Final Fantasy VII PC Original (Unmodified) CODEX

Final Fantasy VII PC Original (Unmodified) CODEX


Final Fantasy VII PC Original (Unmodified) CODEX

there's a pretty big focus on the cultists, or as they're referred to in the codex: "accursed cultists." there's also a lot of really great lore on the chivalric knights, and a breakdown of the different units and their abilities. the codex delves into the wounds, or what the chivalry and chaos knights want to do to the other.

the codex is chock full of great material, as expected. it's worth picking up if you want to run a chaos knights army, and even if you don't have a chaos knights army yet, it's a great resource for doing so.

as i've mentioned before, final fantasy vii's battle system was pretty unique at the time of its release and a lot of games have tried to copy its success, but few have really come close to replicating the experience. the fact that it's now over 20 years old is no surprise, but it still holds up with such ease and the amount of content in this box is impressive. there are four important things to look for with this game: - the battle system - the original soundtrack - the unlockable content - the unique concepts that help make ffvii final fantasy

this box would be worth the price of admission alone, but it's the original soundtrack that really sells it for me. it's actually even worth buying the game itself, but the soundtrack is just so cool! it's a huge treat to have this as a soundtrack download here. there's just something magical about this game's soundtrack that is hard to explain. it also comes with a bunch of unique lore and items that you wouldn't find otherwise.

and last but certainly not least, the new codex weapons are coming, and are coming fast! the codex includes a page of new psychic powers and weapons for the imperial knights (old ones are cool too), and a page of new psychic weapons for the space wolves and what appears to be a rather beautiful version of the chaos space marine psychic bolter. all in all, it seems like a very, very good codex and one that will be a bit of a game-changer for the chaos knights.

While in hiding in Scotland, the future rulers of the world decided to study and immerse themselves in the various world cultures, to be more culturally aware. This was an incredibly risky course of action on their part, the countries they took over all had differences in religion or lack thereof. They made it a priority to destroy any religion that they found to be extremist, in order to understand the world better. They also believed they were the “chosen ones” to guide the world towards the light, no matter what it took. So they left the various countries they conquered and took root in them, in order to better understand them. This led to an unprecedented array of different cultures blending together, all striving for a common goal, to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, their kingdom grew, and got bigger. Further, they were constantly looking over their shoulders, due to unknown fears that a group of extremists were preparing an attack for them. So on their next move, to attempt to grow their Empire further, they came into contact with an active Cult of the Silver Moon. The cult was not actually that active and didn’t pose much of a threat, but the Kingshares were in no danger, for they had a weapon that they knew had the power to stave off the cult. The weapon, the Codex, was locked away in the king’s vault, awaiting an occasion to protect his greatest creation. Thinking that the cult was just another wannabe extremist fundamentalist religion, the Kingshares combined forces with the empire, banding together and unleashing the Codex on the cult, destroying it. However, in the process of being the chosen one, the Kingshares never did pay enough attention to the issue of a bunch of nerds, who were starting to creep their way into the internet. This small group of hackers kept spreading information on the Codex, using memes and jokes, and making fun of the Kingshares, and causing trouble. Fanboy wars broke out between the “Maniacs” and the “Kingshares”. The Kingshares thought these hackers would finally be stopped, but there were too many of them, and they weren’t motivated by religion. Instead, the Maniacs were just doing it out of pure boredom, to see what would happen. To be honest, the Kingshares didn’t understand the problem, for the hackers were simply acting like normal people. And so, that day, the Kingshares deployed their new 3w Legionnaires. Further, the Legionnaires were no longer just a squad that could beat up a few cultists. Instead, they were a team that the Kingshares could use for their own purposes, to hopefully stay ahead of any Maniacs that sprung up, and to keep the Maniacs from knowing about the Codex. The Legionnaires, the Maniacs and the Codex were sent on separate missions, effectively destroying the cult and keeping the Codex safe. And so, the Kingshares began to work on the Codex, modifying it to strengthen it, and making it into something that would turn even the Maniacs into something that they couldn’t handle. 5ec8ef588b