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In fact, a 2003 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people who have more casual sex are more likely to be overweight, smoke, drink heavily, and have an STD, as well as die younger and have a harder time getting pregnant than their less promiscuous counterparts. (Of course, the results didn't take into account a person's motivation for having sex.) The same article stated that even casual sex appears to shorten people's lives. The rate of death among those who are sexually active, as opposed to those who have sex less than five times a year, is 64 percent higher than that of those who never have sex. Sounds gross, right? New research from the University of Leicester, however, adds that having many casual sex partners over a lifetime can actually make you live longer. The study found that the more people who have sex with a partner, the more their livers work and the more their fat metabolizes and dissipates. The method, called the y-shaped liver, serves to aid in removing toxins that would otherwise build up in a person's body. My friend Erica has been doing research on this very topic. She came up with six key questions to ask yourself before jumping into a casual hookup: • Have you ever had casual sex with this person? • Have you ever planned to have casual sex with this person? • Is this casual sex planned (i.e. is there a date set)? • Do you feel a true connection to this person? • Is there a significant other involved in your lives? • Are your families on the same page as you? To find a partner you're on the same page as, use apps like Bumble or OkCupid, Erica said. If a member of the opposite sex flirts with you in a public place, say in the subway or the grocery store, that's a good thing! If it feels like he or she is really interested, let them know where you're at and that you're not interested. You might run into a "frigid friend," a girl or guy who you're not really into but who seems just as lost as you are, Erica said. Even if you don't have the same intention, casual sex is probably most healthy at the onset of a relationship, as long as both people are past their adolescence and are emotionally ready. Casual sex should not replace a relationship, but it can relieve some of the pressure that can build up in
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While there are a plethora of reasons why casual sex could be detrimental to your health, two of the more popular theories on why cheating is bad for you are that it affects your relationship satisfaction and leads to higher risk of heart disease. People who have casual sex suffer from higher levels of stress and anxiety, which is why their relationships tend to break down quicker. Meanwhile, the idea that casual sex leads to an increased risk of heart disease has been around for a while. To clarify, however, research does suggest that people who have multiple sexual partners have a higher risk of heart disease, so an isolated one-night stand doesn't necessarily lead to health risks. To enjoy casual sex without ruining your current relationships, you're going to want to know the potential pros and cons before starting down the path. Is the person you're casually hooking up with really a good fit? Do you feel comfortable with their expectations? Are you better off just not cheating? There are a number of strategies for making casual sex with someone you don't care about as easy as dating an acquaintance. Create a Firewall A successful sex buddy won't see you as an object. Instead, they will treat you with respect and make time for you. So, make sure to be upfront about your primary relationship, and make sure that you stay committed to each other. You won't be able to hide the fact that your significant other is in the picture, but that doesn't mean you need to make them your core priority. Instead, make it clear that your priority is what you and your partner share as a couple. If necessary, buy a copy of The Game and ask your sex buddy to teach you how to use it. What is Casual Sex? The media has recently been pointing the finger at women as the "casual" hookup gender.While the idea of casual sex may be new and sexy, there is no such thing as casual sex.The idea of casual sex means having sex without a long term relationship, and this, coupled with its sexiness, is a big draw for many, who may not be in a long-term relationship and don't want a long-term relationship.Others may choose to have casual sex because they feel like their partner isn't ready for a long term relationship, or they're unsure if their relationship is going to last. While it may seem like a fun, sexy way to blow off steam, casual sex is, in many ways, more selfish than the alternative of hooking up with someone you