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Progecad 2011 Professional Serial Number Free

If the method is a mesh model, what is the option you used? The name of the method might be helpful. John Burke Autodesk, Inc. 2013/10/18 16:52 Unknown method I think its not regular Autodesk mesh model, it has a cube like shape but the size is not regular no matter which plane i put on the cube its always the same size. as you can see in the image there is a plane the sides of which is 1 mm. Please Explain the difference of X and Y as well as how the method effect the 3D Workbench To: 2author 2013/10/18 17:24 Hello I can understand the difference between X and Y, i am not familiar with 3d workbench and have no experience on it. but i am familiar with 3ds max and in the setting you can specify what the width and height of the cube is, as shown in the image, what is the setting you used to set the cube to be 1 mm? Re: 2013/10/18 17:31 2author, I am using the same size as the image in the first comment. The cube needs to be 1mm on X axis. It will be used for some part of the rendering process and for this reason I don't want it to effect or "disappear" from the rendering. Is there a way to specify this for the whole model or will I need to use "Split" to do that? Re: 2author, 2013/10/19 03:21 Hi 2author I am using the same size as the image in the first comment. The cube needs to be 1mm on X axis. It will be used for some part of the rendering process and for this reason I don't want it to effect or "disappear" from the rendering. Is there a way to specify this for the whole model or will I need to use "Split" to do that? Yes, you need to split (with Ctrl+Shift+P). I am sorry that I cannot be of more help. John Burke Autodesk, Inc. 2013/10/19 09:40 yes that what i did split and before i split it i set it to be 1mm but after i split it i see an extra 10 cm

A: There is an Autodesk button on their homepage that will export your serial number. It will also find files in the installer on Windows. There are also ways you can find it in the registry. It's a good idea to keep a file of these important serial numbers, so you don't have to keep searching through software files each time you update a product. Q: Why is the gradient of a function $f(x)=\tanh(x)$ its $\frac1{\operatorname{sech}^2(x)}$? I am having trouble understanding why $ abla f(x)=\frac1{\operatorname{sech}^2(x)}$. I have considered the chain rule for $\operatorname{sech}$ and $\operatorname{tanh}$ but could not come up with a formula to calculate $ abla f(x)$. A: The chain rule gives $$\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\tanh(x) &=&\frac{1}{\cosh^2(x)}-\tanh(x) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\frac{1}{\cosh^2(x)} &=&\frac{ -1}{\sinh^2(x)}\cdot\frac{1}{\cosh^2(x)} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\frac{1}{\sinh^2(x)} &=&\frac{2}{\sinh^2(x)}\cdot\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\frac{1}{\cosh^2(x)} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\frac{1}{\sinh^2(x)} &=&\frac{2}{\sinh^2(x)}\cdot\frac{1}{\cosh^2(x)} \\ \end{eqnarray*}$$ Now we have $$ abla f(x)=\tanh'(x)\cdot\frac{\mathrm{ a2fa7ad3d0