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Llengua Valenciana 4 Primaria Santillana Pdf Download

{APPROVED] or you have additional information to submit, please contact your. web: www.Q: What is the difference between `find_gem_package` and `gem` in Ruby? I am having some trouble uninstalling gems. I am having the following gem installed on a home-made server: gem list | grep fork forks (0.2.2) When attempting to uninstall it: gem uninstall forks This message appears: ERROR: While executing gem... (Gem::InstallError) The 'postgresql' native extension is not loaded, so gem cannot create a gem for gem 'postgresql', which is available as a source. I have the following in my ~/.gemrc file: gem: /home/johndoe/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3@vps3-server And this: gem "postgresql" I also have in my ~/.bash_profile file: export PATH="$PATH:/home/johndoe/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.3/bin/:/usr/local/psql/bin/:$HOME/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/etc/blessed:/usr/local/etc/ruby_env.d" The full command used to uninstall is: gem uninstall forks I should also mention that I am not really using the bundler gem. This is a VPS server and I am using a version of Ruby that I have installed myself. A: You installed fork from somewhere other than the Ruby package system. There's probably a program called forks under /usr/local/bin, and bundler won't know about it. I'm not sure why the PSQL error is happening, but this is how to uninstall the fork you installed: gem uninstall forks You can also use rvm to uninstall your local install: rvm pkg uninstall forks Day: February 17, 2018 The opinions expressed by authors contributing

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