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Free Serial Key For Revolution Under Siege

however, monroe had not forgotten that he could use washington's power to boost his career. monroe encouraged washington to accept the presidency by offering his services. in 1792, monroe ran for governor of virginia as a democrat, an appointment that he knew washington would approve. monroe's opponent, thomas jefferson, believed that monroe was using washington and hoped he would influence washington to his advantage. washington agreed to become president without stating in advance whether he would accept the post or not. 42

on taking office, washington and his wife and friends moved from philadelphia to a larger home on the grounds of mount vernon. in 1791, he became a delegate to the virginia ratification convention. the constitution was ratified in 1792 and monroe's party began to slowly gain power in congress, where monroe had the final say. 43

by the end of 1776, the war had taken a turn for the worse, with british victories at saratoga and montreal. a year after the british left new york, the french and americans signed the treaty of paris, ending the hostilities of the revolutionary war. by then, however, the war had already taken a dramatic shift in its outcome. in the summer of 1777, news arrived that joseph brant, mohawk, had organized a powerful force of eighty-two hundred men to fight on behalf of the british. brant was a longtime ally of king george and a mohawk tribe leader who had fought bravely in the american war of independence. as washington’s political strategist and a prominent advisor, brant deeply affected his opinion of braddock’s defeat on the monongahela. he now attempted to persuade the british commander to spare the americans and offer terms. this now became branches mission. washington worked to keep the entire army together even while he tried to assemble forces to stop brant from reaching philadelphia. although the american general was successful in preventing brants march, brants news of the war’s outcome finally spurred his own personal conversion to the war as a british ally. in may 1778, brant set out with hundreds of mohawks to join the british in southern canada. in a series of battles culminating in a british victory at the battle of the little meadows, brant and his mohawk warriors decimated the continental army of george washington. 41

for adams and other leaders, the revolution was not about abolishing slavery or expanding the reach of the federal government. the revolution was about ending dependence on a distant mother country and replacing it with a new government that was closer and more trustworthy. when parliament passed the stamp act in 1765, for example, it was passed by the house of commons and the lords, whose members were not elected by the people of the colonies, but by the representatives of the different british colonies. meanwhile, colonial legislators were able to create a new assembly of special representatives whose members were elected directly by the people. the revolution was about replacing one imperial system with another and not just about replacing one monarch with another, however. the british empire was not divided into dozens of tiny, independent states, as the united states was. in the case of the french, ideas about monarchy and aristocracy remained strong. french traditions of government and of thinking about culture were deeply embedded in the national psyche. similarly, the catholic church was more than an institution: it was a cultural and social force, a powerful agency of social cohesion and a powerful force for social discipline. aristocracy, the monarchy, and the church dominated french political thought. aristocracy was particularly dangerous because it came with a natural affinity to both monarchy and the church. aristocracy was always connected to monarchism, and kings had always claimed special ties to god. when the french crown needed money, these two important institutions became the weak link in society, and had the crowns power been restricted by parliament and by the revolution, they would have been difficult for any king, including those with more moderate political ideas, to control. this is what the parliamentarians hoped to achieve in their declaration of rights of man. in the american revolution, moreover, aristocracy actually had a good deal of support. vast swaths of the agrarian population had no political rights at all and had been subject to social and economic oppression and exploitation. even in cities, only a small proportion of the population were landowners (an average of 8 percent of the 18th century population). the landed elite had over time established a church-controlled political system and an aristocracy firmly in control of the economic and political powers. in the colonies, the colonist elite were mostly landed gentlemen whose traditional ties to the british aristocracy predisposed them to be part of the british empire. 5ec8ef588b