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Modulo Bonifico Poste Italiane Pdf Downloadl

Passive mode locking of high repetition rate lasers for harmonics generation. We present the first successful demonstration of a passively mode-locked, multiple-passage Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.44-microm wavelength and generating harmonics up to 80 at 3-mJ pulse energy by intracavity nonlinear wavelength conversion. The combination of intracavity frequency doubling and fourth-harmonic generation within a single gain-guided amplifier is scalable and versatile.South Korea's intelligence agency said Friday that the foreign ministry and military had picked up information on the possible threat of a North Korean missile attack after a third nuclear test, defusing any potential diplomatic crisis over Pyongyang's latest provocation. The Jeju island-based Korea Defence and Intelligence Service (KIS) said that North Korea's nuclear program and missile development had become more urgent due to US President Donald Trump's harsh stance over the North's nuclear and missile program. It also warned that the North could be planning to hold a major military parade in the vicinity of the April 15 launch of its Hwasong-14, the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) it has yet tested. The KIS said it had heard of the threat to carry out military exercises, which would presumably involve an ICBM test, earlier in the week in Japan but did not say how reliable the information was. The case was still being assessed, it said. North Korea test-fired a Hwasong-12 missile in October 2016 over northern Japan, heightening fears of a new missile test. The test was viewed as a provocative move, given the country's nuclear weapons program and frequent missile tests. Pyongyang repeatedly calls on Washington to halt what it says is its own "nuclear war" and end hostile US policy towards it. US President Donald Trump has warned North Korea of "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it does not stop provocations that he says threaten the United States. A series of escalations have followed North Korea's latest missile tests, with the powerful thermonuclear device detonating July 4 in its sixth and largest nuclear test. Pyongyang said it tested the nuclear device at a remote test site in the country's northeast. The North also claimed to have successfully tested a new type of "miniaturized" nuclear warhead that could fit on its missiles, and vowed to push ahead with its weapons programs.

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