Open Mind Level 1 Workbook Pdf LINK

Open Mind Level 1 Workbook Pdf LINK


Open Mind Level 1 Workbook Pdf

The majority of authors consider Open Access to mean immediate, unrestricted online access and not only digital preservation of the printed publication, but also ensuring that their articles are deposited in repositories (Wolters Kluwer, 2008). This is a universal principle: the right to disseminate and reuse journal articles should be as easy as possible. There is no doubt that the open access movement has stimulated the emergence of many infrastructure initiatives and support groups, as well as many journals that have their journals, policies, and new publishing models in motion and being tested. For example, the previous four decades have seen the exponential expansion of journals with open access options (Jaspan et al., 2013), so that by the year 2020 there will likely be 80,000, rather than 8,000, scientific and technical journals in world-wide circulation (Jaspan et al., 2013).

For us, there is a crucial distinction between open access journals and institutions. A pioneering publication is not a journal, but an expression of a unique idea or insight to be shared with the community. The long term goal of the Open Access Movement should be to create an environment where everyone has access to research publications and that sharing can happen legally, ethically, and freely for non-commercial purposes. But not all scholarship has a publishing culture, and even where its critical to share and discuss knowledge, scholarship often does not emerge as a product which is sold and distributed in that way. To many, the very idea that scholarship could be a product which we would sell, promote, report, regulate, or evaluate in financial terms is an alien and alienating one.

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