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336. the church, in fact, is the place where men and women meet to drink at the well of life, the mother of all. the church is the place where men and women meet to drink at the well of life, the mother of all. she has a family, a home. the church has a family, a home. this is why she never ceases to speak to the whole world, to call all to a deeper understanding of the meaning of human life and of the values that make life worth living. she speaks to all people, to rich and poor, to the powerful and the weak, to all those who are distant and those who live close by, to all those who are strangers and those who are not. she speaks to all those who see the greatness of god and all those who are disappointed by the indifference of the world to his compassion. she speaks to all those who love and those who do not. she speaks to all who are hungry, all those who are hungry. she speaks to all who suffer, all those who suffer. she speaks to all who are frightened, all those who are frightened. she speaks to all who are in anguish, all those who are in anguish. she speaks to all those who are guilty, all those who are guilty.

243. we often say that the most difficult part of our christian faith is the part in which we are called to love and forgive. we are called to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, and we are also called to give our forgiveness. but how do we reconcile these two commandments? what is the relationship between these two commandments? we must not mix them up. they are not contradictory; in fact, they are complementary. indeed, the one who loves his neighbour is called to forgive him. and the one who forgives his neighbour is called to love him. when we are called to forgive, we must not remain in hatred for the person we are forgiving. we must love that person. we must not reproach him. we must not hold him guilty for what he has done. the one who forgives is called to love, but not the one who holds on to our anger. the one who is angry is called to forgive, but not the one who hates. the one who loves his neighbour is called to forgive him. the one who forgives is called to love. we must not think that because the commandment to love our neighbour means doing anything for him, it also means that he has to do anything for us. indeed, it is not the same. [151]

325. the church is already involved in the building of a better world, to the extent that she has a ministry that is truly universal. although the special commitment of religious to the world of the spirit transcends all differences of time and place, it remains more or less bound to the historical age in which one lives. the church has a universal mission, but she does not have a universal language. the apostles who in their time were the first to proclaim the gospel came from many countries and spoke various tongues. today, the church is engaged in the task of translating the message of the gospel in many languages. all the evangelization efforts must, however, be understood as instruments of a larger mission. the church is called to bear witness to christ through the whole world, through every region and nation, and for this she has a universal language, the holy scriptures, [271] the very voice of christ himself. the church speaks to the whole world, and her proclamation transcends the limits of all nations. in the church, too, the church of jesus christ, the world speaks. the church's universal language is the one spoken by the holy spirit in the scriptures, which are an eloquent witness to the good news of god's love for his people, for all nations and for the whole world. the church's gift of herself to the whole world is the gift of her own unity in diversity, of her faith in christ, of the scriptures that transcends all peoples and all cultures. in this way, the church is the true light in the world, the instrument that enables all men to recognize their common humanity. she is present, as the mother of jesus, in all the initiatives for peace and reconciliation, in all the works of solidarity and all the efforts for peace, for justice and against racism, for the advancement of life and against poverty and the many injustices that destroy human dignity. 5ec8ef588b
