Free Fire New Advance Server Download __LINK__

Free Fire New Advance Server Download: Everything You Need to Know

Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale games on mobile, with over 500 million downloads on Google Play Store. The game offers a variety of exciting game modes, characters, weapons, and maps for players to enjoy. However, if you want to experience the latest and unreleased features of the game before anyone else, you need to play on the Free Fire Advance Server.

The Free Fire Advance Server is a special server where players can test the upcoming updates of the game before they are officially released. The Advance Server is only available for a limited period of time and for a limited number of players. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Free Fire Advance Server, including how to register, download, install, and play on it.

What is Free Fire Advance Server?

The Free Fire Advance Server is a separate server from the regular one, where players can access the new features and modes that are not yet available on the official version of the game. The purpose of the Advance Server is to allow players to test the new updates and provide feedback to the developers. The developers can then fix any bugs or glitches before launching the updates globally.

How to register for Free Fire Advance Server?

To play on the Free Fire Advance Server, you need to register first using your Facebook account. Here are the steps to register for the Free Fire Advance Server:

  1. Visit the official website of Free Fire Advance Server at [1](
  2. Login using your Facebook account that is linked to your Free Fire game account.
  3. Fill in your active email ID and phone number in the given boxes.
  4. Click on "Join Now" button to complete your registration.

How to download and install Free Fire Advance Server APK?

After registering for the Free Fire Advance Server, you need to download and install the APK file of the game on your device. Here are the steps to download and install the Free Fire Advance Server APK:

  1. Go back to the official website of Free Fire Advance Server at [1](
  2. Click on "Download APK" button to download the APK file of the game.
  3. Once the APK file is downloaded, locate it in your device's file manager and tap on it.
  4. Enable the "Install from Unknown Source" option if prompted.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the game on your device.

How to get Activation Code for Free Fire Advance Server?

To play on the Free Fire Advance Server, you need an Activation Code that is unique for each player. The Activation Code is a code that allows you to enter the server and access its features. Without an Activation Code, you cannot play on the server even if you have downloaded and installed the APK file. Here are the steps to get an Activation Code for Free Fire Advance Server:

  1. Go back to the official website of Free Fire Advance Server at [1](
  2. Click on "Activation Code" button to see if you have received a code.
  3. If you have received a code, copy it and paste it in the game when prompted.
  4. If you have not received a code, wait for the developers to send you one via email or SMS.

Note that the Activation Code is only valid for one server period and for one device. You cannot use the same code for another server period or another device. You also cannot share your code with others, as it is linked to your game account.

What are the benefits of playing on Free Fire Advance Server?

Playing on the Free Fire Advance Server has many benefits for players who want to enjoy the game in a different way. Here are some of the benefits of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server:

Experience new features and modes before official release

The main benefit of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that you can experience the new features and modes that are not yet available on the official version of the game. You can try out the new characters, weapons, vehicles, pets, maps, and more before anyone else. You can also explore the changes and improvements made to the existing features and modes. This way, you can have a sneak peek of what's coming next in the game and prepare yourself accordingly.

Report bugs and glitches and earn rewards

Another benefit of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that you can report any bugs or glitches that you encounter while playing on the server. The developers appreciate your feedback and suggestions, as they help them to fix the issues and improve the game quality. You can report any bugs or glitches using the in-game report button or via email. By reporting bugs or glitches, you can also earn rewards such as diamonds, gold, and exclusive items. The more bugs or glitches you report, the more rewards you get.

Test your skills against other advanced players

The last benefit of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that you can test your skills against other advanced players who are also playing on the server. The Advance Server is not for casual players, but for those who are serious about the game and want to challenge themselves. You can compete with other players who have similar or higher skill levels than you, and learn from their strategies and tactics. You can also make new friends and enemies on the server, and have fun with them.

What are the drawbacks of playing on Free Fire Advance Server?

Playing on the Free Fire Advance Server also has some drawbacks that you need to be aware of before joining it. Here are some of the drawbacks of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server:

Limited number of slots and codes

The first drawback of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that there are only a limited number of slots and codes available for players who want to join it. The developers only select a few thousand players who can access the server each time. The selection is based on various factors such as your game activity, level, rank, region, device, etc. If you are not selected, you cannot play on the server even if you have registered for it. You have to wait for the next server period and hope that you get a slot and a code then.

Data loss and compatibility issues

The second drawback of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that there is a risk of data loss and compatibility issues when you play on it. The Advance Server is not connected to your regular game account, so any progress or purchases that you make on it will not be saved or transferred to your official account. You will also lose all your data on the Advance Server when it closes down at the end of each server period. Moreover, the Advance Server may not be compatible with all devices or operating systems, so you may face some problems while playing on it.

Server instability and maintenance

The third drawback of playing on the Free Fire Advance Server is that there may be some server instability and maintenance issues when you play on it. The Advance Server is not as stable or reliable as the regular one, as it is still under development and testing. You may encounter some lag, crashes, errors, or bugs while playing on it. You may also face some downtime or maintenance periods when the server is offline or undergoing updates. These issues may affect your gameplay experience and enjoyment.

What are some tips and tricks for playing on Free Fire Advance Server?

If you have decided to play on the Free Fire Advance Server, here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay and performance:

Adjust your sensitivity settings according to your device

One of the most important aspects of playing Free Fire is to adjust your sensitivity settings according to your device and preference. The sensitivity settings affect how fast or slow your aim and camera movement are when you swipe or tilt your screen. You can find the sensitivity settings in the game settings menu, under the "Controls" tab. You can customize the sensitivity for different scopes, weapons, and vehicles. You can also use the "Auto Headshot" option to increase your chances of landing headshots on enemies. Experiment with different sensitivity settings until you find the one that suits you best.

Use the default aim precision for better accuracy

Another tip for playing Free Fire is to use the default aim precision for better accuracy. The aim precision is the option that determines how your crosshair moves when you fire your weapon. You can find the aim precision option in the game settings menu, under the "Controls" tab. You can choose between three options: Default, Precise on Scope, and Full Control. The default option is the best one for most players, as it allows you to aim and fire without much deviation. The precise on scope option is good for sniping, as it gives you more control over your scope movement. The full control option is the hardest one, as it makes your crosshair move with every bullet you fire, requiring more skill and practice.

Avoid looting in the open and use cover

A third tip for playing Free Fire is to avoid looting in the open and use cover. Looting is an essential part of the game, as it allows you to get better weapons, items, and resources. However, looting also exposes you to enemy fire, especially if you loot in the open without any cover. You should always look for cover when looting, such as buildings, walls, trees, rocks, etc. You should also loot quickly and efficiently, only picking up what you need and leaving behind what you don't. You can also use the "Quick Loot" option in the game settings menu, under the "Gameplay" tab, to loot faster and easier.

Use jump-shoot technique wisely

A fourth tip for playing Free Fire is to use the jump-shoot technique wisely. The jump-shoot technique is a tactic that involves jumping and shooting at the same time, to confuse and surprise your enemies. You can use this technique when you encounter enemies in close range or when you want to peek from cover. However, you should not overuse this technique, as it can also make you vulnerable and predictable. You should only use this technique when you have a clear shot and when you are confident of your aim. You should also avoid jumping too high or too low, as it can affect your accuracy and movement.

Take fights in the shrink zone

A fifth tip for playing Free Fire is to take fights in the shrink zone. The shrink zone is the area that is outside of the safe zone, where you take damage over time. The shrink zone can be a good place to take fights, as it can give you some advantages over your enemies. For example, you can use the shrink zone as a cover from behind, as most enemies will not expect you to be there. You can also use the shrink zone as a trap, as you can lure enemies into it and deal damage to them while they are distracted by the zone. However, you should also be careful when taking fights in the shrink zone, as it can also harm you if you stay there for too long. You should always keep an eye on your health and position, and move to the safe zone when necessary.


The Free Fire Advance Server is a great way to experience the new features and modes of the game before they are officially released. It also allows you to report bugs and glitches and earn rewards for doing so. However, playing on the Advance Server also has some drawbacks, such as limited slots and codes, data loss and compatibility issues, and server instability and maintenance. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons before joining the Advance Server.

If you decide to play on the Advance Server, you should follow some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay and performance. These tips include adjusting your sensitivity settings according to your device, using the default aim precision for better accuracy, avoiding looting in the open and using cover, using jump-shoot technique wisely, and taking fights in the shrink zone.

We hope that this article has given you all the information you need to know about the Free Fire Advance Server, and how to register, download, install, and play on it. We also hope that you have learned some tips and tricks that can help you have a better gameplay experience on the Advance Server. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Free Fire Advance Server:

Q: When will the next Free Fire Advance Server open?

A: The next Free Fire Advance Server will open in July 2023, according to the official website. The exact dates and timings will be announced soon.

Q: How can I get more Activation Codes for Free Fire Advance Server?

A: You cannot get more Activation Codes for Free Fire Advance Server, as each code is unique and valid for one server period and one device only. You have to wait for the next server period and hope that you get a new code then.

Q: Can I play with my friends on Free Fire Advance Server?

A: Yes, you can play with your friends on Free Fire Advance Server, as long as they have also registered, downloaded, installed, and got an Activation Code for the server. You can invite them to join your squad or clan, or join theirs.

Q: Can I use my existing game account on Free Fire Advance Server?

A: No, you cannot use your existing game account on Free Fire Advance Server, as the server is not connected to your regular account. You have to create a new account on the server using your Facebook login.

Q: Will my progress and purchases on Free Fire Advance Server be saved or transferred to my official account?

A: No, your progress and purchases on Free Fire Advance Server will not be saved or transferred to your official account, as the server is not connected to your regular account. You will lose all your data on the server when it closes down at the end of each server period.
