Ai Apkpure 👹


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APKPure is a website where you can download open-source APK (Android application) files, apps, and games to run on Android devices, including phones, computers, and smartwatches. Apps available on APKPure are not vetted like those on Google Play, so you can find restricted or discontinued Android apps and files. Launched in 2014, APKPure is one of the oldest and most popular alternatives to Google Play, despite ongoing privacy and security concerns. APKPure also has an app for iOS devices that lets you download IPA (iOS application) files from its website.

One of the advantages of APKPure is that it offers a wide selection of apps and games in various categories, including AI (artificial intelligence). AI apps are applications that use artificial intelligence to perform various tasks, such as image editing, chat, search, and more. AI apps can be fun, useful, and sometimes surprising. In this article, I will show you how to find, install, update, uninstall, and rate AI apps from APKPure.

How to find AI apps on APKPure

Search by tag or keyword

One of the easiest ways to find AI apps on APKPure is to use the search function. You can either search by tag or by keyword. A tag is a word or phrase that describes the category or genre of an app. For example, if you want to find AI apps for Android, you can search by the tag "AI". This will show you a list of all the apps that have been tagged as "AI" by the developers or the users. You can also filter the results by popularity, rating, date added, or alphabetically.

If you want to be more specific, you can also search by keyword. A keyword is a word or phrase that describes the name or feature of an app. For example, if you want to find an AI app that can generate art from text prompts, you can search by the keyword "WOMBO Dream". This will show you the app page for WOMBO Dream, an art generation app that uses AI to create amazing images from scratch.

How to install AI apps from APKPure

Enable unknown sources

Before you can install any app from APKPure, you need to enable the option to install apps from unknown sources on your device. This option allows you to install apps that are not from the official app stores, such as Google Play or App Store. To enable this option on Android devices:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps.
  2. Tap the menu icon (three dots) in the top right corner.
  3. Select Special access > Install unknown apps.
  4. Select the browser or app that you use to download APK files from APKPure.
  5. Toggle on Allow from this source.

To enable this option on iOS devices:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Device Management.</
  2. Tap the name of the developer or enterprise that provides the IPA file from APKPure.
  3. Tap Trust and confirm.

Download and install APK or XAPK files

Once you have enabled the option to install apps from unknown sources, you can download and install APK or XAPK files from APKPure. APK files are the standard format for Android apps, while XAPK files are a compressed format that includes additional data, such as OBB files or split APKs. To download and install APK or XAPK files from APKPure:

  1. Go to the app page on APKPure and tap the Download APK or Download XAPK button.
  2. Wait for the download to finish and tap the file name in the notification bar or in the Downloads folder.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the app.

Note: If you are downloading an XAPK file, you may need to use an XAPK installer app, such as APKPure App, to extract and install the app. You can download APKPure App from APKPure website or app store.

How to update AI apps from APKPure

Enable auto-update or check manually

To keep your AI apps up to date, you can either enable the auto-update option or check for updates manually in APKPure. The auto-update option will automatically download and install the latest version of your AI apps when they are available. To enable the auto-update option:

  1. Open APKPure App and tap the menu icon (three lines) in the top left corner.
  2. Select Settings > Auto-update apps.
  3. Select Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only or Auto-update apps at any time.

If you prefer to check for updates manually, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Open APKPure App and tap the menu icon (three lines) in the top left corner.
  2. Select My games & apps > Updates.
  3. Tap Update all or Update next to each app that you want to update.

How to uninstall AI apps from APKPure

Use app settings or device settings

If you want to uninstall any AI app from your device, you can either use the app settings or the device settings. To uninstall an AI app from the app settings:

  1. Open APKPure App and tap the menu icon (three lines) in the top left corner.
  2. Select My games & apps > Installed.
  3. Tap Uninstall next to each app that you want to uninstall.

To uninstall an AI app from the device settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps.
  2. Select the app that you want to uninstall and tap Uninstall.
  3. Confirm your action.

How to rate and review AI apps on APKPure

Sign in and write a review

If you want to rate and review any AI app on APKPure, you need to sign in with your account first. You can sign in with your email, Facebook, Google, or Twitter account. To sign in and write a review:

  1. Go to the app page on APKPure and tap Sign in in the top right corner.
  2. Select your preferred method of signing in and follow the instructions.
  3. After signing in, tap Write a review at the bottom of the app page.
  4. Select a rating from 1 to 5 stars and write your feedback in the text box.
  5. Tap Submit when you are done.


In this article, I have shown you how to find, install, update, uninstall, and rate AI apps from APKPure, a popular alternative app store for Android and iOS devices. AI apps are applications that use artificial intelligence to perform various tasks, such as image editing, chat, search, and more. AI apps can be fun, useful, and sometimes surprising. I hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!


What are some examples of AI apps on APKPure?

Some examples of AI apps on APKPure are:

  • WOMBO Dream: An art generation app that uses AI to create amazing images from scratch based on text prompts.</
  • FaceApp: A photo editing app that uses AI to transform your face with various filters, such as aging, gender swap, hair color, and more.
  • Replika: A chat app that uses AI to create a personalized digital companion that you can talk to anytime, anywhere.
  • Google Lens: A search app that uses AI to identify objects, text, landmarks, and more from your camera or photos.
  • Brainly: An education app that uses AI to help you with your homework, study, and learn new skills.

Is APKPure safe and legal?

APKPure is generally safe and legal to use, as long as you download apps from trusted sources and scan them for malware before installing. However, there are some risks and limitations associated with using APKPure, such as:

  • Some apps may not work properly or be compatible with your device or region.
  • Some apps may contain viruses, spyware, adware, or other malicious code that can harm your device or data.
  • Some apps may violate the intellectual property rights or terms of service of the original developers or publishers.
  • Some apps may not receive regular updates or support from the developers or APKPure.

Therefore, you should always exercise caution and discretion when using APKPure and only download apps that you trust and need. You should also check the ratings, reviews, and permissions of the apps before downloading and installing them. You should also backup your device and data regularly in case of any problems or issues.

How can I contact APKPure?

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for APKPure, you can contact them through the following channels:

What are some alternatives to APKPure?

If you are looking for other alternative app stores for Android and iOS devices, you can try some of these options:

  • Aptoide: A decentralized app store that allows users to create and manage their own app stores.
  • Uptodown: A global app store that offers a wide range of apps and games in multiple languages.
  • AppValley: An app store for iOS devices that offers tweaked and modded apps and games.
  • ACMarket: An app store for Android devices that offers cracked and patched apps and games.

How can I learn more about AI?

If you are interested in learning more about AI and its applications, you can check out some of these resources:

  • AI For Everyone: A free online course by Coursera that introduces the basics of AI and its impact on society.
  • AI Hub: A website by Google that provides various tools, datasets, tutorials, and articles on AI.
  • AI Podcast: A podcast by Lex Fridman that features interviews with experts and leaders in AI research and development.
  • AI Dungeon: A text-based adventure game that uses AI to generate infinite stories based on your choices.
