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Usbutil 2.4 !!EXCLUSIVE!! Download 2013

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A: I am not sure if you have the relevant repositories enabled or not but "usbutils" is not contained in any repository. This is how I've solved this problem (I've added the "deb" source to my repo list): echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb.list curl -L | apt-key add - apt-get update I hope this helps. Q: What is the best way to save user preferences? I've got a windows form app which is supposed to have many different preferences (languages, fonts, keyboard shortcuts etc.). I'm trying to decide what is the best way to save user preferences. Here are a few questions which I'm having difficulties to answer. Feel free to comment if you can. Shared directory vs. Application directory vs. Local folder Should I use a text file or a database file? Shared directory: I would have a folder I would copy to the users home directory when starting the app. This would make it easier to do updates since I could create a new file rather than creating a new folder. Application directory: I would store all of the settings in the application directory. This would mean that there is no settings file on the users machine but I can create a settings file at install time. Local folder: I would store the settings in a folder on the users machine. This would mean that the user would need to install the application before they can use it. Creating a settings file would be my first choice. Shared directory vs. Database Shared directory: I would store the settings in the shared folder. I would just copy the file when I update the app. I think this would be the easiest option, since I don't want the user to have to make any changes to his settings and I wouldn't need to make any database queries to save settings. But I wonder if it would be considered a good option. Database: I would store the settings in a database file. The users would make one-time changes to the database and then the file would be copied to the shared folder. This would make it easy to update the app with one-time changes