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1. Your vagina will never be the same. You may have considered this an asset of casual sex, but in actuality, your vagina will not be the same. Why? Because your doctor will most certainly have told you that casual sex can impact your ability to conceive in the future — roughly 30 percent of women have trouble conceiving if they had casual sex during their pregnancy. Of course, it's not because casual sex is in itself bad for you, but that hooking up when you're not in love is often associated with risky sexual behavior. So, you might want to stick with dating someone you care about, at least until you can really trust them. As for your sexual experiences, you should be okay, but it’s important to not worry about a lingering “vagina-flu” even though that’s the kind of language online couples fall into. However, while casual sex won’t always leave you feeling like a bad sexual experience overall, there are some ways it can affect your sexual self-esteem. 7. The spirit of the holidays... ...your nose will be from too many cocktails, you'll be a little green around the gills, and you'll spend the next few days in bed with the flu. We all know what a great time the holidays can be, but if your love life is not getting any better, it may be time to turn your focus toward more spiritual things — you know, like being in a relationship — because while celebrating and sharing are important, it can be even more important to enjoy the life we have right now. It’s hard to say what percentage of women will become pregnant as a result of casual sex. In one study, 44 percent of women recalled having at least one sexual partner who had exchanged sperm via oral sex without first using a condom, a practice called onanism. It is estimated that roughly 40 percent of American women have engaged in this behavior at least once. Since only about one in four orgy members is using a condom, all things considered it’s likelier than not that one of your fellow gang bangers has contracted syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, or chlamydia, all of which are transmitted sexually. Proper warning: You might want to have more than one partner. If you get pregnant, it’s safe to assume that you’re the biological father. No one ever knows. 10. You may be surprised by the size

Also Read: Tinder Is Dating, but Your Friends Aren’t Into It (and That’s OK)Before you jump into bed with a person you have just met, it is important to know your risks. While previous studies have shown that casual sex can, in fact, pose risks to one's health, this study reveals little to no evidence that casual sex can in fact hurt you in any way, especially if you go in with a reasonable understanding of the risks that are involved. It is important to continue to place limits on your hookup activities, and you should practice safe sex, but the reality is that casual sex won’t hurt you. Still, before you unzip those pants and take that walk of shame home to mom, you should take a few minutes to read this list of the best dating apps. It is a big list, so here are some tips on how to navigate through. People can and do get addicted to casual sex, and it becomes their full-time occupation, but this is not a terrible thing. Casual sex is not inherently harmful. In fact, in the study, frequent casual sex was found to have positive effects on well-being. In a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, it was found that men who say they are in a committed relationship do not show similar brain activity when viewing sexually explicit images and videos, while those who do regularly have sex with multiple partners show similar responses as those who have sex frequently. This suggests that engaging in frequent casual sex, whilst seemingly a no-risk alternative, can actually have implications on your mental health. The third study sheds light on the longer-term effects of frequent casual sex. Researchers found that men who say they are in a committed relationship and have regular casual sex can suffer from an addiction to casual sex. This is according to researcher’s Kristine K. Parker and Kent C. Berridge. In the study, 20 healthy volunteers were found to have significant activity in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, a part of the brain linked to food and drug addiction, when viewing photos of other participants having sex. More specifically, the study showed that people addicted to casual sex were likely to take it more seriously than those who have sex rarely. The rise of casual sex has been a cultural development over the past 10 to 20 years, and people seem to be embracing the notion. More than half of men and women who are single reported having had casual sex at least once in 2016. Yet, the