Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent 🌶️

Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent: A Complete Guide to Create Professional Well Logs and Borehole Models

If you are looking for a powerful software to visualize and analyze subsurface data, you might be interested in Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent. This software allows you to create professional well logs and borehole models from various data sources, such as lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical data, water levels, and more. You can also customize the appearance of your logs and models with different symbols, colors, patterns, scales, and annotations.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for free, and how to use it to create stunning well logs and borehole models. We will also explain what is a keygen torrent and why you should use it with caution.

What is Golden Software Strater?

Golden Software Strater is a software developed by Golden Software, a company that specializes in creating scientific graphics software for geoscientists, engineers, researchers, and educators. Strater is designed to help you visualize and analyze subsurface data in a simple and intuitive graphical environment. You can import data from various formats, such as Excel, LAS, ODBC, ASCII, Access, and more. You can also create logs and models from scratch using the built-in templates and tools.

Some of the features of Golden Software Strater are:

  • Creating well logs and borehole models from various data types, such as lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical data, water levels, deviation surveys, fractures, core descriptions, and more.
  • Customizing the appearance of your logs and models with different symbols, colors, patterns, scales, and annotations.
  • Editing your logs and models interactively using the mouse or keyboard.
  • Applying filters, transformations, calculations, and statistics to your data.
  • Exporting your logs and models to various formats, such as PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, EMF, SVG, DXF, LAS 3.0, etc.
  • Printing your logs and models with high quality and accuracy.

Golden Software Strater is compatible with Windows 7/8/10 (32-bit or 64-bit).

What is a Keygen Torrent?

A keygen torrent is a file that contains a keygen (a program that generates serial numbers or activation codes for software) and a torrent (a file that contains information about the location of files on a peer-to-peer network). A keygen torrent allows you to download and install software for free without paying for a license or subscription.

However, using a keygen torrent has some risks and disadvantages. For example:

  • You might download malware or viruses along with the keygen or the software.
  • You might violate the intellectual property rights of the software developers or publishers.
  • You might not get the latest updates or technical support from the software developers or publishers.
  • You might experience errors or bugs in the software that could affect its performance or functionality.

Therefore, we recommend you to use a keygen torrent with caution and at your own risk. We also encourage you to support the software developers or publishers by purchasing a legitimate license or subscription if you find their software useful or valuable.

How to Download and Install Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for Free?

If you want to download and install Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for free, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to this link and click on the "Download File" button. You will be redirected to another page where you can choose a download server.
  2. Select a download server that is fast and reliable. You will need to complete a captcha verification before you can start downloading the file.
  3. Save the file on your computer. The file name should be "". The file size should be about 100 MB.
  4. Extract the file using WinRAR or any other program that can handle RAR files. You will get two folders: "Golden_Software_Strater_5.4.948_x86_x64" and "Keygen".
  5. Open the folder "Golden_Software_Strater_5.4.948_x86_x64" and run the setup file "Strater5.exe". Follow the installation wizard to install Golden Software Strater on your computer.
  6. Do not launch Golden Software Strater after installation. Instead, open the folder "Keygen" and run the file "keygen.exe". You will see a window with some fields and buttons.
  7. In the field "Product", select "Strater 5". In the field "Licensee", enter any name you want. In the field "Serial Number", click on the button "Generate". You will get a serial number that looks like this: "GSST-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX". Copy this serial number.
  8. Go back to the folder "Golden_Software_Strater_5.4.948_x86_x64" and open the file "license.ini" with Notepad or any other text editor. You will see some lines of text like this:
  9. [License]
  10. Paste the serial number that you copied from the keygen in the field "SerialNumber". Save the file and close it.
  11. You can now launch Golden Software Strater from your desktop or start menu. You will see a window asking you to activate your license online or offline. Choose offline activation.
  12. You will see another window asking you to enter an activation code. Go back to the keygen window and click on the button "Activate". You will get an activation code that looks like this: "GSAC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX". Copy this activation code.
  13. Paste the activation code that you copied from the keygen in the field "Activation Code". Click on the button "Activate". You will see a message saying that your license has been activated successfully.
  14. Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for free. You can now use it to create professional well logs and borehole models.

How to Use Golden Software Strater to Create Professional Well Logs and Borehole Models?

Now that you have downloaded and installed Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for free, you might be wondering how to use it to create professional well logs and borehole models. In this section, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to use Strater effectively and efficiently.

First of all, you need to understand the basic concepts and components of Strater. Strater is based on three main view types: borehole view, map view, and cross section view. Each view type has its own purpose and features:

  • Borehole view: This is where you can create and edit well logs from various data types, such as lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical data, water levels, etc. You can also customize the appearance of your logs with different symbols, colors, patterns, scales, and annotations.
  • Map view: This is where you can create and edit maps that show the location and orientation of your boreholes. You can also add other map elements, such as base maps, legends, scale bars, north arrows, etc.
  • Cross section view: This is where you can create and edit cross sections that show the subsurface structure and stratigraphy of your boreholes. You can also add other cross section elements, such as labels, grids, axes, etc.

To create a new project in Strater, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Launch Strater from your desktop or start menu. You will see a welcome screen that gives you some options to start a new project or open an existing one.
  2. Click on the button "New Project". You will see a dialog box that asks you to choose a template for your project.
  3. Select a template that suits your needs and preferences. You can choose from the built-in templates or create your own custom template. A template defines the layout and settings of your views and tables.
  4. Click on the button "OK". You will see a new project window that contains one or more views and tables according to the template you selected.
  5. Save your project by clicking on the button "Save" or pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard. You will be asked to enter a name and location for your project file. A project file has the extension ".str".

To import data into Strater, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the table that you want to import data into. A table is a spreadsheet-like component that stores your data in rows and columns. You can have multiple tables in your project for different data types.
  2. Click on the button "Import" or press Ctrl+I on your keyboard. You will see a dialog box that allows you to browse and select a data file from your computer or network.
  3. Select a data file that contains the data you want to import. You can import data from various formats, such as Excel, LAS, ODBC, ASCII, Access, etc.
  4. Click on the button "Open". You will see another dialog box that allows you to specify some options for importing your data, such as delimiter, header rows, data types, etc.
  5. Adjust the options according to your data file and click on the button "OK". Your data will be imported into the selected table.

To create well logs in Strater, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the borehole view that you want to create well logs in. A borehole view is a graphical component that displays one or more well logs along a vertical axis.
  2. Click on the button "New Log" or press Ctrl+N on your keyboard. You will see a dialog box that asks you to choose a log type for your new log.
  3. Select a log type that suits your data type and preferences. You can choose from various log types, such as depth log, zone bar log, line/symbol log, raster log, etc.
  4. Click on the button "OK". You will see another dialog box that allows you to specify some properties for your new log, such as name, source table, columns, scale, etc.
  5. Adjust the properties according to your data and click on the button "OK". Your new log will be created in the selected borehole view.

To create maps in Strater, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the map view that you want to create maps in. A map view is a graphical component that displays one or more maps along a horizontal plane.
  2. Click on the button "New Map" or press Ctrl+M on your keyboard. You will see a dialog box that asks you to choose a map type for your new map.
  3. Select a map type that suits your needs and preferences. You can choose from various map types, such as borehole map, base map (image), base map (vector), etc.
  4. Click on the button "OK". You will see another dialog box that allows you to specify some properties for your new map, such as name, source table or file, coordinates system, projection method etc.
  5. Adjust the properties according to your data and click on the button "OK". Your new map will be created in the selected map view.

To create cross sections in Strater, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the cross section view that you want to create cross sections in. A cross section view is a graphical component that displays one or more cross sections along a horizontal line.
  2. Click on the button "New Cross Section" or press Ctrl+X on your keyboard. You will see a dialog box that asks you to choose a cross section type for your new cross section.
  3. Select a cross section type that suits your needs and preferences. You can choose from various cross section types, such as borehole cross section (vertical), borehole cross section (deviated), fence diagram (vertical), fence diagram (deviated), etc.
  4. Click on the button "OK". You will see another dialog box that allows you to specify some properties for your new cross section,
  5. <such as name source table boreholes projection method etc


    In this article, we have shown you how to download and install Golden Software Strater Keygen Torrent for free, and how to use it to create professional well logs and borehole models. We have also explained what is a keygen torrent and why you should use it with caution. We hope you have found this article useful and informative.

    Golden Software Strater is a powerful software for visualizing and analyzing subsurface data in a simple and intuitive graphical environment. You can create well logs and borehole models from various data types, such as lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical data, water levels, etc. You can also customize the appearance of your logs and models with different symbols, colors, patterns, scales, and annotations. You can also create maps and cross sections that show the location and orientation of your boreholes and the subsurface structure and stratigraphy.

    If you want to learn more about Golden Software Strater, you can visit the official website or the online help. You can also watch some training videos and webinar recordings that demonstrate how to use Strater effectively and efficiently. You can also contact the technical support team if you have any questions or issues with the software.

    Thank you for reading this article. We hope you have enjoyed it and learned something new. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. Have a great day!
