Download 3d Vista ~REPACK~

Download 3D Vista: How to Create Professional Virtual Tours with Ease

Have you ever wanted to create stunning virtual tours that showcase your products, services, or locations in a realistic and immersive way? If so, you might want to check out 3D Vista, a professional virtual tour software that has been leading the industry since 1999.

3D Vista is a powerful tool that allows you to create interactive 360-degree virtual tours using panoramic images, videos, sounds, photos, floorplans, and more. You can also add hotspots, objects, quizzes, scores, animations, and other features that make your virtual tours engaging and informative. Whether you want to create virtual tours for real estate, tourism, education, marketing, or any other purpose, 3D Vista can help you achieve your goals.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install 3D Vista software on your device, how to use it to create amazing virtual tours, and what benefits you can get from using it. Let's get started!

Features of 3D Vista Software

One of the reasons why 3D Vista is so popular among virtual tour creators is that it offers a wide range of features that cater to different needs and preferences. Here are some of the most notable features of 3D Vista software:

3D Models Interactivity

This feature allows you to bring your pre-existing 3D models to life in your virtual tours. You can import your 3D models from various formats and edit them in the user-friendly 3D tour editor. You can also control the camera angles, lighting, shadows, animations, textures, and more to create realistic and immersive scenes. This feature is ideal for industries such as architecture, engineering, marketing, and education, as it provides new perspectives and enhanced visualization capabilities.

E-Learning and Training Tours

This feature allows you to turn your virtual tours into comprehensive teaching and testing tools. You can add discovery hotspots (\"treasure hunts\"), question or quiz cards, integrated scoring, reporting systems, and LMS integration. You can also use gamification or conditional actions to allow students to compete with each other and earn badges while learning. This feature is perfect for creating virtual twins and training simulations that are safer, less intrusive, and more scalable than on-site practice.

Live Guided Tours

This feature allows you to communicate with your clients in real time through your virtual tours. You can use your standard virtual tour as a base and add a live video feed of yourself or your staff as a guide. You can also use voice chat, text chat, or screen sharing to interact with your clients and answer their questions. You can also invite multiple clients to join the same tour and create a group experience. This feature is great for enhancing customer service, building trust, and increasing conversions.

How to Download and Install 3D Vista Software

If you are interested in trying out 3D Vista software, you can download and install it on your device in a few simple steps. Here is what you need to do:

Requirements and Compatibility

Before you download 3D Vista software, you need to make sure that your device meets the minimum requirements and is compatible with the software. Here are the specifications that you need to check:

Operating SystemProcessorMemoryGraphics CardHard Disk Space
Windows 10 (64-bit)Intel Core i5 or equivalent8 GB RAMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or equivalent10 GB free space
Mac OS X 10.13 or higher (64-bit)Intel Core i5 or equivalent8 GB RAMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or equivalent10 GB free space

You also need to have an internet connection to download and activate the software, as well as to publish and share your virtual tours online.

Steps to Download and Install

Once you have verified that your device is compatible with 3D Vista software, you can proceed to download and install it. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  1. Go to the official website of 3D Vista at
  2. Select the product that you want to download from the menu bar. You can choose between 3D Vista Virtual Tour Standard or 3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro, depending on your needs and budget.
  3. Click on the \"Download\" button and choose the version that matches your operating system (Windows or Mac).
  4. Save the installation file on your device and run it once it is downloaded.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
  6. Launch the software and enter your license key to activate it. You can purchase a license key from the website or request a free trial for 30 days.
  7. Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed 3D Vista software on your device.

How to Use 3D Vista Software

Now that you have downloaded and installed 3D Vista software on your device, you are ready to use it to create professional virtual tours. Here are some tips on how to use 3D Vista software effectively:

Interface and Navigation

The first thing that you need to familiarize yourself with is the interface and navigation of 3D Vista software. The interface consists of four main areas:

  • The Main Menu Bar, which contains the options for creating, opening, saving, publishing, and exporting your virtual tours, as well as accessing the help section.
  • The Tour Browser Panel, which shows the list of scenes, media, skins, and hotspots that make up your virtual tour. You can add, delete, rename, reorder, and group them as you wish.
  • The Tour Editor Panel, which displays the preview of your virtual tour and allows you to edit it in various ways. You can zoom in and out, rotate, pan, crop, adjust colors, add effects, and more.
  • The Tour Properties Panel, which shows the properties and settings of your virtual tour and its components. You can change the name, description, resolution, quality, sound, language, behavior, and more.

You can navigate through these areas by using the mouse, keyboard shortcuts, or toolbar buttons. You can also customize the interface by resizing, docking, undocking, hiding, or showing the panels as you prefer.

Creating a Virtual Tour

To create a virtual tour with 3D Vista software, you need to import your media files, such as panoramas, videos, sounds, photos, and floorplans. You can import them from your device, from a URL, or from a cloud service. You can also use the built-in panorama stitcher to create panoramas from individual images. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  1. Click on the \"New Tour\" button on the main menu bar or press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.
  2. Choose a name and a location for your virtual tour and click \"OK\".
  3. Click on the \"Import Media\" button on the tour browser panel or press Ctrl+I on your keyboard.
  4. Select the media files that you want to import and click \"Open\". You can also drag and drop them from your device or browser.
  5. Wait for the media files to be imported and processed by the software. You can see the progress and status of each file on the tour browser panel.
  6. Congratulations! You have created a virtual tour with 3D Vista software. You can now edit it and add more features as you wish.

Adding Hotspots and Objects

To make your virtual tour more interactive and engaging, you can add hotspots and objects to it. Hotspots are clickable areas that trigger an action, such as opening another scene, playing a video, showing a text, or linking to a website. Objects are 3D models, images, sounds, or videos that you can place in your virtual tour to enhance its realism and immersion. Here are some tips on how to add hotspots and objects to your virtual tour:

  • To add a hotspot, click on the \"Add Hotspot\" button on the tour editor panel or press H on your keyboard. Then, choose the type of hotspot that you want to add from the menu. You can choose between scene hotspots, media hotspots, info hotspots, web hotspots, and custom hotspots.
  • To add an object, click on the \"Add Object\" button on the tour editor panel or press O on your keyboard. Then, choose the type of object that you want to add from the menu. You can choose between 3D models, images, sounds, videos, or custom objects.
  • To edit a hotspot or an object, select it on the tour editor panel or on the tour browser panel. Then, use the handles and tools to adjust its position, size, rotation, angle, opacity, color, and more. You can also change its properties and settings on the tour properties panel.
  • To delete a hotspot or an object, select it on the tour editor panel or on the tour browser panel. Then, press Delete on your keyboard or right-click and choose \"Delete\" from the menu.

Publishing and Sharing Your Virtual Tour

Once you have finished editing your virtual tour and adding all the features that you want, you can publish and share it with your audience. You can export your virtual tour as an HTML5 file that can be viewed on any device and browser. You can also upload your virtual tour online or offline using various methods. Here are some options that you have:

  • To export your virtual tour as an HTML5 file, click on the \"Export\" button on the main menu bar or press Ctrl+E on your keyboard. Then, choose a name and a location for your virtual tour file and click \"OK\".
  • To upload your virtual tour online using 3D Vista Hosting Service (free for one year), click on the \"Upload\" button on the main menu bar or press Ctrl+U on your keyboard. Then, enter your account details or create a new account if you don't have one. Then, choose a name and a category for your virtual tour and click \"Upload\".
  • To upload your virtual tour online using FTP (File Transfer Protocol), click on the \"Upload\" button on the main menu bar or press Ctrl+U on your keyboard. Then, choose the FTP option and enter your FTP server details. Then, choose a name and a folder for your virtual tour and click \"Upload\".
  • To upload your virtual tour offline using a USB drive, CD, DVD, or other storage devices, click on the \"Export\" button on the main menu bar or press Ctrl+E on your keyboard. Then, choose the \"Offline\" option and select a name and a location for your virtual tour file. Then, copy the file to your desired storage device and run it on any device that supports HTML5.

After you have uploaded your virtual tour, you can share it with your audience by sending them the link or the file. You can also embed your virtual tour on your website or social media platforms using the embed code that 3D Vista provides.

Benefits of Using 3D Vista Software

By using 3D Vista software to create your virtual tours, you can enjoy many benefits that will boost your business and reputation. Here are some of the advantages that 3D Vista software offers:

Quality and Performance

3D Vista software delivers high-quality and high-performance virtual tours that are compatible with any device and browser. You can create virtual tours with up to 16K resolution and 60 frames per second, ensuring a smooth and realistic experience for your viewers. You can also optimize your virtual tours for different devices and internet speeds, ensuring a fast and seamless loading time.

Customization and Flexibility

3D Vista software allows you to customize and personalize your virtual tours according to your needs and preferences. You can choose from hundreds of skins, templates, icons, buttons, fonts, colors, and more to create unique and attractive designs. You can also add your own logo, watermark, music, voice-over, narration, and more to enhance your branding and identity. You can also create different versions of your virtual tours for different languages, markets, or audiences.

Support and Updates

3D Vista software provides excellent customer service and regular updates to its users. You can access the online help section, tutorials, videos, forums, blogs, and FAQs to learn more about the software and its features. You can also contact the support team via email or phone if you have any questions or issues. You can also receive free updates and new features for one year after purchasing the software, ensuring that you always have the latest version of 3D Vista software.


In conclusion, 3D Vista software is a professional virtual tour software that allows you to create stunning and interactive virtual tours with ease. You can download and install 3D Vista software on your device in a few simple steps, use it to create amazing virtual tours with various features and functions, and publish and share your virtual tours with your audience online or offline. You can also benefit from the quality, performance, customization, flexibility, support, and updates that 3D Vista software offers.

If you are looking for a reliable and powerful tool to create professional virtual tours that showcase your products, services, or locations in a realistic and immersive way, you should definitely try out 3D Vista software. You can download it from their official website or request a free trial for 30 days. You won't regret it!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about 3D Vista software:

  1. How much does 3D Vista software cost?
  2. There are two versions of 3D Vista software: 3D Vista Virtual Tour Standard and 3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro. The standard version costs $199 USD (one-time payment) and the pro version costs $499 USD (one-time payment). Both versions include free updates for one year.

  3. What are the differences between the standard and pro versions?
  4. The main differences between the standard and pro versions are the features that they offer. The pro version has more features than the standard version, such as 3D models interactivity, e-learning and training tours, live guided tours, HDR stitching, skin editor, and more. You can compare the features of both versions on their website.

  5. Can I use 3D Vista software on multiple devices?
  6. Yes, you can use 3D Vista software on multiple devices with one license key. However, you can only run one instance of the software at a time per license key. If you want to run multiple instances of the software at the same time on different devices, you need to purchase multiple license keys.

  7. Can I use my own domain name for my virtual tours?
  8. Yes , you can use your own domain name for your virtual tours if you upload them online using FTP or 3D Vista Hosting Service. You can also use a subdomain of if you prefer. You can change the domain name of your virtual tours on the tour properties panel.

  9. Can I edit my virtual tours after publishing them?
  10. Yes, you can edit your virtual tours after publishing them by opening them on 3D Vista software and making the changes that you want. Then, you can republish them using the same method that you used before. You don't need to create a new virtual tour file or link, as the changes will be automatically updated on the existing one.

I hope this article has answered your questions about 3D Vista software and how to download and use it to create professional virtual tours. If you have any other questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading!
