Atomic Attraction: The Psychology Of Attraction __LINK__

Atomic Attraction: The Psychology Of Attraction __LINK__


Atomic Attraction: The Psychology Of Attraction

this audiobook teaches you the hidden secrets of self-reliance to reach your full potential and accomplish your grandest goals and dreams. it will help you to discover your true purpose and calling in life. how to get any job or career you want. how you can get the upper hand in any personal or professional negotiation. the ultimate time-management strategy that will help you maximize the use of your time, enable you to focus on your core competencies, and reach your goals in the quickest, most efficient way possible.

he takes up space and maintains an expression that challenges people to impress him. he rarely if ever smiles, and when he does, its a rare and precious gift. the skilled seducer strolls through the world at his own pace and never hurries or worries about a thing. his movements are akin to those of a catloose, relaxed, and languid. the world is there to serve him, not the other way around. it is this projection of attitude that makes the alpha male so irresistible and attractive to women.

perhaps like you, i spent hours researching the best books on seduction and attraction, and i read many of them. you already know many of the books i found if you've spent a meaningful time searching for them. i won't mention them because merely comparing this to some of the others might actually lower this book in your eyes. many of those books had some good guidance and explained some associated female psychology, but i felt none of them got straight to the point and told me how to actually generate attraction. without hyperbole, i was painfully longing for a text i couldn't find. atomic attraction undoubtedly leaves the rest of the books in the dust.

is it possible to combine all of the things that i have learned in my life to date? it is, as i have learned, that there are a lot of different types of women in the world. i have dated many of them. i have read many books about different types of women. i have been told many stories about them. i have even met with a handful of women who have been recommended to me by friends. the best advice i can give is to be consistent. be the same, day in, day out, whatever you do. if you really want to catch someone's eye, be consistent. make your move, follow through with it, and then move on to something else. everyone has their own set of principles and their own "best" way of doing things. you need to understand your principles and follow them. if you don't, you will find yourself doing the same thing over and over. if you do, you can expect to get the results you want. after i started reading the book i never knew where to begin and what to do. the author is a great mentor and guide that has taught me a lot of things. the book is very well-written and you can understand everything from the first page. i recommend this book to everyone. in the book i found useful advice for every type of woman, as well as having the ability to understand the reason for each of my actions and the motives behind them. i never knew that there were so many different types of women, and that these types existed outside of the movies and magazines. and i got to learn how to understand them and exploit them to the best of my abilities. the book was really good. i love the way the author describes the types of women and i found that it helped me understand different types of girls. i really think this book is going to help me get the girl of my dreams and have a really happy relationship with her. 5ec8ef588b