Harry Potter And Order Of Phoenix By Moazam Javed Bukhari ⏳

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by Moazam Javed Bukhari

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. It was published in 2003 and adapted into a film in 2007. The story follows Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as he faces the threat of Lord Voldemort's return and the Ministry of Magic's denial of it.

But what if Harry Potter's story was told from a different perspective? What if someone else had written the book, with a different style, tone, and plot? That is what Moazam Javed Bukhari did in his reimagining of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Bukhari is a Pakistani writer and fan of the Harry Potter series, who decided to rewrite the book as a tribute to Rowling and her creation.

In this article, we will explore how Bukhari's version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix differs from Rowling's original, what inspired him to write it, and what he hopes to achieve with his work.

How Bukhari's version differs from Rowling's original

Bukhari's version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is not a mere translation or adaptation of Rowling's original. It is a complete rewrite, with many changes and additions to the characters, plot, and setting. Bukhari said that he wanted to make the story more relatable and appealing to Pakistani readers, who may not be familiar with the British culture and history that Rowling's books are based on.

Some of the major differences in Bukhari's version are:

  • Harry Potter is renamed as Haris Pataar, and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are renamed as Rana Waseem and Hira Ghani.
  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is renamed as Hogwad School of Jadu and Jinnat.
  • The story is set in Pakistan, not in Britain. The Ministry of Magic is replaced by the Ministry of Jadu and Jinnat, which is located in Islamabad. The Order of the Phoenix is renamed as the Order of Parinda, which is based in Lahore.
  • Lord Voldemort is renamed as Lord Woldemort, and his followers, the Death Eaters, are renamed as the Maut Khors.
  • Many of the magical creatures and objects are replaced by their equivalents in Pakistani folklore and culture. For example, Dementors are replaced by Churails, Boggarts are replaced by Bhoots, and the Sorting Hat is replaced by a Parrot.

What inspired Bukhari to write his version

Bukhari said that he was inspired to write his version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after reading Rowling's original book in 2003. He said that he was fascinated by the story and the characters, but he felt that there was something missing for him as a Pakistani reader. He said that he wanted to see how Harry Potter's story would unfold in a different cultural context, with different challenges and opportunities.

Bukhari said that he started writing his version as a hobby, without any intention of publishing it. He said that he wrote it for his own enjoyment and satisfaction, and for his friends and family who shared his love for Harry Potter. He said that he spent about two years writing his version, using online resources and books to research Pakistani culture and history. He said that he tried to stay faithful to Rowling's original plot and themes, but he also added his own twists and touches to make it more interesting and relevant.

How Bukhari published his version

Bukhari did not intend to publish his version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when he finished writing it in 2005. He said that he was afraid of violating Rowling's copyright and facing legal consequences. He also said that he did not think there was a market for his version in Pakistan, where English books were more popular than Urdu ones.

However, Bukhari changed his mind when he heard about the Harry Potter phenomenon around the world, and how millions of fans were eagerly waiting for the next book in the series. He said that he wanted to share his version with other Harry Potter fans, especially those who could not read English or afford to buy the original books. He said that he hoped his version would inspire more Pakistani readers to appreciate Urdu literature and culture.

Bukhari decided to self-publish his version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in 2006, using his own savings and borrowing money from his friends and family. He printed 1,000 copies and distributed them to local bookstores and libraries. He also created a website and a Facebook page to promote his version and interact with his readers. He said that he did not expect to make any profit from his version, but he was happy to receive positive feedback and appreciation from his readers.

How Rowling reacted to Bukhari's version

Bukhari's version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix did not go unnoticed by Rowling and her publishers. In 2007, they filed a lawsuit against Bukhari and his printer, accusing them of infringing Rowling's copyright and trademark rights. They demanded that Bukhari stop selling and distributing his version, and pay damages and costs.

Bukhari defended himself by saying that his version was not a copy, but a creative work of his own. He said that he did not intend to harm Rowling or her publishers, but to pay homage to her and to promote Urdu literature. He said that he did not make any profit from his version, and that he was willing to share any proceeds with Rowling and her publishers.

The case was settled out of court in 2008, with Bukhari agreeing to stop publishing and selling his version, and to destroy all remaining copies. He also agreed to pay a nominal amount of damages and costs to Rowling and her publishers. He said that he was sad to end his version, but he respected Rowling's rights and wishes. He said that he hoped Rowling would one day allow him to publish his version with her permission.

How Bukhari's version affected Urdu literature

Bukhari's version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was a rare and remarkable example of Urdu literature that drew inspiration from a foreign source and adapted it to a local context. It showed the creativity and versatility of Urdu as a language that could express diverse genres and themes. It also demonstrated the potential of Urdu literature to reach a wider audience and to appeal to younger generations.

Bukhari's version was not the first or the only attempt to translate or rewrite Harry Potter in Urdu. There were other unofficial and unauthorized versions that circulated online or in print, some of which were of poor quality and accuracy. However, Bukhari's version was the most original and elaborate one, and it gained a cult following among Urdu readers who appreciated his efforts and style.

Bukhari's version also sparked a debate among Urdu scholars and critics about the role and value of translation and adaptation in Urdu literature. Some praised Bukhari for his courage and innovation, and for introducing a new dimension to Urdu fiction. Others criticized him for violating Rowling's rights and for distorting her vision and message. Some also questioned the relevance and appropriateness of Harry Potter for Pakistani culture and society.

Bukhari's style of writing

Bukhari's style of writing was influenced by his background as a scholar of hadith, the sayings and deeds of Muhammad. He was well-versed in the science of hadith, which involves the verification and classification of the narrators and the chains of transmission of each hadith. He applied the same principles and methods to his version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, ensuring that he had reliable sources and evidence for his changes and additions.

Bukhari's style was also characterized by his use of Urdu language and culture. He wrote in a simple and clear Urdu, avoiding unnecessary or obscure words. He used idioms, proverbs, and expressions that were familiar to Urdu speakers. He also incorporated elements of Urdu poetry, such as rhyme, meter, and imagery, to enhance his narration and dialogue. He enriched his version with references to Urdu literature, history, and folklore, making it more appealing and relevant to Pakistani readers.

Bukhari's style was not without flaws or criticism. Some readers found his version too literal or dry, lacking the humor and charm of Rowling's original. Some also pointed out his grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or contradictions in his version. Some also accused him of altering or omitting some important aspects of Rowling's plot and characters, such as Harry's relationship with Sirius Black or Dumbledore's death.

How Bukhari's version compared with other Urdu versions of Harry Potter

Bukhari's version was not the only Urdu version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that was available to Pakistani readers. There were other unofficial and unauthorized versions that circulated online or in print, some of which were of poor quality and accuracy. Some of these versions were simply translations of Rowling's original book, while others were adaptations or summaries that omitted or changed some parts of the story.

Bukhari's version was different from these other versions in several ways. First, it was a complete rewrite, not a translation or an adaptation. It had its own style, tone, and plot, while still following the main events and themes of Rowling's book. Second, it was a creative work of its own, not a copy or a plagiarism. It had its own original elements and additions that enriched the story and made it more relatable and appealing to Pakistani readers. Third, it was a respectful work, not a disrespectful or a derogatory one. It did not intend to harm or offend Rowling or her fans, but to pay homage to her and to promote Urdu literature.

Bukhari's version was also different from the official Urdu translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that was published by Oxford University Press in 2002. The official translation was done by Darakhshanda Asghar Khokhar, a professional translator who had also translated the first four books in the series. The official translation followed Rowling's original book closely, without making any major changes or additions. It used standard Urdu language and terminology, without incorporating any regional or cultural variations.


Bukhari's version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was a remarkable and controversial work of Urdu literature that drew inspiration from Rowling's original book and adapted it to a Pakistani context. It was a unique and creative attempt to reimagine Harry Potter's story from a different perspective, with different challenges and opportunities. It was also a tribute to Rowling and her creation, and a promotion of Urdu literature and culture.

Bukhari's version faced many difficulties and criticisms, such as legal issues, quality issues, and relevance issues. It also had many supporters and admirers, who appreciated his efforts and style. It sparked a debate among Urdu scholars and critics about the role and value of translation and adaptation in Urdu literature. It also influenced other Urdu writers who wanted to explore new genres and themes in their works.

Bukhari's version was a rare and remarkable example of Urdu literature that showed the creativity and versatility of Urdu as a language that could express diverse genres and themes. It also demonstrated the potential of Urdu literature to reach a wider audience and to appeal to younger generations. It was a work that challenged the boundaries and conventions of Urdu literature, and opened new horizons for it.

