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* _Adobe Photoshop: An Introduction for Beginners_ (Adobe Press, 2008) by Shawn Elliott and Jason Bissett, and _Photoshop CS4: Step by Step_ (Wiley, 2010) by Andy Rathbone. # ARTISTIC TOUCHES When you use a touch-enabled device to manipulate photographs, you'll notice that the paintbrush tool is different than the standard Photoshop brush. These brushes can be found in the Brush panel on the workspace or under the Edit Brush panel menu. It's easier to work with layers in Photoshop, but you'll sometimes need to use some of the other tools found in the image editing toolbox. For example, the brush can be used as a nondestructive eraser by painting the canvas black to completely remove an element. Figure 3-24 shows a jagged edge between an edge of the mountain and the sky. As you can see, there is a sharp, jagged break. Luckily, it is a problem that the Eraser tool solves with a slight black brush on a white or light background. FIGURE 3-24 To fix this problem, use the Eraser tool. Make sure it's set to the black brush, and paint along the edge of the mountain.

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The table below provides a list of the Photoshop features available in Photoshop Elements and compares them with Photoshop. Photoshop Elements comes with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a simple PDF reader that allows browsing and printing of PDF files. The table only contains the features that differ between Photoshop Elements and Photoshop. It is missing a few minor features such as Object Snap and Text Stacking. PSE and Photoshop same vs different features Feature Photoshop Elements Photoshop Features Available Photoshop Available Adobe Acrobat Reader online images: Access and print high-quality online images in the browser. Warning: PSE and Photoshop same Runtime does not support Object Snap, Layer comps, Gaps or Text in place Compatible formats: Work with a variety of image formats such as GIF, JPEG, TIFF and BMP. PSE and Photoshop same Layer Compatibilities: Create, move, copy and edit layers. PSE and Photoshop same Interoperability: Draw and annotate in PSE and send it to Photoshop. Work in PSE and Photoshop using common file formats (PSD, PDF and EPS). PSE and Photoshop same Scale to Fit and Shape Modes: You can zoom in and out of your work in PSE and Photoshop. PSE and Photoshop same Annotate your images: Customize and annotate your image in PSE and Photoshop. PSE and Photoshop same Edit Mask: You can mask objects and channels. PSE and Photoshop different Plug-ins: Create and activate Photoshop plug-ins. PSE and Photoshop same Text and Line Stylize: Adding drop shadows, strokes, and effects. PSE and Photoshop same Text and Shape Editing: Editing text and using transforms for creating interesting text effects. PSE and Photoshop same Irregularly-shaped: Highlight areas with irregular shapes. PSE and Photoshop different Inkscape Compatibility: Import and export Illustrator and Inkscape files. PSE and Photoshop same Adjustments: Invert and adjust exposure and levels. PSE and Photoshop different Adjustment Layers: Create, edit, move and resize adjustment layers. PSE and Photoshop same Clipping Mask: Create clipping masks. PSE and Photoshop different Finishing Options: Customize output settings. PSE and Photoshop different Level Adjustments: Adjust the brightness and contrast of your image. PSE and Photoshop same Liquify and Spacial Tool: Create and edit interesting textures using fluid and adaptive techniques. PSE and Photoshop different Tools: Selective Color tools, Blend modes, Lens Blur. PSE and Photoshop 05a79cecff

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Q: What is the objective function for DARPT? What is the objective function for DARPT? In Garanti, the objective function of DARPT is still the same as the original LA-*DTW, but in the paper, the objective function of DARPT are different. There are objective functions for training and testing, but I cannot figure out the reason. A: What the authors of the paper wrote in the beginning of their paper is: In this paper, we study the problem of approximate distance quantization (DARPT). The basic idea is to use DTW to get an approximation to the distance between two input sequences and then convert it to a discrete step, by rounding the distance to the nearest integer. This is done at the word level, to convert a distance measure between sets of words into a discrete step, which we call a taxicab cost. The main idea behind using DTW is to use its recursive ability to match sequences of words. In this case, we approximate the distance between two sequences of words by a matrix of pairwise distances that we will use as a measurement of dissimilarity. You can clearly see that the paper is about distance quantization approximation by means of DTW, the objective functions used for training and testing are in the first paragraph: Let us first suppose that we can find an appropriate linear function that maps the distance matrix to a linear quantization function. Formally, we are looking for the function $f(\cdot): \mathbb{R}^{m \times m} \rightarrow [0, 1]^n$ where $[0, 1]^n$ denotes the $n$-dimensional space of the possibilities for each entry of the quantization function. If we can find such a function, the problem of distance quantization can be formulated as a linear approximation problem. Given a matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$ and a target vector $b \in \mathbb{R}^n$, we can use $f(A) \in \mathbb{R}^n$ as the quantization of the distance matrix $A$. To train this system, we

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Q: Why is my scrape getting the last item instead of the first? I'm scraping the info from the first URL on this page. But it's going to the end of the page and scraping the last found item. page1 = requests.get("", auth=("user", "pass")) page_text = page1.text soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'html.parser') for item in soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'a49f4671-e3a7-4476-a983-f7061c23f9e0'}): print(item.get_text(strip=True)) A: Use find_all instead of find. You need to remove the i= prefix, however: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup r = requests.get("", auth="user", "pass") page1 = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(page1, 'html.parser') for item in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'a49f4671-e3a7-4476-a983-f7061c23f9e0'}): print(item.get_text()) Prints Vous le génie ou l'un de vos amis a appris qu'un produit Apple est quasiment en train de disparaitre de la boutique, de plus en plus incontournable, de plus en plus pratique à savoir : les lecteurs connectés. Where "Vous le génie" is the first item, and the rest are other items on the page. Q:

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit, respectively) 1 GHz processor 512MB of RAM DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 32-bit drivers 20MB available hard drive space Mac OS X 10.2 or later