Stranded Deep Custom Islands Download

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Stranded Deep Custom Islands Download: How to Install and Play the Best Maps

Stranded Deep is a survival game that challenges you to survive on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You have to scavenge for resources, craft tools and weapons, build shelters and rafts, and explore the vast and beautiful world around you.

But what if you want to spice up your gameplay with some new and exciting environments? What if you want to see what other players have created and share your own creations with them? That's where custom islands come in.

Custom islands are maps made by the Stranded Deep community using the in-game Cartographer tool. They can range from realistic and detailed recreations of real places, to fantasy and sci-fi landscapes, to fun and challenging scenarios. Custom islands can add a lot of variety and replay value to your game, as well as inspire you to create your own.

In this article, we will show you how to install custom islands in Stranded Deep, and give you some recommendations for the best custom islands you can download and play right now. Let's get started!

How to Install Custom Islands in Stranded Deep

Installing custom islands in Stranded Deep is not very difficult, but it does require some steps. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. First, you need to find and download some custom islands that you like. You can browse through various websites and forums where players share their maps, such as [Nexus Mods](^2^), [Steam Community](^8^), or [Reddit](^9^). Make sure to read the descriptions and reviews of the maps before downloading them, as some may have specific requirements or instructions.
  2. Next, you need to locate your Stranded Deep game folder on your computer. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stranded Deep. If you have installed the game in a different location, you can find it by right-clicking on Stranded Deep in your Steam library, selecting Properties, then Local Files, then Browse.
  3. Once you have found your game folder, open it and look for a folder called Data. Inside Data, look for another folder called Editor. If you don't see it, create one by right-clicking on an empty space, selecting New, then Folder, then naming it Editor.
  4. Now, copy and paste the custom island files that you downloaded into the Editor folder. The files should have a .json extension. You can rename them if you want, but make sure they don't have any spaces or special characters in their names.
  5. Finally, launch Stranded Deep and go to the main menu. Select Cartographer, then World. You should see a grid of tiles representing your world map. Each tile corresponds to an island that you can visit in the game. To add a custom island to your map, click on an empty tile, then select Custom Islands from the drop-down menu on the right. You should see a list of all the custom island files that you copied into the Editor folder. Select one and click OK. The tile should now show a preview of the custom island. Repeat this process for as many custom islands as you want to add.
  6. When you are done adding custom islands to your map, click Save World at the bottom right corner of the screen. Then click Back, then Play Game, then New Game or Continue (depending on whether you want to start a new game or load an existing one). You should now be able to visit your custom islands in the game!

Best Custom Islands for Stranded Deep

Now that you know how to install custom islands in Stranded Deep, you may be wondering which ones are worth playing. There are hundreds of custom islands available online, each with its own unique features and challenges. To help you choose, we have compiled a list of some of the best custom islands for Stranded Deep that we have found. Here they are:

  • Kawailoa: This custom island is a realistic and detailed recreation of a Hawaiian island, complete with palm trees, waterfalls, caves, and a volcano. You can explore the lush and diverse terrain, or relax on the sandy beaches. There are also some hidden secrets and surprises to discover, such as a plane crash site, a pirate ship, and a UFO. This island is perfect for those who want to experience a tropical paradise in Stranded Deep .
  • La Selva (The Jungle): If you prefer a more wild and adventurous environment, La Selva is the custom island for you. This island is inspired by the Amazon rainforest, and features a dense and rich vegetation, a river system, and a variety of animals. You can hunt for food, fish for piranhas, or craft a bow and arrows to defend yourself from predators. You can also find some ancient ruins and mysterious statues in the jungle, as well as a hidden temple with a secret entrance. La Selva is a challenging and immersive island that will test your survival skills .
  • High Tide Fortress: If you are looking for something more creative and fun, High Tide Fortress is the custom island for you. This island is designed as a base-building playground, where you can use the abundant resources and structures to create your own fortress. You can use the existing towers, walls, bridges, and platforms to expand your base, or build your own from scratch. You can also use the cannons, traps, and explosives to defend your base from attacks. High Tide Fortress is a great island for those who enjoy building and experimenting in Stranded Deep .


Custom islands are one of the best ways to enhance your Stranded Deep experience. They can offer you new and exciting environments to explore, new challenges to overcome, and new opportunities to express your creativity. Installing custom islands in Stranded Deep is not hard, as long as you follow the steps we outlined above. And there are plenty of custom islands to choose from online, each with its own unique features and style.

So what are you waiting for? Download some custom islands today and start your own adventure in Stranded Deep! And don't forget to share your own creations with the community as well. You never know who might enjoy them!


Here are some common questions and answers about custom islands in Stranded Deep:

  1. Can I use custom islands on console versions of Stranded Deep?
  2. No, unfortunately custom islands are only available for PC versions of Stranded Deep at the moment. The developers have stated that they are working on bringing custom islands to console versions in the future, but there is no confirmed date or details yet.

  3. Can I use custom islands on multiplayer mode of Stranded Deep?
  4. Yes, you can use custom islands on multiplayer mode of Stranded Deep, as long as all players have the same custom islands installed on their game folders. Otherwise, they will not be able to join or host games with custom islands.

  5. Can I edit or modify custom islands in Stranded Deep?
  6. Yes, you can edit or modify custom islands in Stranded Deep using the Cartographer tool. You can access the Cartographer tool from the main menu by selecting Cartographer, then Edit Islands. You can then select any custom island from the list and make changes to it as you wish. However, be careful not to overwrite or delete any files that belong to the original creator of the custom island.

  7. Can I create my own custom islands in Stranded Deep?
  8. Yes, you can create your own custom islands in Stranded Deep using the Cartographer tool. You can access the Cartographer tool from the main menu by selecting Cartographer, then New Island. You can then use the various tools and options to design your own island from scratch. You can also save and export your island as a .json file and share it with other players online.

  9. Where can I find more custom islands for Stranded Deep?
  10. You can find more custom islands for Stranded Deep on various websites and forums where players share their maps, such as [Nexus Mods](^2^), [Steam Community], or [Reddit]. You can also search for keywords like "Stranded Deep Custom Islands" or "Stranded Deep Maps" on Google or YouTube to find more sources.
