IPCMail Crack Full Product Key For Windows







IPCMail 1.03 Crack With License Key [Win/Mac]

IPCMail allows you to send email using the standard Internet SMTP (SMTP) email protocol. It is a command line utility for sending email using SMTP. It's an alternative to various web based email service providers. It simplifies the process of emailing so you can concentrate on the job at hand, instead of having to manage your email. IPCMail is not as powerful as the various web-mail applications but it is more powerful than mailing from the command prompt of a DOS box. IPCMail Features: ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) from an external file. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) and an external file for addresses and message text. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with attachments. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with attachments and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with attachments and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple files for attachments, and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple files for attachments, recipient address selection, and priority marks. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple recipients, and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple recipients, multiple addresses and message text, and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple recipients, multiple addresses, message text, and recipient address selection. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with a request for reciept. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with a request for receipt of message. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with a request for reciept and message text. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with a request for reciept and message text. ■Send E-mail using Internet SMTP(SMTP) with multiple recipients and multiple messages. ■Send E-

IPCMail 1.03 Registration Code [Updated] 2022

IPCMail Cracked 2022 Latest Version is a light-weight SMTP email software used to send email messages, configured in INI files or command line switches. It uses a TLS to secure the send and even stores email messages on a memory. The program supports and expands the basic INI file format as well as extended UNIX INI files. IPCMail Crack Free Download is fully Unicode compliant and very light weight compared to most email programs. IPCMail is ideal for external scripts, a master INI file for multiple INI files, to allow easy configuration of email addresses, hosts or from addresses, with multiple recipients, with multiple file attachments, with attachments that have a filemask (*.TXT), or with cleanup support for unwanted attachments, or even with server authentication using smtp AUTH. It also supports multiple recipients with multiple file attachments or even with "command" attachments that call an external script or program and create attachments. Each recipient has a unique ID, a display name, a defined group (e.g. "*SCRIPTS") and a set of other optional attributes, including a priority, organization, and email body contents to be used as a message body. These features can be expanded upon or even called as command line switches. There are no hidden attributes, features, or options in IPCMail. IPCMail may be used from scripts or from batch programs that have email sending functionality. There are two interfaces to IPCMail. A simple command line interface and a robust INI file interface. Description of IPCMail Command Line Interface: For scripts or batch programs that have email sending functions, IPCMail may be accessed via command line switches. The general IPCMail usage can be done as follows: IPCMail.exe [options] [] [] The options available to the command line interface are as follows: Sends the provided message to up to n recipients (no limits). The "recipient" may be provided as: * "real" email address * group: "*SCRIPTS" or "*SERVER" * the ID as a number 0 to 9 (no limits) * name as a display name ■ name@xxx.xxx ■ mailto:"name@xxx.xxx" ■ mail 91bb86ccfa

IPCMail 1.03

(click here for more information) Do you find yourself constantly sending monthly minders or emails notifying users of network status? Log files for large jobs need to be sent out after being generated? C-Mail is here. With C-Mail, email functionality can be written into job scripts or set up with schedulers. Just add C-Mail to the end of a backup script to email a log file to you, set it up as the notification executable in your network monitoring package, or define it with your system scheduler to send out email at predefined intervals. No longer do you have to open your email client, write repetitive mails, attach files, address and send.C-Mail does it for you. C-Mail provides the ability for command line access to the SMTP email protocol. Without C-Mail, sending email from automated process and batch routines may prove difficult or impossible. With C-Mail, notifications of batch style jobs and even generated logs and files may be sent in an automated fashion. C-Mail exposes a command line (DOS-Prompt) interface as well as a configurable INI batch interface for the processing and sending of SMTP email. Here are some key features of "IPCMail": ■ Ability to use an external file as the message text. ■ Ability to use an external file for addressing multiple recipients. ■ Option to mark priority. ■ Request reciept option. ■ Option of marking organization. ■ Multiple file attachments and ability to handle filemasks for file attachments (*.TXT). ■ "Delete after send" option for removing files after transmission. ■ Fully configurable SMTP settings including TCP port, server and timeout. ■ Configuarable number of retries for failed sends. ■ SMTP AUTH feature for loging into servers that require security authorization before sending. ■ Option to create log files to aide in trouble-shooting mail services. ■ Interactive console mode. ■ Support for multiple INI files, to handle pre-configured groups of settings. ■ No restrictions on file size. ■ Ability to send and receive images in bulk. Limitations: ■ IPCMail has a 30 trial usage period in which some features have been limited IPCMail Description: (click

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Your messages arrive in your inbox. IPCMail Description: C-Mail - The C-Mail utility provides a command line SMTP email interface that allows you to send email to a list of recipients or single recipient by entering text into the command line. You can send messages as quickly as you can type. Messages are delimited by a series of characters, including line breaks. You can enter an address, e-mail message, or file containing your message. IPCMail Description: The INI mail file is C-Mail's most powerful feature. The INI file contains the settings and specifications necessary to proceed. You can create simple INI files using built-in sections or you can use a separate file to hold the settings you need to manage your mail with a configurable text format. You can also create INI files that contain sections for each user that are read in at runtime. While the default format and functionality for INI files is adequate, you have the option of controlling the settings at the command line. You can access C-Mail using standard DOS commands, or you can automate the process. C-Mail's settings files do not require batch mode processing. C-Mail Description: Installation: As an EXE and DEB Installers are available to install your C-Mail utility on your PC. Installation via OS Specific Installers for the following platforms are provided by our software distributor. Once the installer has been installed, you can run C-Mail by entering the command line (DOS prompt). Installing C-Mail is very easy to set up. It is essential that you have a proper email server and are using a LAN, however C-Mail is a true command line tool and does not need a network connection. To run C-Mail, simply type cmail at the command prompt. If the C-Mail program terminates during operation it will attempt to restart as many times as necessary to succeed. When successful, C-Mail will display the contents of an INI mail file on the command line, allowing you to compose your own mails. C-Mail Description: Configuration: C-Mail is simple to configure. The C-Mail utility is not specially designed for ease of configuration. If you are unfamiliar with DOS prompt syntax, you may be confused by the settings you see in the INI file. However, you can easily

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 (64 bit) Processor: Intel Pentium II, AMD Athlon XP, Pentium III, AMD Opteron, Athlon 64, Intel Core, AMD Core 2 Memory: 1 GB RAM Hard Drive: 100MB free disk space Graphics: DirectX 8.1 or later, OpenGL 2.0 or later DirectX: Version 9.0, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32-bit only) Network: Broadband Internet connection (Recommended)