Misaq E Madina In Urdu Pdf 30

Misaq E Madina In Urdu Pdf 30


Misaq E Madina In Urdu Pdf 30

The question inevitably arises: Why is he not mentioning that his party, and others parties, have a sectarian agenda in Pakistan - though they are on the ballot paper? This is a question that should be fully addressed, and Imran Khan cannot answer it. There are extremists in Pakistan who have the same sectarian agenda as Imran Khan. Hence there is no basis to say that they did not exist when he spoke of Madina. This is not to mention the fact that the other main political parties in Pakistan are also sectarian, with the same agenda as Imran Khan.

For instance, if the Court agrees that the Madina state is a development, then it should award the entire wealth of the state to the development. It is not the same thing as awarding a settlement to a litigant who loses in court. The wealth of the state is not a settlement for Imran Khan. It is wealth for the Pakistani people. It is the public property of the Pakistani people.

Darrell Castle was imprisoned for six years without charge or trial at the Marrakesh war crimes tribunal. He was caught with a Pakistani national, Habib Mehsud, who was carrying a copy of the Qur'an and other written material in Urdu and English, when he entered the ongoing trial. He had been the Vice-President of a Houston-based network known as the Houston Research Centre of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Houston (OH-CIO). When arrested, he was carrying hand-written notes from which it was learnt that the FBI had asked him to travel to the United States and to provide his services to the Muslim community in the United States.

the constitution and the islamic state (madina) was the first to recognise that all were equal before the law (except the jews as stipulated in the madina constitution.) the constitution gave even the non-muslim minority the rights of the muslims. this was the first time in the history of mankind that the law was applied to all equally. the constitution was based on the principles of "salaat-e-safaat" i.e. the equality of all nations. raymond: and let me repeat that. all muslims should be treated equally. even islamicsroland: and there are many 'breeds' of muslims! the earlier muslims of madina were black-skinned like those of abyssinia. in many muslim countries, the best jobs are reserved for the darker-skinned muslims. so many muslims in the usa are also darker-skinned. while i am certainly not privy to such an arrangement, imran khan can have in mind the following clear and apparent message of prophet muhammad (s) who had already used the term madina to describe the muslim state. the prophet of islam came to madina in order to establish a just islamic state. he called upon the quraish to embrace islam and the prophet of islam established the first islamic state in his life and that too in madina. therefore, madina is a model islamic state. the prophet of islam laid a special emphasis on the protection of non-muslim minorities in madina, which is of interest to imran khan. imran khans comment also makes it clear that he is willing to protect the interests of the minorities in the rest of the country in accordance with the prophetic principles. 5ec8ef588b
