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A: You can't combine column headers and rows. The way you're attempting to do it is a rare attempt at a formula. On an added note, you have a few other problems in your current approach. You have lines in your current tables with a width different than your table columns, since the table is more than 1 character wide. You have lines with the same column title in multiple rows. You have the columns in different rows all being in the same column, which is not possible. You have the table not aligned to the sides of the page. Hopefully the links and screen shots will help make it more obvious. of a person of lower income and that her individual situation was insufficient to set up special relief. She added that she knew of no right of social security beneficiaries to receive even a large amount of money without exact and complete proof of loss. She did not read from the record the evidence presented on the first trial, and she did not recall *771 that the administrator for social security had stated that the wife had not yet incurred medical expenses. Nothing in the objection that she was not notified that the case was going to be tried on a third trial appears to have been made against the sufficiency of the evidence to prove the items in the prayer, and there is no showing in the record that the judge gave any weight to the objection. In the absence of such a showing the objection is not available on appeal. Merchants' Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. v. Waters, 186 Ala. 599, 64 So. 113; Fincher v. Caffey, 241 Ala. 147, 1 So.2d 786; Priest v. Bishop, 256 Ala. 16, 53 So.2d 579. Since the evidence was not before the trial judge, we will not rule on the issues as presented on this appeal. While it is argued that we should assume that the evidence was sufficient because of the failure to support the action of the trial court in directing a verdict, it is not considered necessary to consider that issue. We note that the first two items in the prayer, namely, medical expenses and the loss of future income, were before the jury in the first trial and that they returned a verdict against the estate in an amount apparently approximately equal to the total sum asked for by the plaintiffs. While ordinarily if the amount of a verdict is the same as that awarded by the court in a directed verdict, the verdict should be set 50b96ab0b6

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