Download Chess Pieces Images [UPDATED] 💕

Download Chess Pieces Images: A Guide for Chess Lovers

Chess is a fascinating game that has been played for centuries. It is not only a game of skill and strategy, but also a game of art and culture. Chess pieces are the symbols of the game, and each piece has its own name, shape, design, and meaning. If you are a chess lover, you might want to download chess pieces images for various reasons. In this article, we will show you why and how to download chess pieces images, and give you some tips to make the best use of them.


Why download chess pieces images?

There are many reasons why you might want to download chess pieces images. Here are some of them:

To create your own chess set

If you are a creative person, you might want to make your own chess set using different materials, such as wood, metal, clay, or paper. You can use chess pieces images as a reference or a template to carve, mold, or cut out your own pieces. You can also print out the images and glue them on cardboard or plastic to make a simple chess set. This way, you can customize your chess set according to your preferences and style.

To use them for educational or artistic purposes

If you are a teacher, a student, or an artist, you might want to use chess pieces images for educational or artistic purposes. For example, you can use them to teach or learn about the history and rules of chess, the names and moves of the pieces, the symbolism and culture behind them, or the geometry and logic involved in the game. You can also use them to create posters, flyers, cards, puzzles, collages, or other artworks related to chess.

To appreciate the history and symbolism of chess pieces

If you are a curious person, you might want to download chess pieces images to appreciate the history and symbolism of chess pieces. Chess pieces have evolved over time and across regions, reflecting different influences and preferences. For example, the earliest chess pieces were called shah (king), wazir (counselor), fil (elephant), asp (horse), rukh (chariot), and piyade (soldier) in India. The modern pawn, knight, bishop, and rook were derived from these names. The queen was originally a weak piece called firzan (vizier) that could only move one square diagonally. The bishop was originally an elephant that could jump two squares diagonally. The rook was originally a chariot that could move like a modern king. You can download chess pieces images from different periods and places to compare and contrast their shapes and designs.

How to download chess pieces images?

Sources of chess pieces images

There are many sources where you can find and download chess pieces images. Here are some of them:

Web search engines

You can use web search engines like Bing or Google to find and download chess pieces images. You can type keywords like "chess pieces names", "chess pieces clipart", "chess pieces history", or "chess pieces symbolism" to get relevant results. You can also use filters like size, color, type, or license to narrow down your search. You can then right-click on the image you want and choose "save image as" or "copy image" to download or copy it to your device.

Chess websites and blogs

You can also visit chess websites and blogs that offer chess pieces images for download. Some examples are,,, and These websites and blogs provide chess pieces images in various formats, such as PNG, JPG, SVG, or PDF. You can also find chess pieces images of different styles, such as classic, modern, cartoon, or 3D. You can usually download the images by clicking on a download button or link, or by right-clicking and choosing "save image as" or "copy image".

Online chess databases and libraries

Another source of chess pieces images is online chess databases and libraries that store and display chess games and positions. Some examples are,,, and These databases and libraries allow you to view and analyze chess games and positions using a graphical board and pieces. You can also download chess pieces images from these databases and libraries by taking a screenshot of the board and pieces, or by using a tool like FEN2PNG that converts a FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) string into a PNG image.

Tips for downloading chess pieces images

Before you download chess pieces images, you should consider some tips to make sure you get the best quality and avoid any legal issues. Here are some tips:

Choose high-quality and royalty-free images

When you download chess pieces images, you should choose high-quality and royalty-free images. High-quality images have a high resolution, a clear contrast, and a sharp detail. Royalty-free images are images that you can use for free without paying any fees or royalties to the creator or owner of the image. You can find high-quality and royalty-free images by using web search engines or websites that offer free stock photos, such as Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels. You can also create your own high-quality and royalty-free images by using online tools like Canva or Photoshop that allow you to design and edit images.

Check the license and terms of use of the images

Even if you download royalty-free images, you should still check the license and terms of use of the images. The license and terms of use are the rules and conditions that govern how you can use the images. Some licenses and terms of use are more restrictive than others, and some may require you to give credit or attribution to the source of the image, or to obtain permission from the creator or owner of the image before using it. You can check the license and terms of use of the images by looking for a link or a text that says "license", "terms", "conditions", "rights", or "usage" on the website where you download the image, or by contacting the creator or owner of the image directly.

Cite the source of the images if necessary

If you use chess pieces images for educational or artistic purposes, you should cite the source of the images if necessary. Citing the source of the images is a way of giving credit or attribution to the creator or owner of the image, and showing respect for their work. It is also a way of avoiding plagiarism or infringement of intellectual property rights. You can cite the source of the images by using a citation style like APA, MLA, or Chicago that specifies how to format and present the information about the source, such as the name, date, title, URL, etc. You can also use online tools like Citation Machine or EasyBib that generate citations automatically.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have shown you why and how to download chess pieces images. We have explained that you might want to download chess pieces images to create your own chess set, to use them for educational or artistic purposes, or to appreciate the history and symbolism of chess pieces. We have also suggested some sources where you can find and download chess pieces images, such as web search engines, chess websites and blogs, and online chess databases and libraries. Finally, we have given you some tips to choose high-quality and royalty-free images, to check the license and terms of use of the images, and to cite the source of the images if necessary.

Call to action and invitation to comment

We We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and learned something new and useful. If you are a chess lover, we encourage you to download chess pieces images and use them for your own purposes. You can also share this article with your friends and family who might be interested in chess. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and answer your queries. Thank you for reading and happy chess playing!


What are the names of the chess pieces?

The names of the chess pieces are king, queen, rook, bishop, knight, and pawn. The king is the most important piece that can move one square in any direction. The queen is the most powerful piece that can move any number of squares in any direction. The rook is a piece that can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically. The bishop is a piece that can move any number of squares diagonally. The knight is a piece that can move in an L-shape, jumping over other pieces. The pawn is the smallest and weakest piece that can move one square forward, or two squares on its first move, and capture diagonally.

What are the different styles of chess pieces?

There are different styles of chess pieces that vary in shape, design, and color. Some of the most common styles are Staunton, French, German, Russian, and Chinese. The Staunton style is the standard and most widely used style in tournaments and competitions. It was designed by Nathaniel Cook and endorsed by Howard Staunton in the 19th century. The French style is similar to the Staunton style, but with more ornate and elegant features. The German style is also similar to the Staunton style, but with more angular and geometric shapes. The Russian style is characterized by tall and slender pieces with pointed tops. The Chinese style is based on the traditional Chinese game of xiangqi, with pieces that have Chinese characters on them.

How can I make my own chess set?

You can make your own chess set by using different materials, such as wood, metal, clay, or paper. You can use chess pieces images as a reference or a template to carve, mold, or cut out your own pieces. You can also print out the images and glue them on cardboard or plastic to make a simple chess set. You will also need a board with 64 squares of alternating colors, usually black and white. You can make your own board by using a large sheet of paper or cardboard, or by painting or drawing the squares on a flat surface.

How can I use chess pieces images for educational or artistic purposes?

You can use chess pieces images for educational or artistic purposes by using them to teach or learn about the history and rules of chess, the names and moves of the pieces, the symbolism and culture behind them, or the geometry and logic involved in the game. You can also use them to create posters, flyers, cards, puzzles, collages, or other artworks related to chess. You can use online tools like Canva or Photoshop to design and edit your images, or use physical tools like scissors, glue, or paint to create your artworks.

How can I appreciate the history and symbolism of chess pieces?

You can appreciate the history and symbolism of chess pieces by downloading chess pieces images from different periods and places to compare and contrast their shapes and designs. You can also read books or articles about the history and evolution of chess pieces, such as Chess: The History of a Game by Richard Eales or Chess Pieces: A History by John Fiske. You can also watch documentaries or videos about the history and culture of chess pieces, such as The History of Chess Pieces by or The Symbolism of Chess Pieces by ChessBase India.
