Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 – Joomla =LINK= 🥊

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How to Use Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 to Create Stunning Menus for Joomla 3.x

If you are looking for a way to create beautiful and responsive menus for your Joomla 3.x website, you may want to check out Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3. This plugin is an extension of the popular Maximenu CK module, which allows you to create megamenus with multiple columns, images, modules, and effects. Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 adds more features and options to customize your menus and make them stand out.

What is Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3?

Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 is a plugin that manages the parameters for the links created with the module Maximenu CK. You just need to install and publish it and then a new tab appears with parameters in administration of menu links in Joomla! and also a new button in the module administration.

The plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 has several advantages:

  • It avoids having to write some special characters in the menu link title, which can cause problems with page titles, breadcrumbs, and SEO.
  • It offers better column management, allowing you to give them a specific width without playing with CSS.
  • It allows you to encapsulate the menu items in HTML tags (such as


    , etc.) for better SEO and render.

  • It lets you set the margin, width, and background color of the submenus container.
  • It enables you to load a module by choosing it from a list of all published modules.
  • It helps you create rows by forcing the column to return to the line.
  • It allows you to add a CSS class on
  • tags.
  • It gives you the option to style individual menu items in different states (normal, on mouseover, active) with text color, background (color, image, or gradient), rounded corners, shadow, borders, and margins.
  • It provides you with an interface to style the whole menu design using the fields to set the color, margins, and also the submenus dimensions, with an instant preview of the menu design.
  • It includes 18 themes with specific effects to create an amazing menu.

How to Install Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3?

To install Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3, you need to download the package that contains the component Maximenu CK Params, the plugin Maximenu CK Params, the plugin documentation of 30 pages, and a step by step tutorial. You can download it from here. The package is not free but it helps maintain the development of the project Maximenu CK.

Once you have downloaded the package, you need to unzip it and install each file separately using the Joomla extension manager. First, install the component Maximenu CK Params. Then install the plugin Maximenu CK Params. Make sure both are enabled in the extension manager.

How to Use Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3?

To use Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3, you need to have already installed and configured the module Maximenu CK. You can find more information about how to use Maximenu CK here.

Once you have created your menu with Maximenu CK, you can use Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 to customize it further. There are two ways to access the plugin parameters:

  1. In the module administration, click on the button "Maximenu params" at the bottom of each tab. This will open a popup window where you can see and edit all the parameters for each menu item.
  2. In the menu item administration, go to the tab "Maximenu params". This will show you all the parameters for that specific menu item.

In both cases, you can use the plugin parameters to change various aspects of your menu items, such as:

- The column width: You can set a fixed width for each column in pixels or percentage. You can also use the keyword "auto" to let the column adjust to the content width.

- The HTML tag: You can wrap the menu item in a HTML tag of your choice (such as


, etc.) to improve the SEO and the design of your menu.

- The margin: You can set a margin for each menu item in pixels. This can help you position the submenus more precisely.

- The submenu width: You can set a fixed width for the submenu container in pixels or percentage. You can also use the keyword "auto" to let the submenu adjust to the content width.

- The submenu background: You can choose a background color or image for the submenu container. You can also use a gradient effect by entering two colors separated by a comma.

- The module: You can load any published module in your menu item by selecting it from a list. This can help you add more functionality and content to your menu.

- The row: You can force a column to return to the line by checking this option. This can help you create rows of menu items within a submenu.

- The CSS class: You can add a custom CSS class to each menu item. This can help you style your menu items more easily with CSS.

- The styles: You can customize the appearance of each menu item in different states (normal, on mouseover, active) by changing the text color, background (color, image, or gradient), rounded corners, shadow, borders, and margins. You can use the color picker or enter the values manually.

How to Style the Whole Menu Design?

Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 also allows you to style the whole menu design using an interface with an instant preview of the menu. To access this interface, you need to go to the component Maximenu CK Params in the Joomla administration. There you will see a list of all your menus created with Maximenu CK. Click on the one you want to edit and you will see a screen like this:

Maximenu CK Params interface

In this interface, you can use the fields on the left to change various aspects of your menu design, such as:

  • The orientation: You can choose between horizontal or vertical orientation for your menu.
  • The alignment: You can choose between left, center, or right alignment for your menu items.
  • The direction: You can choose between left-to-right or right-to-left direction for your menu items.
  • The layout: You can choose between full width or fixed width layout for your menu container.
  • The colors: You can choose the colors for your menu container, menu items, submenus, and separators.
  • The margins: You can set the margins for your menu container and submenus in pixels.
  • The dimensions: You can set the dimensions for your menu container and submenus in pixels or percentage.
  • The effects: You can choose an effect for your submenus from 18 predefined themes. You can also adjust the speed and delay of the effect.

As you change the fields, you will see the preview of your menu on the right. You can also click on any menu item to see its parameters and edit them if needed. Once you are happy with your menu design, click on "Save" at the top and enjoy your stunning menu!

How to Use the Themes?

Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 includes 18 themes with specific effects to create an amazing menu. These effects are largely inspired from the Tympanus website and adapted to work with Maximenu CK. You can see a demo of each theme here.

To use a theme, you need to go to the component Maximenu CK Params and select your menu. Then go to the tab "Effects" and choose a theme from the dropdown list. You can also adjust the speed and delay of the effect. Click on "Save" and refresh your website to see the effect.

You can also customize each theme by editing the CSS file located in /media/mod_maximenuck/themes/. For example, if you want to change the color of the theme "Slide down", you can edit the file /media/mod_maximenuck/themes/slidedown.css and change the value of the background-color property.


Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 is a powerful and versatile plugin that allows you to create stunning menus for your Joomla 3.x website. It adds more features and options to customize your menus and make them stand out. It also provides you with an interface to style the whole menu design with an instant preview of the menu. It also includes 18 themes with specific effects to create an amazing menu. Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3 is an extension of the popular Maximenu CK module, which allows you to create megamenus with multiple columns, images, modules, and effects. You can download the package that contains both the module and the plugin from here. The package is not free but it helps maintain the development of the project Maximenu CK.

If you are looking for a way to create beautiful and responsive menus for your Joomla 3.x website, you may want to check out Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3. It will help you create menus that are not only functional but also attractive and engaging.

How to Install Maximenu CK Module?

To use Plugin Maximenu CK Params V3, you need to have already installed and configured the module Maximenu CK. Maximenu CK is a module that allows you to create megamenus with multiple columns, images, modules, and effects. You can find more information about Maximenu CK here.

To install Maximenu CK module, you need to download it from here. The module is free and under GNU/GPL license. Once you have downloaded the module, you need to install it using the Joomla extension manager. Make sure the module is enabled in the extension manager.

How to Configure Maximenu CK Module?

To configure Maximenu CK module, you need to go to the module manager and create a new module of type "Maximenu CK". Then you need to assign it to a position and a menu of your choice. You can also set some basic options such as the orientation, the alignment, the direction, and the layout of your menu.

Then you need to go to the tab "Advanced options" and set some more options such as the effect, the duration, the delay, the easing, the opacity, and the z-index of your menu. You can also enable or disable some features such as the fancy effect, the mobile effect, the click open/close option, and the responsive mode.

Finally, you need to go to the tab "Style options" and set some options for the style of your menu such as the colors, the margins, the dimensions, the borders, and the fonts. You can also use custom CSS code to style your menu further.

Once you have configured your module, click on "Save" and refresh your website to see your menu.[New%20release][REPACK][2].md
