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Boxing Star: A Review of the Ultimate Boxing Game

If you are a fan of boxing or fighting games, you might want to check out Boxing Star, a new boxing-themed game created by Four Thirty Three, that’s out now on iOS and Android. In this game, you can create your own boxer and follow his career from the streets to the championship. You can also fight with other players online and join a fight club with your friends. In this article, we will review the features, gameplay, graphics, and tips of Boxing Star and tell you why you should give it a try.

What is Boxing Star?

Boxing Star is a casual boxing game that combines action, strategy, and customization. You can choose from six different characters, each with their own stats and skills, and train them to match your fighting style. You can also equip them with various gears and skills that enhance their performance in the ring. You can play in different modes, such as story mode, league mode, fight club mode, and event mode, and earn rewards and fame as you progress.

The Story Mode

The story mode of Boxing Star follows the journey of your boxer from a street fighter to a world champion. You will meet and befriend various characters from the boxing world, such as your mentor Joe King, your rival Big Boy, and your love interest Eve. You will also face different opponents in different locations, such as the underground arena, the boxing club, and the stadium. The story mode is divided into chapters, each with its own plot and challenges. You can unlock new gears, skills, and characters as you complete the story mode.

The Gameplay

The gameplay of Boxing Star is simple but engaging. You can control your boxer using the on-screen buttons or by swiping on the screen. You can use different types of attacks, such as jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and super moves, as well as defensive moves, such as dodges, blocks, and clinches. You can also use special skills that have unique effects, such as the megapunch, the counterpunch, or the stun punch. The gameplay is dynamic and responsive, as you can see the impact of your punches on your opponent's health and stamina bars.

The Controls

The controls of Boxing Star are easy to learn and use. You can use the left and right arrow buttons to move your boxer around the ring. You can use the A button to perform a knockdown punch, which deals more damage but consumes more stamina. You can use the S button to block attacks, which reduces damage but also reduces stamina regeneration. You can use the D button to perform a knockback punch, which pushes your opponent away but has less power. You can also swipe on the screen to perform different types of punches: swipe left or right for a hook, swipe up for an uppercut, or swipe down for a jab. You can also swipe left or right while holding the A button to perform a super move, which deals massive damage but requires a full gauge.

The Skills and Gears

The skills and gears of Boxing Star are essential for improving your boxer's performance in the ring. Skills are special abilities that you can equip on your boxer, such as increasing your power, speed, or stamina regeneration. Skills have different levels and rarities, and you can upgrade them using skill points or skill books. Gears are items that you can equip on your boxer's gloves or body parts, such as increasing your defense, critical rate, or counter damage. Gears also have different levels and rarities, and you can upgrade them using gold or gear parts.

The Fight Modes

The fight modes of Boxing Star are varied and offer different challenges and rewards. You can play in the following modes: - League mode: In this mode, you can fight with other players online and climb the ranks of the league. You can earn league points, gold, and chests as you win matches. You can also unlock new leagues and opponents as you progress. You can also watch replays of your matches and learn from your mistakes or strategies. - Fight club mode: In this mode, you can join a fight club with your friends or other players and compete with other fight clubs. You can earn fight club points, gold, and chests as you win matches. You can also chat with your fight club members and share tips or support. You can also participate in the fight club battle, which is a weekly event where you can fight with other fight clubs for glory and rewards. - Event mode: In this mode, you can participate in various events that have different themes and rules. You can earn event points, gold, and chests as you complete the event missions. You can also unlock new skills and gears that are exclusive to the event. You can also challenge the event boss, which is a powerful opponent that requires teamwork and strategy to defeat.

Why You Should Play Boxing Star

Boxing Star is not just a simple boxing game. It is a game that has many features and aspects that make it fun and enjoyable. Here are some of the reasons why you should play Boxing Star:

The Graphics and Sound

The graphics and sound of Boxing Star are impressive and realistic. The game has 3D graphics that show the details and expressions of the characters and the environments. The game also has smooth animations that make the movements and actions of the boxers fluid and natural. The game also has sound effects that match the punches and impacts of the fights. The game also has voice acting that adds personality and emotion to the characters and the story. The game also has music that suits the mood and atmosphere of the game.

The Characters and Customization

The characters and customization of Boxing Star are diverse and creative. The game has six different characters that you can choose from, each with their own backstory, personality, and fighting style. The game also allows you to customize your boxer's appearance, such as their hair, skin, eyes, nose, mouth, tattoos, scars, etc. You can also customize your boxer's outfit, such as their gloves, shoes, shorts, shirts, jackets, hats, etc. You can also customize your boxer's entrance animation, which shows how they enter the ring before a match.

The Events and Rewards

The events and rewards of Boxing Star are generous and exciting. The game has various events that happen regularly, such as daily missions, weekly missions, monthly missions, special missions, etc. These events give you different tasks to complete, such as winning matches, using skills, dodging attacks, etc. These events reward you with gold, skill points, gear parts, chests, etc. The game also has special events that happen occasionally, such as seasonal events, anniversary events, collaboration events, etc. These events have unique themes and rules that make them different from the normal gameplay. These events reward you with exclusive skills and gears that are only available during the event.

Tips and Tricks for Boxing Star

Boxing Star is a game that requires skill and strategy to master. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your performance in the ring:

How to Dodge and Counter

Dodging and countering are essential skills in Boxing Star. Dodging allows you to avoid incoming attacks and create openings for your own attacks. Countering allows you to deal extra damage when you dodge an attack at the right time. To dodge an attack, you need to swipe left or right on the screen before the attack hits you. To counter an attack, you need to swipe left or right on the screen while holding the S button after you dodge an attack. You will see a yellow flash on the screen when you successfully counter an attack. Dodging and countering are useful for dealing with powerful attacks, such as super moves or knockdown punches. However, you need to time your dodges and counters carefully, as they consume stamina and leave you vulnerable if you miss.

How to Manage Your Stamina

Stamina is an important factor in Boxing Star. Stamina determines how much you can attack and defend in a match. Stamina is shown by the green bar below your health bar. Stamina decreases when you perform attacks, blocks, dodges, or counters. Stamina regenerates when you are not attacking or defending. Stamina also affects your damage output and your knockdown resistance. The lower your stamina, the less damage you deal and the more likely you are to be knocked down by an attack. Therefore, you need to manage your stamina wisely and avoid wasting it on unnecessary moves. You also need to balance your offense and defense and avoid being too aggressive or too passive.

How to Upgrade Your Boxer

Upgrading your boxer is essential for increasing your power and competitiveness in Boxing Star. You can upgrade your boxer in various ways, such as: - Training: You can train your boxer's stats, such as power, speed, defense, and stamina, using gold or training tickets. Training increases your boxer's overall rating and performance in the ring. - Skills: You can equip and upgrade skills on your boxer using skill points or skill books. Skills give your boxer special abilities that enhance their attacks or defenses. You can equip up to four skills on your boxer at a time. - Gears: You can equip and upgrade gears on your boxer using gold or gear parts. Gears give your boxer additional stats and effects that improve their damage output or resistance. You can equip up to six gears on your boxer at a time. You can also use sponsors to boost your boxer's stats temporarily. Sponsors are items that you can activate before a match that give you extra benefits, such as increasing your gold income, reducing your stamina consumption, or increasing your critical rate.


Boxing Star is a fun and addictive boxing game that offers a lot of features and content for boxing fans and casual gamers alike. You can create and customize your own boxer and follow his story from the streets to the championship. You can also fight with other players online and join a fight club with your friends. You can also enjoy the stunning graphics and sound of the game and immerse yourself in the boxing world. If you are looking for a boxing game that is easy to play but hard to master, Boxing Star is the game for you.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Boxing Star:

- Q: How do I get more gold in Boxing Star? - A: You can get more gold in Boxing Star by completing missions, winning matches, opening chests, watching ads, or using sponsors. - Q: How do I get more skill points or skill books in Boxing Star? - A: You can get more skill points or skill books in Boxing Star by completing missions, opening chests, participating in events, or buying them with real money. - Q: How do I get more gear parts in Boxing Star? - A: You can get more gear parts in Boxing Star by dismantling gears that you don't need, opening chests, participating in events, or buying them with real money. - Q: How do I unlock new characters in Boxing Star? - A: You can unlock new characters in Boxing Star by completing the story mode chapters or buying them with real money. - Q: How do I join a fight club in Boxing Star? - A: You can join a fight club in Boxing Star by searching for one that suits your preferences or creating one yourself.
