    With FGE millesimi, you can save time and money, avoid errors and disputes, and ensure a fair and transparent distribution of the ownership and the expenses among the units of your condominium. Download it now from the Microsoft Apps store and try it for yourself. You won't regret it.
