Android Malware Giving Phones A Hummer

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Android Malware Giving Phones a Hummer

If you own an Android phone, you might want to be careful about what apps you install on your device. A new malware threat called Hummer has been infecting millions of smartphones around the world, displaying annoying ads, installing unwanted apps and consuming large amounts of network traffic.

What is Hummer and how does it work?

Hummer is a type of malware known as a rootkit that inserts itself deep inside a phone's operating system to help it avoid detection and to give its controllers total control over the handset. Hummer attempts to root the device using 18 different methods, making it hard to remove by security solutions or even factory resets.

Once Hummer gains root access, it starts to display ads and install malicious or unwanted applications in the background. These apps can range from pornographic games to fake system tools. The malware also generates a lot of traffic, which could be costly for users with limited mobile data plans. Researchers have found that Hummer can download more than 200 APKs and generate 2 Gb of network traffic in just a few hours.

How widespread is Hummer and who is behind it?

Hummer has been infecting Android smartphones all over the world, with the most affected countries being India, Indonesia, Turkey, China, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. According to security researchers at Cheetah Mobile, Hummer has become the Android Trojan with the highest number of infections in the world, with a daily average of 1.2 million affected devices.

The researchers estimate that if cybercriminals make $0.50 from each infection, they could earn more than $500,000 in a single day. The attackers have been controlling and updating the malware using 12 command and control (C&C) domains linked to a Chinese email address. The researchers believe that Hummer originated from the underground internet industry chain in China.

How to protect yourself from Hummer and other Android malware?

The best way to avoid malware on Android is to refrain from installing apps from untrusted sources. In fact, rather than side loading apps, simply download them from the Google Play Store, even if that means you have to pay for some of them. You should also check the permissions requested by the apps before installing them and avoid granting unnecessary or suspicious access to your device's features or data.

You should also install a reputable antivirus app on your phone and keep it updated regularly. Some antivirus apps can detect and remove Hummer and other rootkits from your device. You should also backup your important data regularly in case you need to restore your phone to its original state.

How to detect Hummer and other Android malware?

Hummer and other Android malware can be deceptive and try to trick you into installing them or granting them permissions. Some of the signs that your device may be infected with malware are:

  • You see pop-up ads that won’t go away, even when you close them.
  • You notice apps that you don’t recognize or that you didn’t install on your device.
  • Your device runs slowly or crashes frequently.
  • Your battery drains faster than usual.
  • Your data usage increases unexpectedly.
  • You get notifications or messages from unknown sources.
  • You see charges on your phone bill for services you didn’t use.

If you notice any of these signs, you should scan your device with an anti-malware app as soon as possible.

How to remove Hummer and other Android malware?

If your anti-malware app detects Hummer or any other malware on your device, you should follow the instructions to remove it. Depending on the type and severity of the infection, you may need to take different steps to get rid of the malware. Some of the common methods are :

  • Uninstalling the suspicious app. Find the app in Settings and uninstall or force close it. This may not completely remove the malware, but it could prevent further damage to your device, or from it transmitting the malware to other devices on your network.
  • Removing the device administrator. Some malware apps may ask for device administrator privileges, which give them more control over your device. To revoke these privileges, go to Settings > Security > Device administrators and uncheck the box next to the app.
  • Resetting your Android device to factory settings. This is a drastic measure that will erase all your data and settings from your device, but it may be necessary if the malware has rooted your device or corrupted your system files. To do this, go to Settings > System > Reset options > Erase all data (factory reset) and follow the prompts.

After removing the malware, you should change your passwords for your online accounts and monitor your phone bill for any suspicious charges. You should also restore your data from a backup if you have one.

How to avoid Hummer and other Android malware?

The best way to prevent Hummer and other Android malware from infecting your device is to be careful about what you download and install on your phone. Here are some tips to help you avoid malware on Android :

  • Stick with official apps from the Google Play Store. Google has strict security measures in place to prevent malicious apps from entering its store. While it’s not impossible for a bad app to slip through, it’s much less likely than downloading apps from unknown sources.
  • Check the app permissions before installing. Some apps may ask for more permissions than they need, which could indicate that they are trying to access your data or features without your consent. For example, a flashlight app shouldn’t need access to your contacts or camera. You can also manage the app permissions after installing by going to Settings > Apps & notifications > App permissions.
  • Keep your device and apps updated. Updates often contain security patches that fix any vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. You can check for system updates by going to Settings > System > System update. You can also enable auto-update for your apps by going to the Google Play Store app > Menu > Settings > Auto-update apps.
  • Use a reputable antivirus app. While Android has built-in security features like Google Play Protect, it doesn’t hurt to have an extra layer of protection from a trusted antivirus app. Some of the best antivirus apps for Android are Kaspersky, Norton, Bitdefender, and Malwarebytes.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments. Whether they come from emails, texts, or websites, malicious links or attachments can download and install malware on your device without your knowledge. If you receive a message from an unknown sender or a link that looks fishy, don’t open it.

By following these simple steps, you can greatly reduce the risk of getting infected with Hummer or any other Android malware.

How to report Hummer and other Android malware?

If you encounter Hummer or any other Android malware on your device or on the Google Play Store, you should report it to Google as soon as possible. This will help Google to remove the malicious app from its store and protect other users from getting infected. Here are some ways to report Android malware to Google :

  • Report suspicious apps from your device. If you find a suspicious app on your device or on the Google Play Store app, you can flag it as inappropriate by tapping the three-dot menu button on the top-right corner of the app listing and selecting "Flag as inappropriate." You can then choose a reason for your report, such as "Harmful to device or data" or "Other objection."
  • Report suspicious apps online. If you want to report an app online, you can use the Report Inappropriate Apps Form on the Google Play Store Help Center website. You can fill in the details of the app, such as its name, developer, and URL, and choose a reason for your report. You can also add any comments or screenshots to support your report.
  • Report suspicious emails or texts. If you receive an email or text message that claims to be from Google or your ISP and tells you that your device is infected with Hummer or any other malware, don't click on any links or attachments. This is likely a phishing attempt to trick you into installing malware or giving away your personal information. You can report these messages to Google by forwarding them to

By reporting Android malware to Google, you can help make the Android ecosystem safer and more secure for everyone.

How to recover from Hummer and other Android malware?

If you have successfully removed Hummer or any other Android malware from your device, you may still need to take some steps to recover from the damage it may have caused. Here are some things you can do to restore your device and protect your data :

  • Restore your data from a backup. If you had to reset your device to factory settings, you may have lost some of your data, such as photos, contacts, messages, etc. If you have a backup of your data, either on Google Drive or another cloud service, you can restore it to your device. To do this, go to Settings > System > Backup and tap Restore data.
  • Change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication. If the malware had access to your personal information, such as your email, social media, banking, or other online accounts, you should change your passwords as soon as possible. You should also enable two-factor authentication for any accounts that support it, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring a code or a confirmation from another device when you log in.
  • Monitor your phone bill and bank statements. If the malware was able to make unauthorized charges on your phone bill or bank account, you should contact your service provider or bank and dispute the charges. You should also keep an eye on your statements for any suspicious activity in the future.
  • Report the malware to Google and other authorities. If you found the malware on the Google Play Store or received it through an email or text message, you should report it to Google and help them remove it from their platform and protect other users. You can also report it to other authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), if you think you have been a victim of fraud or identity theft.

By following these steps, you can recover from Android malware and prevent further harm to your device and data.


Hummer is a dangerous Android malware that can root your device, display ads, install unwanted apps, and consume network traffic. It has infected millions of devices around the world and can earn cybercriminals a lot of money. To protect yourself from Hummer and other Android malware, you should be careful about what you download and install on your device, keep your device and apps updated, use a reputable antivirus app, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments. If you encounter Hummer or any other Android malware on your device or on the Google Play Store, you should report it to Google and other authorities, and take steps to remove it and recover from the damage it may have caused. By following these tips, you can keep your Android device safe and secure from malware threats.
