Newbluedjsuitesetup [VERIFIED]

Newbluedjsuitesetup [VERIFIED]



Explore the best tablet or laptop. Print desktop & mobile devices in no time for $9.95. Includes High-quality print, fully-licensed Adobe PDF files & no software required..Q: Ruby correct way to create program structure What is the correct ruby way to create a program structure. I am trying to learn how to create structured ruby programs. Below is my current code. def read_from_file(file_path) puts "In read_from_file" puts file_path puts "read_from_file returning" return end def parse_from_file(file_path) puts "In parse_from_file" puts file_path puts "parse_from_file returning" return parseFile(file_path) end def parseFile(file_path) lines = read_from_file(file_path) regex = /(\S+)\s+(.+)/ lines.each do |line| return "$1\t$2" end end So I want to return one line of text (text that contains a regex match). What is the correct way of doing this? A: Your method should return whatever result you want to see. Return the lines: def parse_from_file(file_path) lines = read_from_file(file_path) regex = /(\S+)\s+(.+)/ lines.each do |line| return "$1\t$2" end end As the others suggested,

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