Download Instagram Bulk Fixed

How to Download Instagram Photos and Videos in Bulk

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion users. It allows you to share photos and videos with your followers, as well as discover new content from other users. However, sometimes you might want to download Instagram media in bulk, either for personal or professional reasons. In this article, we will show you why you might want to download Instagram media in bulk, what you need to do it, how to choose the best tool or extension for it, and how to use it.

Why You Might Want to Download Instagram Media in Bulk

There are many reasons why you might want to download Instagram media in bulk, such as:

Save your favorite posts for offline viewing

If you find some posts that you really like on Instagram, you might want to save them for offline viewing. This way, you can enjoy them anytime and anywhere, without worrying about internet connection or data usage. You can also create your own collection of photos and videos that inspire you, entertain you, or educate you.

Backup your own posts or stories

If you are an active Instagram user, you might want to backup your own posts or stories. This way, you can prevent losing them in case of account deletion, hacking, or other issues. You can also have a copy of your posts or stories on your device, in case you want to edit them, delete them, or repost them later.

Repurpose content for other platforms

If you are a content creator, marketer, or influencer, you might want to repurpose your Instagram content for other platforms. This way, you can reach a wider audience, increase your engagement, and grow your brand. You can also save time and effort by reusing your existing content, instead of creating new content from scratch.

What You Need to Download Instagram Media in Bulk

To download Instagram media in bulk, you will need:

A computer or a mobile device with internet access

You will need a computer or a mobile device with internet access to access Instagram and download media from it. You can use any browser that supports Instagram, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.

An Instagram account (optional)

You will need an Instagram account if you want to download media from private accounts that you follow. Otherwise, you can download media from public accounts without an account. However, having an account will allow you to access more features and content on Instagram.

A tool or an extension that can download Instagram media in bulk

You will need a tool or an extension that can download Instagram media in bulk. There are many tools and extensions available online that can do this task. However, not all of them are reliable, safe, and easy to use. Therefore, you need to choose the best one for your needs.

How to Choose the Best Tool or Extension for Downloading Instagram Media in Bulk


To choose the best tool or extension for downloading Instagram media in bulk, you should:

Check the features and compatibility of the tool or extension

You should check the features and compatibility of the tool or extension before using it. Some of the features that you should look for are:

  • The ability to download photos, videos, stories, reels, IGTV, and live videos in bulk
  • The ability to download media from any Instagram profile or page, public or private
  • The ability to download media in high quality and original resolution
  • The ability to download media in different formats, such as JPG, PNG, MP4, or MOV
  • The ability to download media with captions, hashtags, and metadata
  • The ability to download media with filters, stickers, and effects
  • The ability to download media with a single click or a drag-and-drop action
  • The ability to pause, resume, and cancel downloads
  • The ability to manage and organize downloaded media in folders
  • The ability to share downloaded media with others

You should also check the compatibility of the tool or extension with your device and browser. Some tools and extensions may only work on certain devices or browsers. For example, some tools and extensions may only work on Windows or Mac computers, or on Chrome or Firefox browsers. You should make sure that the tool or extension that you choose is compatible with your device and browser.

Read the reviews and ratings of the tool or extension

You should read the reviews and ratings of the tool or extension before using it. This will help you to get an idea of the performance, reliability, and safety of the tool or extension. You can read the reviews and ratings from other users who have used the tool or extension on websites, blogs, forums, social media, or app stores. You can also watch videos or tutorials that demonstrate how to use the tool or extension. You should look for positive reviews and ratings that indicate that the tool or extension is easy to use, fast to download, accurate to select, and secure to protect your privacy.

Test the tool or extension before using it

You should test the tool or extension before using it. This will help you to verify that the tool or extension works as expected and meets your needs. You can test the tool or extension by downloading a few media files from Instagram and checking their quality, format, size, and content. You can also test the speed, stability, and efficiency of the tool or extension by downloading multiple media files at once. You should avoid using tools or extensions that are slow to download, prone to errors, or incomplete to select.

How to Use the Tool or Extension to Download Instagram Media in Bulk

To use the tool or extension to download Instagram media in bulk, you should:

Install the tool or extension on your device

You should install the tool or extension on your device according to the instructions provided by the developer. You may need to download the tool or extension from a website, an app store, or a browser store. You may also need to grant some permissions or access to the tool or extension, such as your Instagram account, your device storage, or your browser tabs. You should make sure that you trust the tool or extension before installing it and granting any permissions or access.

Open the Instagram profile or page that you want to download media from

You should open the Instagram profile or page that you want to download media from on your browser. You can either type the URL of the profile or page on the address bar, or search for it on the Instagram website or app. You can also use the tool or extension to search for profiles or pages by keywords, hashtags, locations, or categories. You should make sure that you have permission to download media from the profile or page, especially if it is private.

Select the media that you want to download or download all media at once

You should select the media that you want to download from the profile or page. You can either select individual media files by clicking on them, or select multiple media files by holding the Ctrl key (or Command key on Mac) and clicking on them. You can also use the tool or extension to select all media files at once by clicking on a button, a checkbox, or a menu option. You should make sure that you have enough storage space on your device for the selected media files.

Choose the destination folder and format for your downloaded media

You should choose the destination folder and format for your downloaded media. You can either choose a default folder and format provided by the tool or extension, or choose a custom folder and format according to your preferences. You can also use the tool or extension to rename, resize, compress, convert, or edit your downloaded media before saving them. You should make sure that you choose a folder and format that are compatible with your device and your intended use of the downloaded media.

Enjoy your downloaded media offline or online

You should enjoy your downloaded media offline or online. You can either open them on your device using a media player, a photo viewer, or a video editor, or upload them to another platform using a file manager, a cloud service, or a social media app. You can also share them with others using an email, a message, or a link. You should make sure that you respect the intellectual property rights and privacy of the original creators and owners of the downloaded media.


Downloading Instagram media in bulk can be a useful and fun activity for various purposes. However, it can also be a challenging and risky task if you don't have the right tools and extensions for it. In this article, we have shown you how to download Instagram media in bulk using some of the best tools and extensions available online. We hope that this article has helped you to learn how to download Instagram photos and videos in bulk easily and safely.


  • Is it legal to download Instagram media in bulk?
  • It depends on the source and purpose of the downloaded media. Generally, it is legal to download Instagram media in bulk for personal use only, as long as you don't violate any terms of service, copyright laws, or privacy policies. However, it is illegal to download Instagram media in bulk for commercial use without permission from the original creators and owners of the media.

  • Is it safe to download Instagram media in bulk?
  • It depends on the tool or extension that you use to download Instagram media in bulk. Generally, it is safe to download Instagram media in bulk using reputable and reliable tools and extensions that have positive reviews and ratings from other users. However, it is unsafe to download Instagram media in bulk using unknown and untrustworthy tools and extensions that may contain malware, spyware, adware, viruses, or other harmful elements.

  • How long does it take to download Instagram media in bulk?
  • It depends on the number and size of the media files that you want to download, as well as the speed and stability of your internet connection and device performance. Generally, it takes a few minutes to download Instagram media in bulk using fast and stable tools and extensions that can download multiple media files at once. However, it may take longer to download Instagram media in bulk using slow and unstable tools and extensions that can only download one media file at a time.

  • How How much storage space do I need to download Instagram media in bulk?
  • It depends on the quality and resolution of the media files that you want to download, as well as the format and compression that you choose for them. Generally, Instagram media files have a size of about 1 MB to 10 MB each, depending on the type and length of the media. Therefore, you will need at least 1 GB to 10 GB of storage space to download 1000 media files in bulk. However, you can reduce the storage space needed by choosing a lower quality and resolution, or a smaller format and compression for your downloaded media.

  • How can I download Instagram media in bulk without a tool or extension?
  • It is possible to download Instagram media in bulk without a tool or extension, but it is not recommended. It is very tedious and time-consuming to download Instagram media in bulk manually, as you will have to open each media file individually, right-click on it, and save it to your device. You will also have to rename, resize, convert, or edit each media file manually, if you want to change its properties. Moreover, you will not be able to download some types of media, such as stories, reels, IGTV, or live videos, without a tool or extension.
