Human Physiology From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf

# Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf - A Comprehensive Guide to the Human Body If you are looking for a textbook that covers all the aspects of human physiology, from the cellular level to the organ systems, then you might want to check out **Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf**. This book is written by **Lauralee Sherwood**, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at West Virginia University. It is one of the most popular and widely used textbooks in the field of physiology. ## What is Human Physiology? Human physiology is the study of how the human body functions, both in health and disease. It involves understanding the mechanisms of body function from cells to systems, and how they are regulated by various factors, such as hormones, nerves, and feedback loops. Human physiology also explores how the body adapts to changing demands and challenges, such as exercise, stress, aging, and environmental factors. ## Why is Human Physiology Important? Human physiology is important for many reasons. First of all, it helps us appreciate the complexity and beauty of the human body, and how it works as an integrated whole. Second, it helps us understand the causes and consequences of various diseases and disorders, and how they can be prevented or treated. Third, it provides the basis for many fields and professions related to health and medicine, such as nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, physical therapy, sports science, and biomedical engineering. ## What are the Features of Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf? Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf is a textbook that aims to help students learn and relate to physiology concepts in an engaging and effective way. Some of the features of this book are: - It is organized around the central theme of homeostasis - how the body meets changing demands while maintaining the internal constancy necessary for all cells and organs to function. - It uses clear, straightforward language, analogies, and frequent references to everyday experiences to explain physiology concepts. - It has a vibrant art program that includes realistic and three-dimensional illustrations, flow diagrams, graphs, tables, and photos to help students visualize important concepts and processes. - It has empowering digital resources that include robust 3D animations and rich homework problems that enable students to test their understanding and apply their knowledge. - It covers the latest research and developments in the field of physiology, such as stem cells, gene therapy, epigenetics, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. - It has boxes that highlight interesting topics such as concepts, challenges, controversies, pathophysiology, clinical physiology, and career opportunities. - It has feedforward statements that provide a brief overview of what is coming next in each section. - It has learning objectives that outline what students should be able to do after reading each section. - It has summaries that review the main points of each section. - It has review questions that test students' recall and comprehension of each section. - It has critical thinking questions that challenge students' application and analysis of each section. ## How to Download Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf for Free? If you are interested in downloading Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf for free, you can use the link given below. This link will take you to a website where you can download the book in PDF format. However, please note that this book is protected by copyright laws and you should only use it for personal and educational purposes. If you want to support the author and publisher of this book, you should buy it from a legitimate source. [Download Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf](

## What are the Topics Covered in Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf? Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf covers a wide range of topics related to human physiology, from the basic principles to the advanced applications. The book is divided into 20 chapters, each covering a major organ system or physiological process. Here is a brief overview of the topics covered in each chapter: - Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis. This chapter introduces the concept of physiology, the levels of organization of the human body, and the theme of homeostasis. It also explains the basic principles of feedback control, feedforward control, and adaptation. - Chapter 2: Cell Physiology. This chapter covers the structure and function of cells, including their organelles, membranes, cytoskeleton, and junctions. It also discusses the processes of cell division, differentiation, and death. - Chapter 3: The Plasma Membrane and Membrane Potential. This chapter explains the properties and functions of the plasma membrane, including its composition, fluidity, transport mechanisms, and receptors. It also describes the generation and maintenance of the membrane potential, and how it influences cell excitability. - Chapter 4: Principles of Neural and Hormonal Communication. This chapter compares and contrasts the two major modes of communication in the body: neural and hormonal. It covers the types, structures, functions, and classifications of neurons and hormones. It also explains how neurons and hormones interact with their target cells and produce physiological responses. - Chapter 5: The Central Nervous System. This chapter focuses on the structure and function of the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord. It covers the anatomy, development, protection, blood supply, and cerebrospinal fluid of the CNS. It also discusses the functional organization, integration, and plasticity of the CNS. - Chapter 6: The Peripheral Nervous System: Afferent Division; Special Senses. This chapter covers the structure and function of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which consists of all the nerves outside the CNS. It covers the afferent division of the PNS, which conveys sensory information from receptors to the CNS. It also covers the special senses of vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, and smell. - Chapter 7: The Peripheral Nervous System: Efferent Division. This chapter covers the efferent division of the PNS, which conveys motor commands from the CNS to effectors such as muscles and glands. It covers the somatic nervous system (SNS), which controls voluntary movements; and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls involuntary functions. It also covers the enteric nervous system (ENS), which regulates gastrointestinal motility and secretion. - Chapter 8: Muscle Physiology. This chapter covers the structure and function of muscle tissue, which is responsible for movement and force generation in the body. It covers skeletal muscle, which is attached to bones; cardiac muscle, which forms - Chapter 9: Cardiac Physiology. This chapter covers the structure and function of the heart, which pumps blood throughout the body. It covers the cardiac cycle, the electrical activity, the cardiac output, and the regulation of heart rate and stroke volume. It also covers the cardiac muscle, the coronary circulation, and the cardiac disorders. - Chapter 10: The Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure. This chapter covers the structure and function of the blood vessels, which transport blood to and from the tissues. It covers the types, properties, and functions of arteries, capillaries, and veins. It also covers the blood pressure, the blood flow, and the regulation of vascular resistance and blood distribution. It also covers the vascular disorders and shock. - Chapter 11: The Blood. This chapter covers the structure and function of the blood, which is a fluid connective tissue that carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, wastes, and immune cells. It covers the composition, functions, and formation of blood cells and plasma. It also covers the hemostasis, the blood groups, and the blood disorders. - Chapter 12: Body Defenses. This chapter covers the structure and function of the immune system, which protects the body from foreign invaders and abnormal cells. It covers the innate immunity, which is nonspecific and rapid; and the adaptive immunity, which is specific and slow. It also covers the types, functions, and interactions of immune cells and molecules. It also covers the immune disorders and transplantation. - Chapter 13: The Respiratory System. This chapter covers the structure and function of the respiratory system, which exchanges gases between the air and the blood. It covers the anatomy, mechanics, volumes, capacities, and regulation of breathing. It also covers the gas exchange, transport, and control in the lungs and tissues. It also covers the respiratory disorders and adaptations. - Chapter 14: The Urinary System. This chapter covers the structure and function of the urinary system, which eliminates wastes and regulates fluid, electrolyte, acid-base, and blood pressure balance. It covers - Chapter 15: Fluid and Acid-Base Balance. This chapter covers the structure and function of the body fluids, which are essential for maintaining homeostasis. It covers the composition, distribution, and movement of water and solutes in the intracellular and extracellular fluids. It also covers the regulation of fluid balance, osmolarity, electrolyte balance, and acid-base balance. It also covers the fluid and acid-base disorders and treatments. - Chapter 16: The Digestive System. This chapter covers the structure and function of the digestive system, which breaks down food into absorbable nutrients and eliminates indigestible wastes. It covers the anatomy, motility, secretion, digestion, absorption, and regulation of the gastrointestinal tract and its accessory organs. It also covers the digestive disorders and nutrition. - Chapter 17: Energy Balance and Temperature Regulation. This chapter covers the structure and function of the metabolic system, which converts food into energy and heat. It covers the types, sources, storage, and utilization of energy substrates. It also covers the regulation of energy intake, expenditure, and balance. It also covers the mechanisms and regulation of body temperature and thermoregulation. - Chapter 18: Principles of Endocrinology; The Central Endocrine Glands. This chapter covers the structure and function of the endocrine system, which secretes hormones that regulate various physiological processes. It covers the principles of endocrine communication, control, feedback, and disorders. It also covers the structure, function, hormones, and regulation of the central endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. - Chapter 19: The Peripheral Endocrine Glands. This chapter covers the structure, function, hormones, and regulation of the peripheral endocrine glands: the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, pineal gland, thymus gland, gonads (testes and ovaries), placenta, kidneys, heart, stomach, # Conclusion Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf is a comprehensive and engaging textbook that covers all the aspects of human physiology, from the cellular level to the organ systems. It is organized around the central theme of homeostasis, how the body meets changing demands while maintaining the internal constancy necessary for all cells and organs to function. It uses clear, straightforward language, analogies, and frequent references to everyday experiences to help students learn and relate to physiology concepts. It also has a vibrant art program and empowering digital resources that help students visualize important concepts and processes. It also covers the latest research and developments in the field of physiology, as well as interesting topics such as concepts, challenges, controversies, pathophysiology, clinical physiology, and career opportunities. It also has feedforward statements, learning objectives, summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions that help students review and apply their knowledge. Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems Sherwood Pdf is an essential textbook for students and professionals in the health profession who want to understand how the human body functions in health and disease. It is also available for free download from the link given below.[3].md
