KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer V4.500.465 PATCHED

KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465: A Powerful Tool for Connecting Devices and Applications

If you have an OPC client application that needs to access data from a legacy DDE server, you might be wondering how to achieve this without compromising performance or security. The answer is KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465, a driver that works in conjunction with KEPServerEX to provide data exchange between OPC clients and DDE servers.

What is KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 is a driver that enables OPC clients to communicate with any DDE server that supports the standard CF TEXT DDE data format. It can also communicate with Excel spreadsheets using the XLTable format. The driver uses "hot links", which means that the DDE server only passes data to the driver when the data value has changed. This provides a significant performance advantage over the alternative request/response loop approach, since each DDE transaction is relatively time consuming.

How does KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 work?

The driver works as follows:

  • The OPC client requests data from the driver using the familiar Application Name Topic Name, and ItemName method for DDE server data. For example, if the OPC client wants to read data from cell A1 of an Excel spreadsheet named Book1, it would use the following syntax: Excel|Book1!R1C1.
  • The driver sends a request to the DDE server using the NetDDE protocol. NetDDE allows DDE communication across different processes and machines on a network.
  • The DDE server responds with the data value and establishes a hot link with the driver. The hot link means that the DDE server will notify the driver whenever the data value changes, without requiring another request from the driver.
  • The driver updates the OPC client with the data value and any subsequent changes.

The driver can also write data to the DDE server using a similar process. The OPC client sends a write request to the driver, which then sends a poke command to the DDE server using NetDDE. The poke command instructs the DDE server to update its data value with the new value provided by the driver.

What are the benefits of KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

By using KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • You can access data from any DDE server that supports the standard CF TEXT or XLTable formats, regardless of the vendor or application. This gives you more flexibility and compatibility in your data exchange scenarios.
  • You can leverage the power and functionality of KEPServerEX, such as data logging, alarming, scaling, simulation, and more. You can also use other drivers and plug-ins within KEPServerEX to connect to other data sources and destinations.
  • You can improve your data integrity and reliability with the extensive error handling and recovery features of the driver. The driver will automatically reconnect when DDE servers are brought back online, and provide a ReinitializeDDE tag to aid in resolving DDE communication failures.
  • You can optimize your data throughput and performance with the hot link mechanism of the driver. The driver only receives data updates when they occur, reducing network traffic and latency.
  • You can secure your data communication with the encryption and authentication features of NetDDE. You can also configure user permissions and access rights for different NetDDE nodes on your network.

How to install KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

If you want to use KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465, you need to install it on your machine along with KEPServerEX. The installation process is simple and straightforward, and you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the KEPServerEX installer from the PTC website. Make sure you select the correct version (v4.500.465) and language for your system.
  2. Launch the installer and select your preferred language. Read and accept the license agreement to continue.
  3. Choose the destination folder for the installation. By default, it will be installed in: C:\Program Files\Kepware\KEPServerEX 6\.
  4. Choose the application data folder for the installation. The application data folder contains project backup and supporting files. It must be accessible to all users, and any user-specified path must be local to the PC. By default, it will be installed in: C:\ProgramData\Kepware\KEPServerEX 6\.
  5. Select whether to create a shortcut on the desktop. Without a shortcut, the configuration is only accessible through the Start Menu and the server’s Administration Menu.
  6. Optional: Select a vertical suite to pre-select associated drivers and advanced plug-ins for installation.
  7. Select Custom to specify the drivers and advanced plug-ins to install. Make sure you select the DDE Client driver from the Communication Drivers tree. You can also select other drivers and plug-ins that you need for your data exchange scenarios.
  8. Click Install to begin the installation. Wait for the installation to complete.
  9. Click Finish to exit the installer. You may need to restart your machine for the changes to take effect.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 on your machine. You can now launch KEPServerEX and configure your DDE connections using the Configuration application.

How to configure KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

After installing KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465, you need to configure some settings to enable DDE communication between OPC clients and DDE servers. You can follow these steps:

  1. Launch KEPServerEX and open the Configuration application.
  2. Right-click on the Administration menu and select Settings…
  3. Open the Runtime Process tab and locate the Process Mode area. Use the Selected Mode drop-down menu to select Interactive. This mode allows easier communication between Excel and the server.
  4. Click OK and restart the server for the changes to take effect.
  5. Choose File | Project Properties and select the DDE tab.
  6. Under General, select Yes to enable DDE connections to the server. Note: If using a local DDE connection, leave Enable Net DDE disabled.
  7. In Service Name, keep the default name "kepdde". This name will be used as the application name for DDE connections.
  8. In the Formats area, select Enable for all three formats (CF_TEXT, XLTable, and AdvancedDDE). These formats allow different types of data exchange between OPC clients and DDE servers.
  9. Leave the remaining properties at the default settings or adjust them according to your preferences.
  10. Click OK and restart the server for the changes to take effect.

You have now configured KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 for DDE communication. You can now use any OPC client application (such as Excel) to access data from any DDE server that supports the standard CF TEXT or XLTable formats. For more information on how to write and access DDE data in Excel, please refer to this guide.

How to troubleshoot KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

Sometimes, you may encounter some issues or errors when using KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465. For example, you may not be able to connect to the DDE server, receive incorrect or outdated data values, or experience communication failures. In such cases, you can follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check the status of the DDE server and make sure it is running and accessible. If the DDE server is on a remote machine, make sure the network connection is stable and secure.
  2. Check the configuration of the DDE server and make sure it supports the standard CF TEXT or XLTable formats. Also, make sure the application name, topic name, and item name are correct and match the ones used by the driver.
  3. Check the configuration of the driver and make sure it is enabled for DDE connections. Also, make sure the service name, formats, and other properties are correct and appropriate for your data exchange scenario.
  4. Check the configuration of the OPC client and make sure it is using the correct syntax and data type for requesting or writing data to the driver. Also, make sure the OPC client is compatible with the driver and supports the OPC specifications.
  5. Check the logs and diagnostics of the driver and the OPC client for any errors or warnings that may indicate the cause of the problem. You can also use tools such as Quick Client or OPC Quick Client to test the communication between the driver and the OPC client.
  6. If none of the above steps resolve the problem, contact Kepware technical support for further assistance. You can also consult the online help system or the user manuals for more information on how to use and troubleshoot KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465.

By following these steps, you can hopefully solve any issues or errors that you may encounter when using KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465. Remember that this driver is a powerful tool for connecting devices and applications using DDE communication, and it can help you achieve your data exchange goals with ease and efficiency.

How to update KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465?

If you want to update KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 to the latest version, you need to download and install the latest KEPServerEX installer from the PTC website. The installer will automatically detect your existing installation and update it with the new features and fixes. You can follow these steps to update your driver:

  1. Download the latest KEPServerEX installer from the PTC website. Make sure you select the correct version and language for your system.
  2. Launch the installer and select your preferred language. Read and accept the license agreement to continue.
  3. The installer will scan your system and detect your existing installation of KEPServerEX and KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465. It will display a summary of the components that will be updated.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the update. Wait for the update to complete.
  5. Click Finish to exit the installer. You may need to restart your machine for the changes to take effect.

You have now updated KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 to the latest version. You can launch KEPServerEX and check the release notes for more information on what's new and improved in this version. You can also use any OPC client application (such as Excel) to access data from any DDE server that supports the standard CF TEXT or XLTable formats.


In this article, we have learned how to install, configure, troubleshoot, and update KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465. This driver is a powerful tool for connecting OPC clients and DDE servers using the standard CF TEXT or XLTable formats. It works in conjunction with KEPServerEX to provide data exchange between devices and applications. It also offers many benefits such as performance optimization, error handling, security features, and compatibility with various vendors and platforms. By following the steps and tips in this article, you can use KEPware Enhanced OPC DDE KEPServer v4.500.465 to achieve your data exchange goals with ease and efficiency.
