Download REPACK Drive Composer Pro

- H3: Features of Drive Composer Pro | | H2: How to download Drive Composer Pro? | - H3: Requirements for Drive Composer Pro
- H3: Steps to download and install Drive Composer Pro
- H3: How to activate Drive Composer Pro | | H2: How to use Drive Composer Pro? | - H3: How to connect to a drive with Drive Composer Pro
- H3: How to set parameters and monitor signals with Drive Composer Pro
- H3: How to update firmware and backup data with Drive Composer Pro | | H2: Conclusion | - | | H2: FAQs | - | Table 2: Article with HTML formatting

Download Drive Composer Pro: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking for a powerful and user-friendly tool to commission and troubleshoot ABB's common architecture drives, you might want to download Drive Composer Pro. This software tool allows you to view and set drive parameters, monitor and tune process performance, update firmware, backup and restore data, and much more. In this article, we will explain what Drive Composer Pro is, why you need it, how to download it, and how to use it.

What is Drive Composer Pro?

Drive Composer Pro is the full-fledged version of Drive Composer, a start-up and maintenance tool for ABB's common architecture drives. These drives include ACS880, ACS580, ACS380, ACS355, ACS310, ACSM1, ACQ580, ACQ550, ACQ810, DCS880-S, DCS800-S, DCS800-A, DCT880-S, DCT880-A, DCX880-A. Drive Composer Pro allows you to access all the features and functions of these drives from your PC.

Why do you need Drive Composer Pro?

Benefits of Drive Composer Pro

Drive Composer Pro offers several benefits for drive users and service providers. Some of these benefits are:

  • It simplifies the commissioning and troubleshooting process by providing a graphical user interface that shows all the relevant information and settings of the drive.
  • It enhances the performance and efficiency of the drive by allowing you to monitor and tune the process parameters and signals in real time.
  • It improves the reliability and safety of the drive by enabling you to update the firmware, backup and restore the data, and configure the optional safety functions modules.
  • It supports multiple communication options such as USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet-based fieldbus adapter module or Panel bus network connection.
  • It allows you to work simultaneously with multiple drives connected in a network.
  • It provides additional features such as adaptive programming, control diagrams, macro scripts, drive text editor, EDS export files, event logger analysis, data logging analysis, etc.

Features of Drive Composer Pro

Drive Composer Pro has many features that make it a versatile and powerful tool for drive users and service providers. Some of these features are:

Online, offline and demo modes availableYou can work with a connected drive (online mode), edit parameter files in offline mode (offline mode), or explore the software features without a drive (demo mode).
User parameter set functionalityYou can create user-defined parameter sets for different applications or scenarios and switch between them easily.
Parameter comparisonYou can compare parameters between parameter lists or drives and identify the differences.
Drive parameter conversion toolYou can convert parameter files from ACS800/ACS600 drives to ACS880/ACS580/ACS380/ACQ580/ACQ550/ACQ810/DCS880-S/DCS800-S/DCS800-A/DCT880-S/DCT880-A/DCX880-A drives.
Firmware loaderYou can update the firmware of the drive with the latest version available from ABB.
Backup/restore functionsYou can backup and restore the data of the drive, such as parameter files, adaptive programs, control diagrams, etc.
Signal monitorYou can view and record the signals of the drive, such as speed, torque, current, voltage, etc.
Signal tunerYou can adjust the signals of the drive, such as speed reference, torque limit, PID setpoint, etc.
Event loggerYou can view and analyze the events of the drive, such as faults, warnings, alarms, etc.
Data loggerYou can view and analyze the data of the drive, such as parameter values, signal values, event codes, etc.
Adaptive programmingYou can create and edit adaptive programs for the drive using a graphical user interface.
Control diagramsYou can create and edit control diagrams for the drive using a graphical user interface.
Macro scriptsYou can create and run macro scripts for the drive using a text editor.
Drive text editorYou can edit the text files of the drive, such as help texts, language files, etc.
EDS export filesYou can export EDS files for the drive to use with other software tools.

How to download Drive Composer Pro?

Requirements for Drive Composer Pro

To download and use Drive Composer Pro, you need to have the following requirements:

  • A PC running Windows 10/8.1/7 operating system.
  • A USB cable or a Bluetooth dongle to connect to the drive.
  • An Ethernet-based fieldbus adapter module or a Panel bus network connection to connect to multiple drives.
  • A valid license key for Drive Composer Pro. You can purchase it from ABB or from an authorized distributor.

Steps to download and install Drive Composer Pro

To download and install Drive Composer Pro, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ABB website and navigate to the Drive Composer Pro product page.
  2. Click on the "Downloads" tab and select the latest version of Drive Composer Pro available.
  3. Click on the "Download" button and save the file to your PC.
  4. Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen to install Drive Composer Pro on your PC.
  5. Restart your PC after the installation is complete.

How to activate Drive Composer Pro

To activate Drive Composer Pro, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Launch Drive Composer Pro on your PC and click on the "Help" menu.
  2. Select "License activation" and enter your license key in the dialog box.
  3. Click on "Activate" and wait for the confirmation message.
  4. Restart Drive Composer Pro to complete the activation process.

How to use Drive Composer Pro?

How to connect to a drive with Drive Composer Pro

To connect to a drive with Drive Composer Pro, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that your PC and your drive are powered on and connected with a USB cable or a Bluetooth dongle.
  2. If you are using an Ethernet-based fieldbus adapter module or a Panel bus network connection, make sure that they are configured properly and connected to your PC and your drive(s).
  3. Launch Drive Composer Pro on your PC and click on the "Connect" button on the toolbar.
  4. Select the communication option that you are using (USB/Bluetooth/Ethernet/Panel bus) and click on "OK".
  5. If you are connecting to multiple drives, select the drive that you want to work with from the list of available drives and click on "OK".
  6. Wait for Drive Composer Pro to establish a connection with your drive and read its parameters. You will see a green icon next to your drive name indicating that it is online.

How to set parameters and monitor signals with Drive Composer Pro

To set parameters and monitor signals with Drive Composer Pro, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Parameters" tab from the main window of Drive Composer Pro. You will see a list of parameter groups on the left side and a list of parameter values on the right side.
  2. Select the parameter group that you want to view or edit from the left side. You will see the parameters and their values in the right side.
  3. To view the description and details of a parameter, select it from the right side and click on the "Help" button on the toolbar. You will see a pop-up window with the information about the parameter.
  4. To edit the value of a parameter, select it from the right side and click on the "Edit" button on the toolbar. You will see a dialog box where you can enter the new value for the parameter. Click on "OK" to confirm the change.
  5. To monitor the signals of the drive, select the "Signals" tab from the main window of Drive Composer Pro. You will see a list of signal groups on the left side and a list of signal values on the right side.
  6. Select the signal group that you want to view from the left side. You will see the signals and their values in the right side.
  7. To view the graphical representation of a signal, select it from the right side and click on the "Graph" button on the toolbar. You will see a chart window with the signal value plotted over time.
  8. To record and save the signal values, click on the "Record" button on the toolbar. You will see a dialog box where you can specify the file name, location, and format for saving the data. Click on "OK" to start recording.
  9. To stop recording, click on the "Stop" button on the toolbar. You will see a confirmation message that your data has been saved.

How to update firmware and backup data with Drive Composer Pro

To update firmware and backup data with Drive Composer Pro, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Tools" menu from Drive Composer Pro and choose "Firmware loader". You will see a dialog box where you can select your drive model and firmware version.
  2. Click on the "Browse" button and locate the firmware file that you want to load to your drive. Click on "Open" to select it.
  3. Click on the "Load" button to start transferring the firmware file to your drive. Wait for Drive Composer Pro to display a message that the firmware loading is complete.
  4. Restart your drive to activate the new firmware version.
  5. Select the "Tools" menu from Drive Composer Pro and choose "Backup/restore". You will see a dialog box where you can select your drive model and backup/restore option.
  6. If you want to backup your data, select "Backup" and click on the "Browse" button to specify the file name, location, and format for saving your data. Click on "Open" to select it.
  7. Click on the "Backup" button to start copying your data from your drive to your PC. Wait for Drive Composer Pro to display a message that the backup is complete.
  8. If you want to restore your data, select "Restore" and click on the "Browse" button to locate the backup file that you want to load to your drive. Click on "Open" to select it.
  9. Click on the "Restore" button to start transferring your data from your PC to your drive. Wait for Drive Composer Pro to display a message that the restore is complete.


Drive Composer Pro is a powerful and user-friendly tool that allows you to commission and troubleshoot ABB's common architecture drives. It offers many benefits and features that enhance the performance, efficiency, reliability, and safety of the drives. It also supports multiple communication options and allows you to work with multiple drives simultaneously. To download Drive Composer Pro, you need to have a valid license key and follow the steps described in this article. To use Drive Composer Pro, you need to connect to a drive, set parameters and monitor signals, update firmware and backup data, and explore other functions such as adaptive programming, control diagrams, macro scripts, etc. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to download and use Drive Composer Pro.


Q: How can I get a license key for Drive Composer Pro?

A: You can purchase a license key for Drive Composer Pro from ABB or from an authorized distributor. You can also request a trial license key for a limited period of time.

Q: How can I check the firmware version of my drive?

A: You can check the firmware version of your drive by selecting the "About" menu from Drive Composer Pro and choosing "Drive information". You will see the firmware version of your drive in the dialog box.

Q: How can I export or import parameter files from or to Drive Composer Pro?

A: You can export or import parameter files from or to Drive Composer Pro by selecting the "File" menu and choosing "Export parameters" or "Import parameters". You will see a dialog box where you can specify the file name, location, and format for exporting or importing parameter files.

Q: How can I contact ABB for technical support or feedback?

A: You can contact ABB for technical support or feedback by selecting the "Help" menu from Drive Composer Pro and choosing "Contact ABB". You will see a dialog box where you can enter your contact details and message. You can also attach files if needed.

Q: How can I learn more about Drive Composer Pro?

A: You can learn more about Drive Composer Pro by selecting the "Help" menu from Drive Composer Pro and choosing "User manual". You will see a PDF file with detailed instructions and examples on how to use Drive Composer Pro.
