Melon Playground Workshop Apk 💿

Melon Playground Workshop APK: A Fun and Creative Sandbox Game

If you are looking for a game that lets you unleash your imagination and creativity, then you might want to check out Melon Playground Workshop APK. This is a sandbox game where you can play with various items and weapons, and see how they interact with each other and with the environment. You can also create your own scenarios and experiments, or just have fun destroying everything in sight.

Melon Playground Workshop APK is a mobile version of People Playground, a popular PC game that has a similar concept. However, unlike People Playground, Melon Playground Workshop APK is free to download and play, although it does have some in-app purchases and ads. It is also an offline game, so you don't need an internet connection to enjoy it.

In this article, we will tell you more about what Melon Playground Workshop APK is, how to download and install it, what are its features, and what are its pros and cons. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the game. So, if you are interested in learning more about this fun and creative sandbox game, read on!

What is Melon Playground Workshop APK?

A sandbox game where you can create and destroy anything

Melon Playground Workshop APK is a sandbox game, which means that it gives you a lot of freedom and flexibility to do whatever you want. There are no rules, no goals, no missions, no levels, no scores, no limits. You can simply explore the different maps and scenarios that are available, or create your own using the items and weapons that are provided.

You can use melee weapons, guns, explosives, barrels, vehicles, animals, humans, robots, zombies, aliens, and more. You can also customize the properties of each item, such as its size, color, weight, speed, damage, health, etc. You can then place them anywhere you want on the map, or attach them to each other using ropes or joints.

Once you have set up your scene, you can then start playing with it. You can activate the items and weapons by tapping on them or using buttons or switches. You can also drag them around or throw them using your finger. You can see how they react with each other and with the environment. You can also pause or slow down time to observe the effects more closely.

The game has a realistic physics engine that simulates gravity, friction, collision, deformation, explosion, fire, smoke, blood, etc. It also has ragdoll effects that make the characters move and fall realistically when they are hit or killed. The game is very responsive and dynamic, so you can expect a lot of action and chaos.

A mobile version of People Playground, a popular PC game

Melon Playground Workshop APK is inspired by People Playground, a PC game that was released in 2019 by developer mestiez. People Playground is also a sandbox game where you can play with various items and weapons. It has a similar gameplay style and graphics as Melon Playground Workshop APK.

However, there are some differences between the two games. For one thing, People Playground is not free; it costs $9.99 on Steam

A free game with in-app purchases and ads

Melon Playground Workshop APK is a free game that you can download and play on your Android device. You don't need to pay anything to enjoy the basic features and content of the game. However, if you want to access more items and weapons, or remove the ads, you can make some in-app purchases using real money. The prices range from $0.99 to $4.99 per item.

The game also has ads that will pop up occasionally while you are playing. The ads can be annoying and distracting, especially when they interrupt your gameplay or cover the screen. You can skip some of the ads after a few seconds, but some of them are unskippable. You can also watch ads voluntarily to get some rewards, such as coins or gems.

If you don't mind the ads and the in-app purchases, you can still have a lot of fun with Melon Playground Workshop APK. However, if you prefer a more premium and ad-free experience, you might want to consider buying People Playground on Steam, which is the original PC version of the game.

How to download and install Melon Playground Workshop APK?

Download from Google Play Store or other sources

The easiest way to download and install Melon Playground Workshop APK is to get it from the Google Play Store. Just search for the game on the store, tap on the install button, and wait for it to finish downloading. The game will automatically install on your device and you can start playing right away.

However, if for some reason you can't access the Google Play Store, or you want to get a different version of the game, you can also download it from other sources, such as Uptodown. Just make sure that you download the APK file from a trusted and reliable website, and that you scan it for viruses or malware before installing it.

Enable unknown sources on your device settings

If you download the APK file from a source other than the Google Play Store, you will need to enable unknown sources on your device settings. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the official store. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your device settings and look for security or privacy options.
  2. Find the option that says unknown sources or allow installation of apps from unknown sources.
  3. Toggle it on or check the box next to it.
  4. A warning message will appear, telling you about the risks of installing apps from unknown sources. Tap on OK or confirm to proceed.

Once you have enabled unknown sources, you can proceed to install the APK file.

Install the APK file and enjoy the game

To install the APK file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the APK file on your device storage or download folder. You can use a file manager app to help you find it.
  2. Tap on the APK file and a pop-up window will appear, asking you if you want to install this application.
  3. Tap on install and wait for it to finish.
  4. Once the installation is complete, tap on open or launch to start playing the game.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed Melon Playground Workshop APK on your Android device. Now you can enjoy creating and destroying anything you want in this fun and creative sandbox game.

What are the features of Melon Playground Workshop APK?

A wide variety of items and weapons to use

One of the main features of Melon Playground Workshop APK is that it offers a wide variety of items and weapons that you can use to create and destroy anything you want. You can access these items and weapons from the menu at the bottom of the screen. You can scroll left or right to see more categories and options.

Some of the items and weapons that you can use are:

  • Melee weapons, such as swords, axes, hammers, knives, etc.
  • Guns, such as pistols, rifles, shotguns, snipers, etc.
  • Explosives, such as grenades, rockets, bombs, mines, etc.
  • Barrels, such as oil barrels, gas barrels, water barrels, etc.
  • Vehicles, such as cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters, etc.
  • Animals, such as dogs, cats, cows, pigs, etc.
  • Humans, such as soldiers, civilians, police officers, etc.
  • Robots, such as androids, drones, mechs, etc.
  • Zombies, such as walkers, runners, crawlers, etc.
  • Aliens, such as green aliens, gray aliens, tentacle aliens, etc.

You can also use some special items and weapons that have unique effects and abilities. For example:

  • A black hole that sucks everything in its vicinity.
  • A portal gun that creates portals that you can travel through.
  • A gravity gun that lets you manipulate the gravity of objects and characters.
  • A time machine that lets you travel to different time periods and scenarios.
  • A melon launcher that shoots explosive melons at your targets.

With so many items and weapons to choose from, you can create endless combinations and possibilities. You can also mix and match different items and weapons to see how they work together or against each other. For example:

  • You can attach a rocket to a car and launch it into the air.
  • You can put a bomb inside a barrel and roll it towards your enemies.
  • You can shoot a portal at a wall and another one at the ground and jump through them.
  • You can place a black hole near a pile of zombies and watch them get sucked in.
  • You can throw a melon at a helicopter and see it explode.

A realistic physics engine and ragdoll effects

Another feature of Melon Playground Workshop APK is that it has a realistic physics engine that simulates the behavior and movement of objects and characters in the game. The physics engine takes into account factors such as gravity, friction, collision, deformation, explosion, fire, smoke, blood, etc. It also has ragdoll effects that make the characters move and fall realistically when they are hit or killed. The physics engine and the ragdoll effects make the game more responsive and dynamic, as well as more fun and satisfying to play with.

For example, you can see how the objects and characters react when you:

  • Shoot them with different guns and see how they fly back or fall down.
  • Blow them up with explosives and see how they get torn apart or thrown into the air.
  • Crush them with vehicles or heavy objects and see how they get squashed or flattened.
  • Burn them with fire or acid and see how they catch fire or melt.
  • Cut them with blades or spikes and see how they bleed or lose limbs.

The physics engine and the ragdoll effects also add a layer of challenge and unpredictability to the game, as you never know what will happen next. You might encounter some unexpected results or consequences, such as:

  • A bullet ricocheting off a wall and hitting you or your allies.
  • An explosion triggering a chain reaction of more explosions.
  • A vehicle losing control and crashing into something or someone.
  • A fire spreading to other objects or characters.
  • A character surviving a fatal injury and fighting back.

A simple and intuitive interface and controls

Melon Playground Workshop APK also has a simple and intuitive interface and controls that make it easy to use and play. The interface consists of a menu at the bottom of the screen, where you can access the items and weapons, as well as some settings and options. The menu is divided into different categories, such as weapons, vehicles, humans, etc. You can scroll left or right to see more categories and options. You can also tap on the icons to see more details and information about each item or weapon.

The controls are also simple and intuitive. You can use your finger to interact with the items and weapons on the screen. You can tap on them to activate them, drag them around to move them, pinch them to resize them, rotate them to change their direction, etc. You can also use buttons or switches to trigger some items or weapons. You can also use gestures to perform some actions, such as swiping to throw an item or weapon, double-tapping to pause or resume the game, etc.

The interface and controls are designed to make the game easy to use and play for anyone, regardless of their age or skill level. You don't need any complicated instructions or tutorials to start playing. You can just pick up your device and start creating and destroying anything you want in this fun and creative sandbox game.

A creative and fun gameplay experience

The most important feature of Melon Playground Workshop APK is that it offers a creative and fun gameplay experience that is unlike any other game. The game allows you to express your imagination and creativity in any way you want. You can create your own scenarios and experiments, or just have fun destroying everything in sight. You can also share your creations and destructions with other players online, or download their creations and destructions to play with.

The game also offers a lot of variety and diversity in terms of the items and weapons that you can use, the maps and scenarios that you can explore or create, the effects and interactions that you can observe or cause, etc. You can always find something new and interesting to do or see in the game. You can also customize the game according to your preferences and tastes, such as changing the background music, the sound effects, the graphics quality, etc.

The game is also very entertaining and satisfying to play with. You can enjoy the realistic physics engine and the ragdoll effects that make the game more realistic and dynamic. You can also enjoy the simple and intuitive interface and controls that make the game easy to use and play. You can also enjoy the creative and fun gameplay experience that is unlike any other game.

What are the pros and cons of Melon Playground Workshop APK?

Pros: entertaining, imaginative, free, offline

There are many pros of playing Melon Playground Workshop APK, such as:

  • It is very entertaining and satisfying to play with. You can enjoy creating and destroying anything you want in this fun and creative sandbox game.
  • It is very imaginative and expressive. You can use your imagination and creativity to create your own scenarios and experiments, or just have fun destroying everything in sight.
  • It is free to download and play. You don't need to pay anything to enjoy the basic features and content of the game.
  • It is an offline game. You don't need an internet connection to play the game. You can play it anytime and anywhere you want.

Cons: ads, crashes, bugs, violence

However, there are also some cons of playing Melon Playground Workshop APK, such as:

  • It has ads that can be annoying and distracting. The ads can pop up occasionally while you are playing, or cover the screen. You can skip some of the ads after a few seconds, but some of them are unskippable.
  • It can crash or freeze sometimes. The game can be unstable or buggy, especially when there are too many items or weapons on the screen, or when the physics engine or the ragdoll effects are overloaded. The game can also drain your battery or overheat your device.
  • It has some bugs or glitches that can affect the gameplay. For example, some items or weapons might not work properly, or some characters might not move or react correctly.
  • It has some violence and gore that might not be suitable for everyone. The game involves a lot of killing and injuring of characters, as well as a lot of blood and body parts flying around. The game might not be appropriate for children or sensitive people.


Melon Playground Workshop APK is a fun and creative sandbox game where you can play with various items and weapons, and see how they interact with each other and with the environment. You can also create your own scenarios and experiments, or just have fun destroying everything in sight.

The game is a mobile version of People Playground, a popular PC game that has a similar concept. However, unlike People Playground, Melon Playground Workshop APK is free to download and play, although it does have some in-app purchases and ads. It is also an offline game, so you don't need an internet connection to enjoy it.

The game has a realistic physics engine and ragdoll effects that make the game more responsive and dynamic. It also has a simple and intuitive interface and controls that make the game easy to use and play. It also offers a creative and fun gameplay experience that is unlike any other game.

The game also has some pros and cons that you should consider before playing it. Some of the pros are that it is entertaining, imaginative, free, and offline. Some of the cons are that it has ads, crashes, bugs, and violence.

If you are looking for a game that lets you unleash your imagination and creativity, then you might want to check out Melon Playground Workshop APK. It is a fun and creative sandbox game that you can download and play on your Android device. It is a game that will keep you entertained and amused for hours.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Melon Playground Workshop APK:

Q: Is Melon Playground Workshop APK safe to download and install?

A: Yes, Melon Playground Workshop APK is safe to download and install, as long as you get it from a trusted and reliable source, such as the Google Play Store or Uptodown. You should also scan the APK file for viruses or malware before installing it, and enable unknown sources on your device settings.

Q: How can I remove the ads from Melon Playground Workshop APK?

A: You can remove the ads from Melon Playground Workshop APK by making an in-app purchase of $4.99. This will also unlock all the items and weapons in the game, and give you unlimited coins and gems. Alternatively, you can buy People Playground on Steam, which is the original PC version of the game that does not have any ads.

Q: How can I share my creations and destructions with other players online?

A: You can share your creations and destructions with other players online by using the share button on the top right corner of the screen. This will allow you to save your scene as an image or a video, and then share it via social media, email, or other apps. You can also use the hashtag #melonplayground to tag your posts and see what others have made.

Q: How can I download other players' creations and destructions to play with?

A: You can download other players' creations and destructions to play with by using the download button on the top left corner of the screen. This will take you to a website where you can browse and download different scenes that other players have uploaded. You can also use the search bar to find specific scenes that you are interested in.

Q: How can I contact the developer of Melon Playground Workshop APK?

A: You can contact the developer of Melon Playground Workshop APK by using the feedback button on the bottom right corner of the screen. This will allow you to send an email to the developer with your comments, suggestions, questions, or problems. You can also follow the developer on Instagram or YouTube to get updates and news about the game.
