Portable Ant Renamer Crack With Full Keygen Free For Windows [Updated] 2022

Portable Ant Renamer is a program which you can use to easily rename files in batch mode. Since installation is not required, you can place Portable Ant Renamer on a removable drive, plug it into any computer and directly run its executable file. What's more important is that your Windows registry keys will remain intact. The interface of Portable Ant Renamer is clean and intuitive. Files can be imported into the list by using either the file browser or the "drag and drop" method. Plus, you can enable Portable Ant Renamer to add selected folders or files of selected folder, as well as apply these two options to subfolders as well. So, when it comes to file renaming, you can change the extension or string, replace multiple string, insert or move text, delete characters, use MP3 tag information and the date and time attributes, give random names, change the case, use EXIF information and regular expressions, and more. Furthermore, you can view and copy a log file, preview changes before applying them, remove all items from the list, enable Portable Ant Renamer to stay on top of other processes, and others. The simple-to-use tool takes up a very low amount of system resources, includes a comprehensive help file for all user levels, has a very good response time, quickly finishes a task and didn't freeze, crash or pop up errors during our tests. Even if it doesn't offer any extraordinary features, we strongly recommend Portable Ant Renamer to all users. Ant Renamer Video Guide







Portable Ant Renamer Crack With License Code (Final 2022)

If you haven't installed your applications and data, then you know what a time-wasting job it is to find them in multiple locations. As a result, you end up skipping a lot of things you do not actually need, wasting time and money. On top of it, hundreds of thousands of documents are lost, often on a very important day. All we need is a tool that does the job, fast and right. Ant Renamer is a program that will help you to rename your files at once. All you need to do is type the extension or name of the file, and it will do the rest. For those of you who wish to get rid of a particular string, Ant Renamer has no problems with that. The interface is very simple. All you have to do is navigate to the folder you wish to check and all its files. Now all you need to do is select the ones that you wish to rename and drag them into Ant Renamer's window. Depending on the selection, Ant Renamer will either be able to automatically fill the list, copy selected strings to a clipboard or move them to other locations. After this, you can either click the button to rename them all at once or select individual files and rename them all at once. Ant Renamer's features include, but are not limited to: - Add selected folders or files. - Use the folder you are in as a basis for your renaming. - Add files that have been removed from the list. - Use the file that has been selected as a basis for renaming. - Add multiple files. - Select files one by one. - Delete file parts. - Check all files' parts. - Deactivate "Last Finder" and choose the way you like. - Select files using tags. - Deactivate renaming if files are the same. - Pause renaming. - Stop renaming. - Invert selection. - Export logs. - Preview the changes. - Apply to selected folders and files. - Command line parameters. - All parameters support the description. - Repeat the operation. - Run the program in the background. - Protect renaming with the system. - Maximum file length for all parameters. - Deactivate files to be renamed. - Use current date/time. - Portable Ant Renamer is lightweight and doesn't take much memory. - Make a log.

Portable Ant Renamer Activation Code Free

You're able to use Portable Ant Renamer to quickly rename files in batch mode on your computer. So, you can easily change the extension, insert or remove text, insert images, delete characters, give random names, use the date and time, etc. What's more, you're able to give the files unique names, provide file renaming options in various folders, remove multiple files and folders in one time, support configurable search folders, apply all settings to subfolders, etc. In addition, you'll be able to access the log file, import and remove items from the list, preview changes and export them to TXT, WAV, MP3, JPG, PNG, MSP, MP2, MP3, AC3, AC3_SOF (1-byte, 8-byte, 16-byte, 24-byte), FLAC, WAV, and others. How To Install, Uninstall Portable Ant Renamer: First of all, open Portable Ant Renamer.exe and save it onto your computer. Then, copy and paste the portable renamer.ini file onto your computer. To configure Portable Ant Renamer, open the configuration file and make necessary adjustments. In order to remove Portable Ant Renamer, execute Portable Ant Renamer.exe and press the Remove button. Portable Ant Renamer Comments: I'm sure I've got lots of readers who use portable versions of Ant Renamer that are not shown above. If you want to let us know the best one you use, please let us know. Advanced search Check all items Type of material: Word files (*.doc, *.docx) File size: Minimum: 0.01 MB Maximum: 50.00 MB Search in: Name Rating Feedback text: Search success! Now we would like to inform you that, as this is an automated search, no manual reviews are available yet, for this software. The best portable 3D-modelling software: SketchUp Pro SketchUp Pro gives you an immensely powerful environment for editing and viewing 3D models. But at the same time, it’s designed for the beginner, so it’s intuitive and easy to use. SketchUp Pro is the best 3D-modelling software for professionals, hobbyists, students and 2f7fe94e24

Portable Ant Renamer With Full Keygen [Win/Mac]

How to use Portable Ant Renamer: 1. Double-click the "Ant Renamer.exe" icon to launch Portable Ant Renamer software. 2. The software window will appear. 3. Right-click the mouse on any item to select, you can rename, add folders or remove from the list. 4. Drag and drop files into the list using the file browser of your computer. 5. Select the item you want to change and click Rename. 6. The software will rename all of the selected items at once. 7. Click Yes to apply the changes. 8. Click No to cancel the changes. 9. Click the Preview tab to preview the modified file. 10. Press the OK button to continue. 11. Click the Log tab to check the log. 12. Click the Settings tab to set other attributes. 13. Press the OK button to close the window. 14. Uninstall Portable Ant Renamer 1. Click Start, click Control Panel and select Programs and Features. 2. Select Portable Ant Renamer in the list and click Uninstall. 3. Click OK to confirm. 4. Restart your computer. 5. Enjoy Portable Ant Renamer! It helps you to create and rename media files (audio, video, picture, screenshot, image) in batch mode with ease. What's more, you can rename various video and audio formats, easy set file-extensions, and convert from media file formats to others. Besides, the software can add selected files of a folder or its subfolders, and can remove files or folders. There is a powerful file-renaming engine embedded into it, so it can easily handle various video and audio files with ease, and rename them by changing the extension, string, insert/delete text, and manipulate certain date and time attributes. It also provides powerful functions and settings to enable you to use portable Ant Renamer in batch mode to complete your file-renaming needs. Some features include a powerful Log to view and/or copy the log information, easily preview file before doing changes, easily do batch-mode file renaming, and the program is simple-to-use. Furthermore, Portable Ant Renamer comes with a very good response time, no errors, no freezing, and no popup during our tests. The features are nice and made portable so it doesn't need any installation. Furthermore, Portable Ant

What's New In Portable Ant Renamer?

Prevent the same programs from being launched from within a set of folders/folders and subfolders as their folder/subfolder names are already in use. A. Zip - protect the.exe files from being replaced Automatically rename the.exe files which are already renamed in the archive B. Zip - protect the files which don't want to be renamed Prompt when a file which doesn't want to be renamed is about to be renamed C. Recode - protect the files from being replaced Recode the.exe files which are already renamed in the archive D. Filename - protect the files which don't want to be renamed Prompt when a file which doesn't want to be renamed is about to be renamed E. Com - protect the files from being replaced New rename or renomixed a file F. Sort - protect the files which don't want to be renamed Recode the.exe files which are already renamed in the archive G. Folder - protect the folders from being replaced The folders and their subfolders which are already renamed in the archive must appear in the file list as blank entries H. File - protect the files which don't want to be renamed You can prompt the files which don't want to be renamed every time when you start renaming them I. Read exif - protect the files which don't want to be renamed The exif information of the files which don't want to be renamed must be analyzed. If the exif information satisfies the regular expressions, it won't be renamed J. Select - protect the files which don't want to be renamed The files which don't want to be renamed must be selected before renaming them. If the file name is excluded from the file list or the selection is not correct, rename will be refused K. Change to ext - protect the files from being replaced The extention of the files must be changed before they are renamed L. Title - protect the files which don't want to be renamed Change the title of the files which don't want to be renamed M. Times - protect the files from being replaced The date and time information of the files must be changed before they are renamed N. First - protect the files from being replaced The first item of the file name must be


System Requirements For Portable Ant Renamer:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 CPU, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, Intel Core i3 CPU, Intel Core i5 CPU, Intel Core i7 CPU, AMD Athlon CPU, AMD Phenom CPU, AMD FX CPU, AMD Ryzen CPU, AMD FX-9590 CPU Intel Pentium 4 CPU, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, Intel Core i3 CPU, Intel Core i5 CPU, Intel Core i7 CPU,
