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How to Download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF

If you are interested in learning more about the traditional medicine and pharmacology of Indonesia, you might want to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF. Materia Medika Indonesia is a series of books that contain information about the therapeutic properties of various natural substances used for healing in Indonesia. In this article, we will explain what Materia Medika Indonesia is, where you can find it, and how you can download it in PDF format.

What is Materia Medika Indonesia?

Materia Medika Indonesia is a term that refers to the body of collected knowledge about the medicinal substances used in Indonesia. The term derives from the Latin word "materia medica", which means "medical material". The term was also used by the ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides, who wrote a book called "De materia medica" in the 1st century AD, which was one of the most influential works in the history of medicine and pharmacy.

Definition and history of Materia Medika Indonesia

Materia Medika Indonesia is defined as "simplisia" or natural substances that are used as medicines without any processing, except for drying. Simplisia can be derived from plants, animals, minerals, or other sources. Materia Medika Indonesia consists of several volumes that were published by the Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia from 1977 to 1989. The volumes contain descriptions, illustrations, chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, indications, contraindications, dosage, and preparation methods of various simplisia.

The history of Materia Medika Indonesia can be traced back to the ancient times, when the Indonesian people used various natural substances to treat diseases and maintain health. The knowledge of Materia Medika Indonesia was passed down orally or written in manuscripts, such as lontar (palm leaf) or kitab (book). Some of the earliest written sources of Materia Medika Indonesia are Kitab Tajul Muluk (The Book of Kings), which was written in the 15th century, and Kitab Serat Centhini (The Book of Centhini), which was written in the 19th century.

Benefits and examples of Materia Medika Indonesia

Materia Medika Indonesia has many benefits for health and wellness. It can help prevent and cure various diseases, such as infections, inflammation, pain, fever, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, ulcers, cancer, and more. It can also enhance immunity, metabolism, digestion, circulation, respiration, reproduction, and mental health. It can also provide beauty and cosmetic benefits, such as improving skin, hair, nails, teeth, and eyesight.

Some examples of Materia Medika Indonesia are:

Kunyit (Curcuma longa)RhizomeAnti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, wound healing, liver tonic, digestive aid
Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)RhizomeHepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic
Jinten hitam (Nigella sativa)SeedImmunomodulatory, anticancer, antihypertensive, antidiabetic
Kayu manis (Cinnamomum verum)BarkAntimicrobial, antidiabetic, carminative, antisp

asmatic, antiulcer

Daun sirih (Piper betle)LeafAntimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, oral hygiene, wound healing

These are just a few examples of the many simplisia that are included in Materia Medika Indonesia. You can find more information about them in the Materia Medika Indonesia PDF.

Where to Find Materia Medika Indonesia PDF

If you want to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF, you need to know where to find it. There are two main sources for Materia Medika Indonesia PDF: online and offline.

Online sources for Materia Medika Indonesia PDF

The easiest and fastest way to find Materia Medika Indonesia PDF is to search for it online. There are many websites that offer free or paid access to Materia Medika Indonesia PDF. Some of the websites that you can try are:

  • Materia Medika Indonesia Online: This website provides free access to all volumes of Materia Medika Indonesia in PDF format. You can browse, search, and download the PDF files from this website.
  • Materia Medika Indonesia Repository: This website is a repository of Materia Medika Indonesia PDF files that are hosted by various institutions and organizations. You can search and download the PDF files from this website.
  • Materia Medika Indonesia E-Book: This website sells Materia Medika Indonesia as an e-book in PDF format. You can buy and download the e-book from this website.

Offline sources for Materia Medika Indonesia PDF

If you prefer to find Materia Medika Indonesia PDF offline, you can also look for it in libraries, bookstores, or other places that have physical copies of Materia Medika Indonesia. Some of the places that you can try are:

  • Libraries: You can visit libraries that have collections of books on medicine, pharmacy, or Indonesian culture. You can ask the librarians if they have Materia Medika Indonesia in their catalog. You can then borrow or photocopy the books and scan them into PDF format.
  • Bookstores: You can visit bookstores that sell books on medicine, pharmacy, or Indonesian culture. You can ask the staff if they have Materia Medika Indonesia in their inventory. You can then buy or rent the books and scan them into PDF format.
  • Other places: You can also look for Materia Medika Indonesia in other places that might have copies of it, such as universities, research centers, museums, or cultural centers. You can ask the people in charge if they have Materia Medika Indonesia in their possession. You can then borrow or copy the books and scan them into PDF format.

How to Download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF

Once you have found the source for Materia Medika Indonesia PDF, you need to know how to download it. The steps to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF may vary depending on the source, but here are some general guidelines that you can follow:

Steps to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF from online sources

  1. Open the website that offers Materia Medika Indonesia PDF.
  2. Browse or search for the volume or simplisia that you want to download.
  3. Click on the link or button that says "Download", "View", "Read", or something similar.
  4. Select the format that you want to download, such as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, etc.
  5. Choose the location where you want to save the file on your device.
  6. Wait for the download to complete and enjoy reading your Materia Medika Indonesia PDF.

Tips to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF from offline sources

  • If you are borrowing or renting a book from a library or bookstore, make sure to return it on time and in good condition.
  • If you are photocopying or scanning a book from a library or bookstore, make sure to ask for permission and pay the fees if applicable.
  • If you are scanning a book into PDF format, make sure to use a good scanner and software that can produce high-quality images and text.
  • If you are downloading a file from a website, make sure to check the file size and quality before downloading. Also

    make sure to scan the file for viruses or malware before opening it.

  • If you are downloading a file from a website that requires registration or payment, make sure to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy before signing up or paying.


Materia Medika Indonesia is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the traditional medicine and pharmacology of Indonesia. It contains information about the therapeutic properties of various natural substances used for healing in Indonesia. You can download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF from online or offline sources, depending on your preference and availability. We hope this article has helped you understand how to download Materia Medika Indonesia PDF and enjoy reading it.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Materia Medika Indonesia PDF:

  1. What is the difference between Materia Medika Indonesia and Jamu?
  2. Materia Medika Indonesia is a term that refers to the natural substances that are used as medicines without any processing, except for drying. Jamu is a term that refers to the traditional herbal drinks that are made by mixing and boiling various simplisia. Jamu is one of the applications of Materia Medika Indonesia.

  3. How many volumes are there in Materia Medika Indonesia?
  4. There are six volumes in Materia Medika Indonesia, each containing information about different groups of simplisia. The groups are: Plantae (plants), Animalia (animals), Fungi (fungi), Protista (protists), Monera (bacteria), and Mineralia (minerals).

  5. How can I cite Materia Medika Indonesia PDF in my academic work?
  6. You can cite Materia Medika Indonesia PDF using the following format:

    Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. (Year). Materia Medika Indonesia (Volume). Retrieved from URL.

    For example:

    Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. (1977). Materia Medika Indonesia (Volume I). Retrieved from

  7. Is Materia Medika Indonesia PDF available in other languages?
  8. Materia Medika Indonesia PDF is mainly available in Indonesian language, but some parts of it have been translated into English, such as the scientific names, chemical constituents, and pharmacological effects of simplisia. You can also use online translation tools to translate Materia Medika Indonesia PDF into other languages, but be aware that the accuracy and quality may vary.

  9. Is Materia Medika Indonesia PDF reliable and accurate?
  10. Materia Medika Indonesia PDF is based on scientific research and evidence, as well as traditional knowledge and experience. However, it may not be updated with the latest findings and developments in the field of medicine and pharmacy. Therefore, you should always consult with your doctor or pharmacist before using any simplisia or jamu for your health condition.
