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Even if your girlfriend and you enjoy everything in this article, I suggest taking some time to answer this question for yourself. Whatever your answer is, one thing is for sure: you're not the person who needs to join this group. These women have the right to keep their love and romance out of the equation. They're strong, smart, and gorgeous enough to handle a night with no strings attached. As for men, think about yourself before you think about somebody else. At the end of the day, it's your choice. In the 70s, committed relationships became a novel, healthy, and socially acceptable concept. It was once a very odd notion, at least in the United States, that someone would be so firmly attached to someone else for more than a year, or in some cases, a decade. Teenagers were allowed to date, but with a clear understanding that this was not a first step toward serious, long-term relationships. In those days, girls dated boys and did what they did with their boyfriends, but they never really intended to get too serious and meant it. That obviously changed by the 90s, with the advent of gay rights and feminism, but the subtext for most people in the '70s and '80s was that a woman might become a lifelong girlfriend, but a man could not become a lifelong boyfriend. Colloquially, the term hookup means having sexual intercourse with someone without any pre-existing emotional or romantic attachment. Some people define it more stringently, requiring that there is at least some degree of emotional intimacy, possibly including sex. This more narrow usage usually excludes casual sexual encounters between people who have only had one or more one-night stands. As many girls in college don't know yet, girls are often the ones who say no. Hey girl, it's super common (and super hot) to have sex with someone who's super amazing, but you shouldn't feel like you need to. If you want to be more serious, you can say "no thanks" because you see it as something one-sided and just aren't interested right now. Of course, that doesn't mean she's completely off the table — there's nothing wrong with keeping each other on the DL and being more than friends for the time being. Lisas body is like a box of chocolates: some hot, some mediocre, and some cold. The trick is knowing how to handle each type. I know I’m seeing a lot of you
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That didn't work. He just looked at me kind of blankly. Then he politely reminded me that he was way out of my league. I gave him the ol' smile, the one that says, "I understand," then got up to go and nurse the sting of rejection. He just….5 (13) S1---C1---C6---C5 −0.7 (11) C9---C10---C11---C12 1.5 (14) C2---C1---C6---C5 −174.3 (6) C9---C10---C11---C15 −177.9 (7) C1---C6---C7---N8 −13.1 (11) C15---C11---C12---C13 178.2 (9) C5---C6---C7---N8 166.5 (7) C10---C11---C12---C13 −3.0 (14) C1---C6---C7---C8 170.7 (6) C11---C12---C13---C14 2.7 (16) C5---C6---C7---C8 −14.2 (9) C12---C13---C14---C15 −1.4 (17) N8---C7---C8---N9 8.1 (9) C13---C14---C15---C11 −1.1 (15) C6---C7---C8---N9 −172.8 (5) C13---C14---C15---C16 −179.0 (8) N8---C7---C8---N10 −172.0 (7) C12---C11---C15---C14 1.9 (12) C6---C7---C8---N10 7.8 (9) C10---C11---C15---C14