MoveMetrics Freeware Edition Full Version Download [Mac/Win] ❕

MoveMetrics is a web analytics tool for path and visitor analysis that is available in a full and freeware edition. The software tells you all you want to know about how your visitors interact and navigate in your site. It has been designed to answer questions like: ■ Where do most visitors go after they enter my home page? ■ What percentage of visitors that came via a Google Adwords campaign actually filled in the sign-up form? ■ Where do visitors go after reading the product information? Does that also apply to visitors with a specific referrer? ■ What is the conversion percentage of visitors that visited the download section and payment pages in the last week? ■ Is there a strong visitor relation between product A and product B on my web site? Using MoveMetrics you can create a visitor behavior map and analyze these kind of questions. This application helps you measure the conversion between pages and it can also can filter visitors on referrers or search terms in your analysis. Here are some key features of "MoveMetrics Freeware Edition": ■ A graphical map that tells you more than a 1000 numerical statistics. ■ Analyze the conversion between pages in your site. ■ Filter on referrers and search terms in the conversion. ■ Optimize your Google Adwords and Adsense campaigns. ■ Compare different time periods with a simple click. Limitations: ■ This freeware edtion can only do analyses on a day-by-day basis. The full version can analyse over any period.







MoveMetrics Freeware Edition

The MoveMetrics Full Version has two editions: Standard and Professional. Standard edition is intended for the user who just needs a simple analysis of a certain period, but he still needs to understand his visitors and his page paths. This edition doesn’t give more information than the Standard edition but in this case it’s much cheaper. Professional edition is intended for the user who wants to analyze a longer period or wants to get a much more detailed analysis, for example how long the path from home page to a certain product is. This edition is much more expensive than the Standard edition. This application is a web analytics tool for path and visitor analysis that is available in a full and freeware edition. The software tells you all you want to know about how your visitors interact and navigate in your site. It has been designed to answer questions like: ■ Where do most visitors go after they enter my home page? ■ What percentage of visitors that came via a Google Adwords campaign actually filled in the sign-up form? ■ Where do visitors go after reading the product information? Does that also apply to visitors with a specific referrer? ■ What is the conversion percentage of visitors that visited the download section and payment pages in the last week? ■ Is there a strong visitor relation between product A and product B on my web site? Using MoveMetrics you can create a visitor behavior map and analyze these kind of questions. This application helps you measure the conversion between pages and it can also can filter visitors on referrers or search terms in your analysis. Here are some key features of "MoveMetrics Freeware Edition Cracked Version": ■ A graphical map that tells you more than a 1000 numerical statistics. ■ Analyze the conversion between pages in your site. ■ Filter on referrers and search terms in the conversion. ■ Optimize your Google Adwords and Adsense campaigns. ■ Compare different time periods with a simple click. Limitations: ■ This freeware edtion can only do analyses on a day-by-day basis. The full version can analyse over any period. Version: 2008 Description: MoveMetrics Full Version The MoveMetrics Full Version has two editions: Standard and Professional. Standard edition is intended for the user who just needs a simple analysis of a certain period, but he still needs to understand his visitors

MoveMetrics Freeware Edition Crack + Free Download [32|64bit]

From basic questions to advanced, and everything in between, the free edition of MoveMetrics is the perfect instrument to answer all your questions. The easy to use software can also be used to generate a simple email report with up to 1000 numeric statistics. This tool is perfect for running day-to-day analyses and reports on websites that are being or have been developed and optimized. The freeware edition is perfect for small to medium sized websites. More information about the freeware edition can be found on Features of the free edition: • View up to 1000 numeric statistics (on a single day) for one website. • Export data to spreadsheet for further analysis. • E-Mail report of your analyzed data. The database is saved as.csv format and can be opened with almost any spreadsheet software. • Optimize your Google Adwords and Adsense campaigns • Compare websites over time • Calculate simple conversions between pages • Filters on referrals and search terms • Optimizes your Google Adwords and Adsense accounts • Drag and drop interface What do you need to start your free analysis? • A small site that has been optimized for Google Adwords How to download MoveMetrics: • Register here and get your key • Download the free version from our website. • Upload the zip file on your server. • Go to the website and download the freekey. • Enter the key into the software and register your free key. • Now you have the tools to generate a simple e-mail report for your website. • The free edition can analyze up to 1000 pages in one day and a total of 300.000 page-views. • More detailed information about the software and more FAQs can be found on our website. The free edition of the software is a perfect tool to answer basic questions such as how many visitors do I have a specific date or time, how do visitors navigate the site, how do visitors convert and to which pages they convert. The free edition includes some basic tools for these kind of analyses. What is MoveMetrics? MoveMetrics is a tool that analyses your visitors' behavior on your site. This software tracks your visitors' actions and it tells you all you want to know about how your visitors interact and navigate in your site. In the freeware edition, you can a86638bb04

MoveMetrics Freeware Edition Crack+

What does "MoveMetrics" want to achieve? Well, everything that "WebSideStory" did already. Both applications do the same thing, but "MoveMetrics" does it for free and "WebSideStory" does it for a price. MoveMetrics is a web analytics tool for path and visitor analysis that is available in a full and freeware edition. The software tells you all you want to know about how your visitors interact and navigate in your site. It has been designed to answer questions like: ■ Where do most visitors go after they enter my home page? ■ What percentage of visitors that came via a Google Adwords campaign actually filled in the sign-up form? ■ Where do visitors go after reading the product information? Does that also apply to visitors with a specific referrer? ■ What is the conversion percentage of visitors that visited the download section and payment pages in the last week? ■ Is there a strong visitor relation between product A and product B on my web site? Using MoveMetrics you can create a visitor behavior map and analyze these kind of questions. This application helps you measure the conversion between pages and it can also can filter visitors on referrers or search terms in your analysis. Here are some key features of "MoveMetrics Freeware Edition": ■ A graphical map that tells you more than a 1000 numerical statistics. ■ Analyze the conversion between pages in your site. ■ Filter on referrers and search terms in the conversion. ■ Optimize your Google Adwords and Adsense campaigns. ■ Compare different time periods with a simple click. Limitations: ■ This freeware edtion can only do analyses on a day-by-day basis. The full version can analyse over any period. Related Features: ■ Go over the following: ■ Real time ■ User behavior ■ User flow ■ Behavioural analysis ■ Key words ■ Landing pages ■ Click and call ■ Conversion ■ Payment ■ Account / Credit card ■ Referer ■ Content ■ Social ■ Facebook ■ Twitter ■ Google ■ Bing ■ Blogs ■ E-mails

What's New In MoveMetrics Freeware Edition?

Get better insights about your visitors, improve the efficiency of your website and receive a free evaluation version for 3 months by signing up on MoveMetrics. Here is what you get with this trial version: 1. Real-time conversions maps Create real-time conversions maps to see all relevant data for your website. View the path of visitors in real-time, click on the locations to access the event history or to further analyze the traffic. Create a standard and a map per location. 2. Pages Analyze a page by page: What are visitors looking for on my website? Which pages attract the most visitors and where do the most visitors convert? Why are they leaving my website without completing a transaction? Which pages have the best user experience? 3. Conversion rates See the conversion rates on a page-by-page basis: What percentage of visitors read the contact form on my web page? What percentage converted and where on my website? Is the conversion statistics similar on all pages? Which pages lead to a higher conversion rate? 4. Filters Annotate your page-by-page analysis: Create filters for different users, types of visitors and conversion locations. Calculate the conversion percentage for every visitor group and filter by referrer or keyword. 5. User behavior maps Get a visual overview of your website visitors by creating and analyzing a user behavior map. See the path of visitors and interactions on your website in a map: What is the typical path of a visitor through your website? What is the traffic volume of my website? Where are most visitors coming from? Where do the most visitors convert? Where do visitors go after they read the product information? 6. Site information See all the insights about your website: Get an overview of your site, your website traffic and your visits and conversions. Learn about the performance of your keywords in Adwords or your website in Google Analytics. See the performance of your site and websites in the network. MoveMetrics Full Edition Get better insights about your visitors, improve the efficiency of your website and receive a free evaluation version for 3 months by signing up on MoveMetrics. MoveMetrics is a web analytics tool for path and visitor analysis that is available in a full and free edition. The software tells you all you want to know about how your visitors interact and navigate in your site. It has been designed to answer questions like: ■ Where do most visitors go after they enter my home page? ■ What percentage of visitors that came via a Google Adwords campaign actually filled in the sign-up form!NEW!

System Requirements:

Minimum: OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i3-530 CPU Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 630 GPU or Radeon HD 6000 series Storage: 16 GB available space Input Devices: Keyboard and mouse Recommended: Processor: Intel Core i5-6300 CPU Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 GPU or Radeon R9 390 Series Input Devices: Keyboard and