Ernst Topitsch Stalin’s War Pdf 184 LINK

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Ernst Topitsch Stalin's War Pdf 184

Topitsch was a major intellectual figure who died in hospital in Berlin on December 5, 1956, after the Soviet invasion of Hungary. The National Socialists had expelled him from the party in 1930. In the 1930s, Topitsch had been a member of the Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, the group who continued in exile. After the war, he pursued a career in research at the University of Munich until 1956. In the 1960s, he prepared two books on German military strategy, eventually published in German in 1964 (as Stalins Militärstrategie). A third book on ideology was published in 1965. iv

He never ceased to work on these themes and was already engaged in preparing a fourth book on international history until his death in 1956. The book was never finished. However, almost everything Topitsch wrote about Hitler and the subsequent period in Germany is well-known to present-day historians.

Topitsch always outlined Stalins aims as being to destroy Germany, through permanent economic blockade and defeat. This was the basis of his Prognose der Deutschen Kapitalisierung, the first of his four volumes on the subject of economic reconstruction in Germany. Topitsch saw the Soviet Union as a bulwark against fascism and the only barrier to victory over England and France. In the field of economy, he predicted the continuation of war and the further development of capitalism under the major concern of the pursuit of a colonial empire in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The German war economy had to be adapted to the new conditions to prevent a collapse of capitalism in Germany, in line with the principle of applying the Zwangsliberalliberalen economic reforms to the German market. It was necessary to adapt the economic and political system of Germany to the post-war world. Capitalist society would have to become reconciled with socialism. The final goal was a monopolist Germany, and at the same time a key factor in a projected peace conference for the whole world.

according to mcmeekin, stalin had made up his mind that the soviet union was going to attack germany, and had started preparations for the war when hitler invaded in 1941. stalin realized that the war with germany could not be won by defensive measures. as mcmeekin puts it: stalin was determined to achieve the kind of victory in the war that hitler had promised, and therefore he was determined to attack as soon as he could. the task facing the soviet union was to achieve victory in a matter of weeks. for this to happen, stalin had to speed up the military preparations that had already been taking place. he had to give the commanders instructions on exactly when to attack, when to halt any counter-offensive and so on. (stalin's war, p. 675n5) he did not hesitate to pursue offensive measures, with the end in sight of victory. the russians were not in a position to offer any resistance to an attack. as stalin wrote, on may 5, 1941: the main thing is to put the enemy in a position where he will have to accept the final decision of the war. (mcmeekin, stalin's war, p. 675n5) [35] mcmeekin goes on to describe how, on the eve of the german attack, the soviet union was preparing for a major offensive against germany. he refers to stalin's speech to the military graduates on 5 may 1941 in which he told his officers that they must attack the enemy at once. the soviet union would not defend against an attack. 'this was a message that stalin was sending to his soldiers, whether they agreed with it or not.' (mcmeekin, stalin's war, p. 675n5) 5ec8ef588b