Shl Test Questions And Answers Pdf Free Download

SHL Test Questions and Answers: Free PDF Download and Tips

If you are applying for a job that requires an SHL test, you might be wondering how to prepare for it and what to expect. SHL tests are designed to measure your abilities and personality traits that are relevant for the role you are applying for. They can include numerical, verbal, logical, spatial, and situational judgement tests, as well as personality questionnaires.

In this article, we will provide you with some free PDF samples of SHL test questions and answers, as well as some tips on how to ace them. You can download the PDF files by clicking on the links below.

Free PDF Samples of SHL Test Questions and Answers

Here are some free PDF samples of SHL test questions and answers for different levels and types of tests. You can use them to practice and familiarize yourself with the format and difficulty of the questions.

  • Numerical Reasoning: This test measures your ability to work with numbers and data. You will have to perform calculations, interpret graphs and tables, and solve problems.
  • Verbal Reasoning: This test measures your ability to understand and analyze written information. You will have to read passages of text and answer questions based on them.
  • Inductive Reasoning: This test measures your ability to identify patterns and logic. You will have to complete sequences of shapes or symbols, or find the odd one out.
  • Deductive Reasoning: This test measures your ability to apply rules and logic. You will have to draw conclusions from given premises, or evaluate arguments.
  • Spatial Awareness: This test measures your ability to visualize and manipulate shapes and objects in space. You will have to rotate, fold, or match shapes, or imagine how they would look from different perspectives.
  • Situational Judgement: This test measures your ability to make decisions and deal with scenarios in a work-related context. You will have to choose the most appropriate or effective course of action from a list of options.
  • Personality Questionnaire: This test measures your personality traits and preferences that are relevant for the role you are applying for. You will have to answer questions about yourself, such as how you behave, feel, or think in different situations.

Tips on How to Ace the SHL Test

Here are some tips on how to ace the SHL test and improve your chances of getting hired.

  • Practice as much as you can. The more you practice, the more familiar you will become with the types of questions and the time limit. You can use the free PDF samples above, or find more practice tests online.
  • Read the instructions carefully. Make sure you understand what is expected of you in each test, and follow the instructions exactly. Pay attention to details such as the number of questions, the time limit, the scoring method, and the calculator policy.
  • Manage your time wisely. Don't spend too much time on one question, especially if you are not sure about the answer. Try to answer as many questions as you can within the time limit, but don't guess randomly. If you have time left at the end, review your answers and check for errors.
  • Be prepared mentally and physically. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, and stay hydrated before taking the test. Avoid distractions and stressors that might affect your performance. Find a quiet and comfortable place to take the test, and make sure you have everything you need (such as a pen, paper, calculator, etc.).
  • Be honest and consistent. Don't try to fake your personality or lie about your abilities. The tests are designed to detect inconsistencies and discrepancies in your responses. Be yourself and answer truthfully.

Benefits of Downloading SHL Test Questions and Answers PDF

Downloading SHL test questions and answers PDF files can be very beneficial for your test preparation. Here are some of the advantages of using PDF files:

  • They are easy to access and use. You can download them on any device and open them with any PDF reader. You can also print them out if you prefer to work on paper.
  • They are convenient and flexible. You can practice anytime and anywhere, without needing an internet connection or a login account. You can also choose the level and type of test that suits your needs.
  • They are realistic and reliable. They are based on real SHL tests and questions, so they reflect the format and difficulty of the actual test. They also come with detailed answers and explanations, so you can learn from your mistakes and improve your skills.

How to Download SHL Test Questions and Answers PDF

If you want to download SHL test questions and answers PDF files, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to SHL Direct, the official website of SHL.
  2. Click on the "Practice Tests" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Select the level and type of test that you want to practice.
  4. Click on the "Download Practice Test" button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Enter your name and email address, and agree to the terms and conditions.
  6. Check your email inbox for a link to download the PDF file.
  7. Open the PDF file and start practicing.

SHL Test Examples and Answers

To give you a better idea of what to expect from SHL tests, here are some examples of questions and answers for different types of tests. You can also find more examples and practice tests on the SHL website.

Numerical Reasoning Test Example

This test measures your ability to work with numbers and data. You will have to perform calculations, interpret graphs and tables, and solve problems.

Example question:

A graph showing the sales of four products in four quarters

Which product had the highest percentage increase in sales from Q1 to Q4?

A) Product A
B) Product B
C) Product C
D) Product D

Answer: C) Product C

Explanation: To find the percentage increase in sales for each product, we need to use the formula:

(New value - Old value) / Old value x 100%

For product A, the percentage increase is:

(120 - 100) / 100 x 100% = 20%

For product B, the percentage increase is:

(140 - 80) / 80 x 100% = 75%

For product C, the percentage increase is:

(160 - 60) / 60 x 100% = 166.67%

For product D, the percentage increase is:

(100 - 40) / 40 x 100% = 150%

Therefore, product C had the highest percentage increase in sales from Q1 to Q4.

Verbal Reasoning Test Example

This test measures your ability to understand and analyze written information. You will have to read passages of text and answer questions based on them.

Example question:

Read the following passage and answer the question below.

"The term 'fake news' has become ubiquitous in recent years, especially in relation to politics and social media. Fake news refers to false or misleading information that is presented as factual news, often with the intention of influencing public opinion or obscuring the truth. Fake news can have serious consequences for democracy, as it can undermine trust in journalism, institutions, and leaders, and polarize society along ideological lines. Therefore, it is important for citizens to be able to identify and combat fake news, by checking the source, the evidence, and the motive of any information they encounter."

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A) Fake news is a new phenomenon that emerged with social media.
B) Fake news is always false and never based on facts.
C) Fake news can affect how people vote and what they believe.
D) Fake news is easy to spot and avoid.

Answer: C) Fake news can affect how people vote and what they believe.

Explanation: This statement is true according to the passage, as it says that fake news can influence public opinion and obscure the truth. The other statements are false or not supported by the passage.

Inductive Reasoning Test Example

This test measures your ability to identify patterns and logic. You will have to complete sequences of shapes or symbols, or find the odd one out.

Example question:

A sequence of four shapes with a missing fifth shape

Which of the following shapes completes the sequence?

A) A triangle with a dot inside
B) A circle with a dot inside
C) A square with a dot inside
D) A diamond with a dot inside

Answer: B) A circle with a dot inside

Explanation: The pattern in the sequence is that the shape rotates 90 degrees clockwise and changes color alternately. The dot also moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the shape. Therefore, the missing shape should be a circle with a dot inside.

Deductive Reasoning Test Example

This test measures your ability to apply rules and logic. You will have to draw conclusions from given premises, or evaluate arguments.

Example question:

Read the following argument and answer the question below.

"All dogs are mammals. All mammals have fur. Therefore, all dogs have fur."

Is this argument valid or invalid?

A) Valid
B) Invalid

Answer: A) Valid

Explanation: This argument is valid because it follows the rules of deductive reasoning. If the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. The premises are true because all dogs are indeed mammals, and all mammals do have fur. Therefore, the conclusion that all dogs have fur is also true.


SHL tests are widely used by employers to assess candidates' abilities and personality traits that are relevant for the job role. SHL tests can include numerical, verbal, inductive, deductive, spatial, situational judgement, and personality tests. To prepare for SHL tests, you should download free PDF samples of SHL test questions and answers, practice with similar tests online, review your feedback and improve your skills. You should also check the test details, manage your time wisely, understand what it takes to pass, create a practice routine, get in the mindset, and be honest and consistent. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of acing the SHL test and landing your dream job.
