Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download –l __EXCLUSIVE__

Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download --l

Jose Rizal was a Filipino nationalist and polymath who lived in the 19th century. He is widely regarded as the national hero of the Philippines for his role in inspiring the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonialism. Rizal wrote several novels, essays, poems, and letters that exposed the injustices and abuses of the colonial system and advocated for reforms and independence.

One of the most remarkable achievements of Rizal was his complete works and writings, which spanned various genres and topics. His works and writings reflect his deep knowledge of history, culture, philosophy, science, and languages. He also demonstrated his artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpting, and woodcarving. His works and writings are considered as treasures of Philippine literature and culture.

If you want to learn more about Jose Rizal's life, works and writings, you can download them in PDF format from various sources online. Here are some of the benefits of downloading his works and writings in PDF format:

  • You can access them anytime and anywhere, even without an internet connection.
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  • You can zoom in or out to adjust the font size and readability.

Here are some of the sources where you can download Jose Rizal's life, works and writings in PDF format:

  1. The Internet Archive: This is a non-profit digital library that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music, and other media. You can find Jose Rizal's life and his complete works by Celedonio A. Ancheta here: You can also find other works by or about Rizal on this site by searching his name.
  2. Scribd: This is a subscription-based service that allows you to read unlimited books, audiobooks, magazines, and documents online or offline. You can find The Life and Works of Jose Rizal PDF here: You can also browse other related documents on this site by using the tags or categories.
  3. Studocu: This is a platform that allows students to share their study materials and notes with other students. You can find Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download --l here: You can also find other study materials on this site by searching for keywords or courses.

Downloading Jose Rizal's life, works and writings in PDF format is a great way to learn more about his life and legacy. You will be able to appreciate his contributions to Philippine history, culture, and literature. You will also be inspired by his values of education, patriotism, and reform. Download his works and writings today and discover why he is the national hero of the Philippines.

Some of the most famous works and writings of Jose Rizal are his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. These novels are considered as masterpieces of Philippine literature that expose the corruption and oppression of the Spanish colonial regime and the Catholic Church. They also depict the social conditions, customs, and culture of the Filipinos during the 19th century. The novels are written in Spanish, but they incorporate elements of Tagalog, Latin, Greek, French, German, and English languages.

Noli Me Tangere, which means "Touch Me Not" in Latin, was published in Berlin in 1887. It tells the story of Crisostomo Ibarra, a young and wealthy Filipino who returns to his hometown after studying in Europe. He plans to marry his childhood sweetheart, Maria Clara, and to build a school for the education of the natives. However, he faces opposition from the friars and the civil authorities who accuse him of being a subversive and a heretic. He also discovers a dark secret about his past that shatters his idealism and his love for Maria Clara.

El Filibusterismo, which means "The Reign of Greed" in Spanish, was published in Ghent in 1891. It is a sequel to Noli Me Tangere, set 13 years after the events of the first novel. It follows the adventures of Simoun, a mysterious and wealthy jeweler who is actually Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise. He has returned to the Philippines to foment a revolution against the Spanish government and the Catholic Church. He uses his influence and wealth to manipulate the people and to incite them to rebellion. However, his plans are thwarted by a series of events that reveal his true identity and motives.

Both novels have been translated into various languages and adapted into different media forms such as films, plays, operas, comics, and television series. They have also inspired many other Filipino writers and artists to create their own works that reflect the themes and issues raised by Rizal. The novels are considered as national treasures that embody the spirit of Philippine nationalism and patriotism.

Aside from his novels, Jose Rizal also wrote several poems and essays that expressed his love for his country, his admiration for his heroes, his aspirations for the Filipino people, and his vision of a free and progressive nation. Some of his poems and essays are considered as classics of Philippine literature that inspire generations of Filipinos.

One of his most famous poems is "Mi Ultimo Adios" or "My Last Farewell", which he wrote on the eve of his execution by a firing squad on December 30, 1896. It is a poignant farewell message to his beloved country, his family, his friends, and his fellow patriots. It also expresses his willingness to sacrifice his life for the sake of his country's freedom and dignity. The poem has been translated into many languages and recited by many Filipinos as a symbol of their patriotism and heroism.

Another notable poem is "A La Juventud Filipina" or "To The Philippine Youth", which he wrote in 1879 when he was only 18 years old. It is a poem that encourages the Filipino youth to excel in their studies and to use their talents and skills for the benefit of their country. It also praises the Filipino youth for their beauty, intelligence, and courage. The poem won a gold medal in a literary contest sponsored by the Manila Lyceum of Art and Literature.

Among his essays, one of the most influential is "The Philippines: A Century Hence", which he wrote in 1889-1890 as a series of articles for the newspaper La Solidaridad in Spain. It is an essay that predicts the future of the Philippines under different scenarios, such as remaining as a colony of Spain, becoming independent, or being annexed by another foreign power. It also analyzes the causes and effects of Spanish colonization on the Philippines and proposes reforms and solutions to improve the situation of the country and its people.

Jose Rizal also wrote several letters and speeches that reveal his thoughts and opinions on various topics and issues. He corresponded with his family, friends, fellow reformists, and even his enemies. He also delivered speeches on various occasions to express his views and sentiments. His letters and speeches are valuable sources of information and insight into his life and works.

One of his most famous letters is the one he wrote to the young women of Malolos on February 22, 1889. It is a letter that praises the courage and intelligence of the women who petitioned the governor-general to allow them to open a night school where they could learn Spanish and other subjects. It also encourages them to continue their education and to cultivate their virtues and talents. It also criticizes the friars who opposed their petition and who tried to keep them ignorant and submissive.

Another notable letter is the one he wrote to Ferdinand Blumentritt on June 19, 1892. It is a letter that describes his arrival in Manila after his exile in Dapitan. It also narrates his experiences and observations during his travel from Dapitan to Manila. It also expresses his hopes and fears for the future of his country and his people. It also reveals his plans to establish a civic society called La Liga Filipina, which aimed to unite the Filipinos and to promote their welfare and progress.

Among his speeches, one of the most influential is the one he delivered at the Restaurante Ingles in Madrid on June 25, 1884. It is a speech that honors Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo, two Filipino painters who won prizes at the Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid. It also celebrates the achievements and contributions of Filipinos in various fields of arts and sciences. It also challenges the Filipinos to aspire for greater excellence and glory for their country and their race.

In conclusion, Jose Rizal's life, works and writings are remarkable and inspiring. They show his genius, his patriotism, his vision, and his courage. They also reflect the history, culture, and identity of the Filipino people. They also offer valuable lessons and insights for the present and future generations of Filipinos. Downloading his works and writings in PDF format is a great way to appreciate and learn from his legacy. You will be able to discover more about his life and his works, and how they relate to your own life and your country. You will also be able to share his works and writings with others, and to spread his message of love, freedom, and progress.
